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By recognizing these achievements, the COS Safety Lead- members. Forum attendees vote to determine the award ership Award encourages other companies to adopt similar winners after seeing all six presentations.

practices, nurturing a continuous cycle of learning and im- Last year, Occidental Petroleum won top honors in the provement across the industry. operator category for its Oxy Heat Stress Program, which

It is no coincidence then that the award is presented at protects workers from the health risks posed by extreme the Annual COS Forum (Forum), COS’ industry event temperatures in offshore environments. Through rigor- where safety trends, challenges and innovations are dis- ous audits, monitoring and the deployment of heat stress cussed by industry leaders. The Safety Leadership Award aids, Oxy aims to both reduce and mitigate heat incidents. presentation has become a focal point of this forum, pro- Since its launch in 2020, Oxy has led to improvements viding a high-profle platform for fnalists to showcase in heat stress management metrics, along with a notable their achievements. reduction in heat-related incidents.

In the contractor category, Valaris was recognized for

Previous Award Winners its innovative approach to onboarding new offshore em-

Each year before the Forum, the COS Board reviews all ployees. Its immersive “Valaris Basic Training” program nominations, selecting fnalists in both the operator and repurposed one of its offshore assets into a training rig, contractor categories. These fnalists are then highlighted offering recruits an authentic, hands-on introduction to at the annual event, where their impactful contributions offshore work. The program signifcantly improved safety and program successes are detailed and shared among outcomes and retention rates among new employees.


Offshore Engineer