Regarded as one of the world's largest passenger ship shows, Cruise + Ferry has been scheduled for May 29 to 31, 1991 in London's Olympia 2 Conference and Exhibition Center.
The biennial event, with its large international exhibition, is a premier meeting place for all those engaged in passenger shipping, its fleets and their ports, and most importantly, its future. According to the event's organizers, this year's show is expected to be double the size of the 1989 event, a reflection of the growth in the passenger vessel market.
At the 1989 show, more than 150 companies participated, representing one of the largest displays ever of specialist know-how in designing, building, outfitting and providing increasingly sophisticated on-board services for the cruise ships and ferries of the future.
With a huge cruise and ferry market still largely untapped in the U.S., a resurgence of cruising interest in Europe and the dawn of a new cruise era in Japan and the Pacific, there still are a number of prospects for growth.
Because of the introduction of increasingly sophisticated cruise ships, passenger expectations are rising rapidly and, to stay ahead, owners are looking for new and innovative ideas in design, construction and materials and in providing an ever widening range of passenger services.
The Cruise + Ferry 91 Exhibition will be a unique showcase for these new developments and will provide effective support for companies already active in the industry and for those seeking new market opportunities.
Shipbuilders, designers, hull machinery and equipment suppliers, port authorities, outfitters, and service suppliers will all be on hand to display their various goods and services.
The Olympia, located in the heart of London, was selected to accommodate exhibitors' display requirements and the spacious display halls will feature one of the world's largest international exhibitions serving cruise and ferry operations.
The market for fast ferries has also experienced rapid growth during the last 20 years. There has been a constant increase in demand from operators worldwide and advanced design and technological developments have opened up many more routes for high-speed ferries.
Fast ferry designs from the leaders in this field will be on exhibit.
At the Cruise + Ferry 89 Exhibition, international builders of these ever increasingly sophisticated ships were present from Australia, the U.K., Scandinavia and the U.S., and coverage of this large market will once again be highlighted and increased at Cruise + Ferry 91.
Shipbuilders and specialist suppliers will be able to effectively demonstrate developments in design, equipment, and the increasingly comprehensive on-board services now offered to maximize passenger comfort.
The expanded size of Cruise + Ferry's exhibition will be paralleled with a major enlargement of the scope of the conference, which now will feature nine main sessions, including one of 14 presentations on the very active fast ferry sector of the market. The conference will have a greater focus on efficient management and operation. The design sessions will focus on the glamorous exterior/interior designs of new and future cruise ships, with presentations on the use and design of deck spaces, as well as an examination of accommodation construction materials in the wake of the Scandinavian Star and other fire disasters.
Among the papers at the conference's Ship Design Session, which is divided into two parts on Thursday, May 30, and Friday, May 31, will be a report of passenger ship recommendations of the IMO Safety Committee, which convenes some days before the Cruise + Ferry Conference. The same session will include several presentations on new radical concepts, including an evaluation of the 2,614-passenger cruise ferry Silja Serenade which has ali- ready dramatically increased pasy senger occupancy by 1,000 passeni- gers per day on the operator's Stock- holm-Helsinki services. Delegates will be able to inspect the ship firsti- hand on a special post-conference tour, June 1-2.
The Silja Serenade, a Maritime Reporter "Outstanding Passenger Ship of 1990," features a spectacuv lar promenade mall, 26 feet wide, 460 feet long and five decks high, The promenade forms a natural social center where passengers can meet.
Partly sponsored by the builder Masa Yards (now part of Kvaerner) and the owner Silja Line, the event will offer an operational and techni- cal presentation and a comprehenti sive tour of the entire ship. Delei- gates will be charged a fee of 72 British pounds for a single cabin, dinner and breakfast, cocktails and the presentations for an overnight cruise from Stockholm to Helsinki.
Delegates must arrange their own air travel to Stockholm and return trip from Helsinki, For further information on regis- tration and exhibiting at Cruise + Ferry 91, contact: Cruise + Ferry Secretariat, 2 Station Road, Ricky mansworth, Herts WD3 1QP Eng- land; telephone: 44 (923) 776363; and fax: 44 (923) 777206.
Cruise & Ferry Conference Program Wednesday. May 29 9 a.m.—Registration desk and exhibition opens.
