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Take a deeper dive into Survitec Gauntlet, a pioneering new energy containment safety device, in this

OE TV interview with the developers.

protocols over these particular issues are ambiguous, not- broader strategy for safety enhancement. Survitec’s exist- ing that authorities have advised duty holders and opera- ing lineup of safety solutions includes lifeboats, life rafts, tors to take responsibility to make their work areas safe. marine evacuation systems, fre systems, life jackets, im- “The Gauntlet offers a step change in safety controls,” mersion suits, etc.

Gwynne emphasized, highlighting its certifcation and rig- “Survitec has been providing safety solutions to pro- orous testing in collaboration with Lloyd’s Register. This tect lives and reduce risk for well over 100 years. We’ve approval ensures that operators now have a reliable solu- always been at the forefront of safety innovation, and take tion to effectively manage and mitigate the risks associated immense pride in being a global leader for critical safety with actuator failures. equipment and survival solutions,” Montgomery said. “It

Since its introduction, the Gauntlet has received posi- is crucial that the working environment is as safe and risk- tive feedback and adoption by major and supermajor op- free as humanly possible, and the Gauntlet supports Sur- erators across the U.K. and North Sea. Gwynne noted, vitec striving towards this goal.” “There’s been signifcant implementation of the Gauntlet As assets continue to age and risks escalate, the Gauntlet system, which has overnight provided immediate resolu- represents not just a solution but a pivotal advancement in tion to what would be a considerable hazard and risk to ensuring safer working environments offshore.

personnel and plant.” This widespread acceptance under- “The risk of activator failure will increase as assets age, scores its role as a critical component in safeguarding off- increasing the risk to lives and equipment. Currently, the shore operations. Gauntlet is the only approved safety solution to address

David Montgomery, Head of Sales UK, Survitec, un- the risk. And as such, forms a key part of our strategy for derscored how the Gauntlet aligns with the company’s safety enhancement in the industry,” Montgomery said.


Offshore Engineer