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Asset of the MonthAsset of the Month
NEW IN 2015
Extreme trenching reating a trench might seem like precise control of pres- a straight forward task. But, then sure and ? ow, giving a
C introduce varying geotechnical high degree of ? exibility conditions and then put your trench on in varied environmental the seabed – and it becomes a little less conditions. UT-1 can straight forward. make multiple passes
However, in 2007, in northeast along the pipeline or
England, which has a heritage of subsea cable to ensure the target
DeepOcean’s UT-1 awaiting deployment. Spot the humans!
machinery, a new piece of equipment trench depth is met. Jets was launched to make the task simple. mounted on the bottom of the jet legs can offshore Egypt.
It’s the Ultra Trencher 1, or UT-1 – a also be used to create soil collapse and Installation and simultaneous jet 63-tonne (in air), 2.1MW, 7.8m-high, back? ll of the product. trenching of 240km of seismic array cable 9.4m-wide beast able to work in up to Permanently mobilized onboard on ConocoPhillips’s Eko? sk Life of Field 1500m water depth. DeepOcean’s multi-role subsea construc- Seismic Project offshore Norway, which
DeepOcean (at the time known as tion vessel Volantis; UT-1 is deployed saw the introduction of UT-1’s cable
CTC Marine Projects) developed UT-1 using a heave compensated launch capture tool to allow for simultaneous to push the boundaries of jet trench- and recovery system, which includes lay and trench operations and upgraded ing capacity, power and depth rating to a submersible latch beam, cursor and swords allowing increased jetting exceed any free ? ying jet trencher in the high-speed constant tension winch for performance • market – and it’s still the market leader, deployment in heavy seas. Installation and post lay jet trenching
UT-1’s ? rst project was trenching a subsea says Thomas Howard, business develop- of a 105km HVDC bundled power cable export power cable for E.ON’s Alpha Ventus ment manager – Intervention & Cable between Jindo and Jeju in South Korea, offshore wind farm in the German North
Installation. where the UT-1 achieved 3m depth of
Do you have an
Sea in 2008. UT-1 has since trenched some
He says, despite lowering in a single pass along areas of idea for an asset 650km of subsea product including; pipe- its size, UT-1 is agile the route. we should feature? • lines, umbilicals, power cables and seis- and con? gurable for Post lay jet trenching of 174km of the
Contact news@ mic cables in Europe, the Mediterranean, applications includ- 30in. Liwan pipeline in 205m water
OEdigital.com the Americas and the Far East. ing trenching up to depth for CNOOC in China.
One of its next projects will be inter array 43in-diameter pipelines to small seismic Notable projects include: • cable installation on the Bligh Bank Phase array cables. UT-1’s trenching system Installation and post lay jet trenching of
II Offshore Wind Farm offshore Belgium, comprises a 3m twin-legged jet tool a 20km control umbilical in 330m water which includes the installation and trench- mounted on double scissor linkage and depth as part of a larger construction ing of 50 inter array cables next year. uses sophisticated drive motors to allow package on Eni’s North Bardawil ? eld
September 2015 | OE oedigital.com 100 124_OE0915_100_Asset of the Month.indd 124 8/20/15 10:15 AM