Tion Systems

  • MT May-24#8  the maritime industry must 
tion systems, all interconnected)
    May 2024 - Marine Technology Reporter page: 8

    a port or other maritime facility. systems, including navigation, propulsion, and communica- To address these challenges, the maritime industry must tion systems, all interconnected through sometimes complex prioritize cybersecurity as a fundamental component of ves- networks. While these advancements enhance

  • MR May-24#48  a few examples: tion systems, serving in this role)
    May 2024 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 48

    1980 she to meet its many demanding mission requirements. Here are changed missions to become a test ship for submarine naviga- just a few examples: tion systems, serving in this role for two decades. USNS Taluga (T-AO 62) was the ? rst Navy oiler converted USNS Observation Island has a similar pedigree

  • MT Jan-24#23  of this is the tremendous  tion systems (INS) improved they)
    January 2024 - Marine Technology Reporter page: 23

    and to extend the reach of size, weight, power and cost (SWAP-C) of inertial naviga- manned platforms. A great example of this is the tremendous tion systems (INS) improved they became a standard offer- capability that torpedo tube launch and recovery (TTLR) of ing which allowed the vehicles to stay

  • MN Apr-23#21  a formal role within the  tion systems – data. AIS tells what)
    April 2023 - Marine News page: 21

    a registration link on its website, Traf? c analysis is done using AIS – automatic identi? ca- although DOE does not have a formal role within the tion systems – data. AIS tells what kind of ships are in a conference organization and presentations. proposed WEA and the vessels’ locations. The 2023 conference

  • MN Nov-22#51 , navigation and communica-
tion systems into the central control)
    November 2022 - Marine News page: 51

    console arrangement, which provides an ergonomic control platform in the pilot house that integrates all the elec- tronics, navigation and communica- tion systems into the central control. “The operators on board value these features and comment on the reduced fatigue. This has been our standard for new

  • MT Sep-22#59  achieve an annual turn- tion systems; manufactured primarily)
    September 2022 - Marine Technology Reporter page: 59

    , global workforce of 1,500 people ged pan and tilt units and video inspec- centred on a multibeam echosounder. and will achieve an annual turn- tion systems; manufactured primarily Initially, they’re targeting nearshore over of $250 million. Together, iX- for the oceanographic, nuclear and de- cable

  • MN Oct-22#71  systems, ? re detection systems and methane,  is something)
    October 2022 - Marine News page: 71

    yet again. The manufacturer is a leader in clean agent ? re the build process, and even more importantly, when there suppression systems, ? re detection systems and methane, is something wrong, because there will always be a service gasoline and propane detection systems. It also manufac- need or something

  • MT Jul-22#61  uses its proprietary 
tion systems. As VP Operations,)
    July 2022 - Marine Technology Reporter page: 61

    , a U.S. builder and 18 months. production of the RNAV2 diver naviga- operator of remote and autonomous un- The company uses its proprietary tion systems. As VP Operations, she is dersea systems and sensors, will team marine robotic technology to collect responsible for software and hardware on

  • MN Apr-22#29  from Rose Point Naviga-
tion Systems. As described, it offers)
    April 2022 - Marine News page: 29

    simply viewing a map on a screen (though that’s an integral capability, of course). Consider the widely-used Rose Point ECS4 from Rose Point Naviga- tion Systems. As described, it offers new voyage planning tools to the in- land sector (with its “Inland” add-on), which can streamline the work steps of Subchapte

  • MT Mar-22#56  acoustic modem product 
tion systems. At FSI’s core is in-)
    March 2022 - Marine Technology Reporter page: 56

    stint in the R&D de- side-scan sonar system, and the transducers; and acoustic reloca- partment of the company ensuing ATM-800 acoustic modem product tion systems. At FSI’s core is in- upon his graduation in 1982. line. In 1999 Datasonics was sold novative system and design en- In 1986, Hegg joined the U

  • MT Sep-21#71  SLAM, he says, depending 
tion systems. At the end of a mission)
    September 2021 - Marine Technology Reporter page: 71

    in the water with the garage drives out of the dock, avoiding a need for heave compensa- could be using BlueComm or 3D SLAM, he says, depending tion systems. At the end of a mission, it’s driven back in using on what an operator wants. “Docking underwater has a lot of a Wi-Fi connection to it from

  • MT Oct-20#42  positions on the seabed.   tion systems, including moving from)
    October 2020 - Marine Technology Reporter page: 42

    vertical) and a USBL positioning system, travel to pre- In 2018, ARL started working with RGU on swarm localisa- programmed positions on the seabed. tion systems, including moving from an initial seabed position to another. It’s not all seismic ARL currently has two system con? guration concepts; a Sea

