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Nominate for the 2024 COS Safety No stone left unturned and nothing

Leadership Award in return

This year, COS will again present Safety Leadership In the pursuit of offshore safety, the industry cel-

Awards in the operator and contractor categories, recog- ebrates its safety frst, safety always mission, striving nizing those who have made signifcant advancements in for no incidents and no catastrophic failures. And it is safety management practices, focusing on accident risk precisely this pursuit that highlights the importance of reduction and systematic safety improvements. the COS Safety Leadership Award. This tangible recog-

Help COS identify the projects or initiatives over the nition celebrates the rigorous and often unnoticed ef- past year deserving of this coveted recognition. Submit your forts that prevent incidents, transforming the industry’s nomination and description for the projects or initiatives abstract goal into a concrete achievement celebrating that exemplify the highest standards of safety excellence. By proactive steps.

submitting a nomination, you are given a chance to high- Please take a few minutes to nominate the projects or light your company’s achievements while contributing to the initiatives that you feel best exemplify the development collective learning and improvement of the industry. Nomi- and sharing of good safety management practices. Nomi- nations are open until June 28, 2024; the six fnalists (three nees must also provide a description of the program, in each category) will be showcased at the 2024 COS Forum which the COS Board will use when selecting the fnal- in Houston, September 26, 2024. Your company does not ists. You can download the nomination form here. Nomi- need to be a COS member to submit a nomination. nation deadline is June 28, 2024.


Offshore Engineer