Page 20: of Offshore Engineer Magazine (Nov/Dec 2023)
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OFFSHORE WIND ture increased passenger capacity. charts show, the long-term contracted SOV supply has
Catamarans remain the dominant hull type, but there are grown at a fairly steady rate, whereas the SOV segment also an interesting number of surface effect vessels, SWATH is currently going through a signifcant growth spurt. The (small waterplane area twin hull), trimarans, CTVs featur- one concern for this segment remains that SOVs are a ing outriggers and a CTV featuring a hydrofoil. comparatively commoditized item, which is relatively easy
Waterjets and twin fxed pitch propellors are the leading so- to package and explain to investors, fueling the risk for lutions for active vessels, but the Volvo Penta quad IPS system speculative and over-building.
has gained much favor, featuring in over 50% of new builds. The trend for the SOV segment is for battery-based die-
The SOV segment is defned by those vessels more fo- sel electric propulsion systems, where the engines feature cused towards longer term O&M work and those vessels some form of fuel fexibility to accommodate hydrogen suited to turbine commissioning projects, the latter which energy carriers, such as methanol and liquid organic hy- generally requires more technicians to be housed. As the drogen carriers (LOHC).