  • MT Jun-20#57  then continuously updated  tion systems, forecasting the ocean’s)
    June 2020 - Marine Technology Reporter page: 57

    given time. These Eulerian The team ran their modeling and predic- dicting where to look frst, when using a predictions are then continuously updated tion systems, forecasting the ocean’s be- simple approach that directly predicts the when the next batch of updated velocity havior and currents, and used

  • MT Jun-20#25  Bluefn-12 UUVs,  Pittwater.
tion Systems (CIDS) is used to initiate)
    June 2020 - Marine Technology Reporter page: 25

    (MWT 16) to operate the four Blue- also completed acceptance trials at Zealand) Command Initiated Detona- fn-9 UUVs, three Bluefn-12 UUVs, Pittwater. tion Systems (CIDS) is used to initiate two USVs, three manned MCM Sup- Lt. Cmdr. John Sutherland, who com- the detonation. port Boats, and the Seafox Expendable

  • MT May-20#48  two years, we believe the 
tion systems, radiation sensors)
    May 2020 - Marine Technology Reporter page: 48

    and instruments, including product development. manipulators, positioning and naviga- Gibson, VideoRay In the past two years, we believe the tion systems, radiation sensors, water About 30% of VideoRay’s business in US military has made signifcant prog- quality, metal thickness, imaging and 2019

  • MR Mar-20#73  for global trade and  tion systems, especially the role)
    March 2020 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 73

    forces at sea protect free- littorals, waterways, and sea? oor; the rise of global informa- dom of maneuver, secure the sea-lanes for global trade and tion systems, especially the role of data in decision making economic growth, defend and promote key national interests and the security of data supporting

  • MN Mar-20#41 , the 2020 Great Lakes  tion systems, and replacement of)
    March 2020 - Marine News page: 41

    long the 1,600-mile, ice gray arch of the steel renewal, installation of advanced electronic naviga- St Lawrence Seaway, the 2020 Great Lakes tion systems, and replacement of safety equipment such commercial shipping season will lurch back as lifeboats. to life on March 25 when the Soo Locks at

  • MN Oct-19#14  and remote control 
tion systems for marine vessels)
    October 2019 - Marine News page: 14

    round of $10M in late 2018. We now ing provider of autonomous control and intelligent percep- have industrial marine-grade autonomy and remote control tion systems for marine vessels. Johnson earned a marine products on the market and have grown to a team of 35 engineering degree from Texas A&M University

  • MT Jul-19#66  the next decade and beyond. tion systems; and sensors and communicati)
    July 2019 - Marine Technology Reporter page: 66

    talent for their innovative R&D efforts in mote power systems; convertible energy systems; informa- Canada over the next decade and beyond. tion systems; and sensors and communications. https://oceancluster.ca www.nrc.canada.ca World’s largest towing tank The Marine Institute’s ROV Simulator Photo:

  • MR Sep-18#38  a relationship with 
portation Systems (CG-5PW) at USCG  The)
    September 2018 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 38

    LNMs can warn aware of it yet.” falls under the Director of Marine Trans- USAIMS.” mariners about hazards “Each district has a relationship with portation Systems (CG-5PW) at USCG The legacy IATO- such as a buoy that is their local Coast Guard auxiliary, which Headquarters, and is a tenant command NIS

  • MT Jul-18#27 , naval radio communica-
tion systems, syntactic foams for)
    July 2018 - Marine Technology Reporter page: 27

    ing equipment, naval radio communica- tion systems, syntactic foams for deep- water applications, life extender services: inspection, maintenance and upgrade of naval weapon system and offshore oil and gas installations. In 2018 ALSEAMAR built three new operational plants in the south of France: one 4

  • MN Aug-18#69  lethal 
Fire Alarm and Detection Systems,  safety systems. Firetrol)
    August 2018 - Marine News page: 69

    basis as ? rm’s products and services include variety of ? re suppression and life opposed to just offering a basic lethal Fire Alarm and Detection Systems, safety systems. Firetrol highlights its CO2 ? re suppression system. The Wet and Dry Sprinkler Systems, Alarm offering of alternative ? xed

  • MP Q1-18#63  ensures that users of automation systems have 
worked with propulsion)
    Mar/Apr 2018 - Maritime Logistics Professional page: 63

    Automation, has 24 years’ ex- Accessing the Data Goldmine perience from the Marine business. From the start he Høglund ensures that users of automation systems have worked with propulsion controls and automation sys- access to the potential goldmine of data they generate. This tems in the Ulstein group

  • MR Dec-17#19  of talent needs a  tion systems and data analytics
    December 2017 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 19

    new technology to systems and design (including cyber- the market. enabled physical systems), and informa- The next generation of talent needs a tion systems and data analytics culture of continuous learning, where Academia and businesses must be www.marinelink.com 19 MR #12 (18-25).indd 19 MR #12