Long Maritime Reporter 1991 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991A luncheon symposium called "The Marine Industry After Desert Storm—Lessons Learned," jointly sponsored by the International Cargo Handling Coordination Association (ICHCA)-USA and the Society of Marine Consultants Ltd., featuring speakers from the commercial and governmental marine sectors,
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991Three separate investigations into the future of emergency response services at sea are now under way. The International Salvage Union (ISU), representing 38 marine salvors in 26 countries, is participating in each study. The primary aim, in all cases, is to ensure that adequate emergency re
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991The National Defense Reserve Fleet is divided into two components. • One component—the Ready Reserve Fleet (RRF)—includes 96 ships that are routinely maintained so that they could be activated in 5,10, or 20 days. The Maritime Administration budgets about $225 million for RRF ships. • The o
- The International WORK BOAT SHOW page: 58
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991Sponsored by WorkBoat and National Fisherman December 5-7, 1991, New Orleans, Louisiana More than 10,000 workboat and commercial marine professionals are expected to gather at the Louisiana Superdome inNew Orleans, December 5-7,1991 for the 13th annual International Workboat Show, one of t
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991Ranging from a small, maneuverable coastal and inland multi-mission environmental boat to a large new generation deepwater supply vessel, this year's top ten workboats built by second-tier U.S. and Canadian shipyards represent a wide range of hull styles, technical innovations, operational
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991Coordination With Private Organizations Necessary For Effective National Investment The national spill response capability t h a t the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA) calls for may take a number of years to develop. The Congress thus provided for continued use of Coast Guard equipment to ass
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991In conference on October 1, the Senate receded to the House on the Ready Reserve Force (RRF) provisions in the fiscal year 1992 Maritime Administration appropriations bill. This action effectively killed the Senate amendment which would have restricted RRF purchases to U.S.-flag vessels and
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991New York, New York, November 13-16 One of the most import a n t marine shows in the U.S., the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engin e e r s (SNAME) Annual Meeting and International Maritime Exposition will holdits 1991 conference in New York City from November 13-16. The three
- A Word From The President page: 21
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991As the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers' 39th president, I have the privilege of leading the society up to its centennial. SNAME has grown from a small New York-centered organization to a society with worldwide membership, recognition and prestige. When it was established in
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991The Navy recently delivered to Congress a long-awaited plan on how the Service intends to conduct its sealift program. The Navy's strategic sealift implementation plan said it "would lead to a shipbuilding or major conversion program" with "its size, scope and mix determined by the MRS (mob
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991The latest addition to the Alaska fishing fleet is a new, longer version of Marco Shipyard's successful North Pacific freezer longliner design. The 141-foot Lilli Ann, recently christened in Seattle, Wash., was designed and built by Marco for Deep Pacific Fishing Co. of Seattle. The company
- Upcoming Events page: 118
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1991IMAS-91 in Sydney, Australia, November 11-13, 1991. The Institute of Marine Engineers will hold its Sixth International Maritime and Shipping Conference at the University of New South Wales. The theme of the conference will be high-speed marine transportation. Some 30 papers will be presente
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1991Regarded as one of the world's largest passenger ship shows, Cruise + Ferry has been scheduled for May 29 to 31, 1991 in London's Olympia 2 Conference and Exhibition Center. The biennial event, with its large international exhibition, is a premier meeting place for all those engaged in passe
- Navy Budgets $25.7 Billion For Ship Maintenance, Modernization Over Next Three Fiscal Years page: 43
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1991The Navy has budgeted $25.7 billion over the next three fiscal years for ship maintenance and modernization and for the purchase of mechanical systems, electronics and communications components and other equipment needed for replacement and modernization. Another $1.5 billion has been budget
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1991the Norsemen first cast off from her misty shores in their dragon-shaped long ships, Norway's prosperity has been intertwined with the sea. An integral part of this deep-rooted maritime tradition is a spirit of innovation which has enabled this rugged, mountainous country to remain in the fo
- NOR-SHIPPING "91 page: 26
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1991Oslo-Based Shipping Conference & Exhibition Expected To Be Largest In Years June 11-14 With the settling of hositilities in the Persian Gulf, the shipping community is once again able to turn its attention to such critical marine industry issues as ship finance, environmental and safety co
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1991Rapid technological advancement of large, fast, coastal and short-sea ferry designs is coinciding with favorable population and economic trends to create an important emerging new commercial market for U.S. shipyards and suppliers, according to TransTech Marine's report, "Analysis of Coastal
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1991Broadened Boatbuilding Capability Spurs New Growth One of Bayou La Batre, Alabama's very old timers years ago said, "You can hear anything in Bayou La Batre except money rattling and meat frying." Fish was the staple and the area generated little outside commerce, a situation not at all tru
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1991I n t e r m a r i n e USA recently launched the USS Osprey (MHC- 51) at its Savannah, Ga., shipyard. She is the first of a new class of GRP ships solely designed for minehunting. The Osprey, which features advanced technology to locate mines with sonar and then neutralize them via a remotely
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1991With the development of a new diesel engine series, Motoren-Werke Mannheim AG will systematically follow up, as announced last year, the concept of economical high-performance engines. Based on the successful series 628, of which over 1,500 units have been sold since its market launch more