2 p.m.—Conference opens.
SESSION 1: Markets & Marketing "Prospects and Implications for the European and North American Cruise Markets," by Stanley I.
Buchin, senior consultant, Arthur D. Little.
"Car Ferries—Looking to the Future," by B.
Langford, passenger marketing and sales director, P&O European Ferries Ltd.
Papers to be discussed by ship operators panel consisting of: G. Hughes, managing director, Canberra Cruises/ Princess Cruises and chairman, Passenger Shipping Association; R. Sandstrom, vice president, Effjohn International; J.R. Sullivan, senior vice president, Cunard Europe; and B. Langford, see above.
"Corporate Identity in the Cruise Business—Is Redirection Needed?" by J.J. Lewis, president, Market Scope, Inc.
"Solving a Ferry/Cruise Contradiction—Combining Low Volume Essential Freight with Seasonal Passenger Traffic," by J.E.C. Cartwright, managing director, Isles of Scilly Steamship Co. Ltd.
and H.P. Simmons, director, TecnEcon.
"Recent and Future Developments in Baltic Ferry Shipping with a Changing Political Background," by A. Hader, senior researcher, Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics.
SESSION 2: Fast Ferries Part 1 (This session runs parallel to Session 1) "Ferry Routes, Ship Motions and Passenger Comfort—Analyzing the Relationship," by J.R.
MacGregor, principal SWATH naval architect, G.R. Lamb, chief of technology, andT.D. Kelley, chairman, SWATH Ocean International.
"Human Comfort Onboard Fast Passenger Ferries," by E. Brubakk, noise and vibrations section, and F. Tellsgaard, environmental loads section, Det norske Veritas Classification.
Paper title to be announced. Will be presented by P.C. Hercus, executive chairman, International Catamaran Designs.
To be followed by official welcome reception.
Thursday. May 30 SESSION 3: Interior/Exterior Design (including Fire Safety) "New Interpretations of the Interior to Exterior Relationship—The Importance of the 24-Hour Deck Environment," by B. Sonneveld, interior designer of cruise ships, ferries and megayachts, Studio Acht.
"Designing for Profit—Innovations to Improve Revenue on Ferries. New Club Class and Retail Facilities on P&O Vessels," by B. Finnegan, managing director, Portland Design Associates.
"Interior and Exterior Design Features of Luxury Cruise Ships—Sea Goddess—Seabourn Pride— Renaissance etc.," by P. Yran, Petter Yran and Bjorn Storbraaten Architects.
"Construction and Materials for Improved Fire Safety in Accommodations. Research in Surface Materials and Ceilings since the Scandinavian Star Disaster," by G. Jacobsen and B. Molgaard, Rockment A/S.
"The Application of Fire Retardant Glass in Passenger Vessels," by S. Howe, technical sales manager, Solaglas Firescreens.
SESSION 2: Fast Ferries Part 2 (Parallel to Sessions 3, 4 & 5) "Fast Craft and the Competition on the London- Paris and London-Brussels Routes. Time and Cost Comparisons City-to-City," by J. Charlier, research associate NFSR, Institute of Geography UCL, Belgium.
"A 50-Knot Gas Turbine-Powered Foilcat for 300- 400 Passengers," by E. Instanes manager, product development, Kvaerner Fjellstrand.
"The DB Catafoil—a New Foil-Assisted Catamaran Passenger Ferry. Breaking the 40-Knot Barrier at Minimum Cost," by N. Gee, senior partner, Nigel Gee & Associates.
"SES Developments in the Fast Commuter Range," speaker to be announced.
SESSION 4: Shipboard Management and Control (Parallel to Session 2 & 3) Integrated Shipboard EDP for Hotel Management/ Automatic (Dis)embarking/Telecommunication/ Shore Excursions/Goods Administration. Cashless Systems Prevent Money Leakage on Passenger Ships," by J.-M. Becker, ships, hotels & resorts department, Siemens Nixdorf.
"PC-Based On-Board Computer Management Systems with Security Options. Case Studies include 20-Station Installation on the Maxim Gorky," by P. Hovland, managing director, Pabulum Consultants.
SESSION 5: Operational Efficiency Part 1 (Catering/Waste and their Regulations) (Parallel to Session 2 & 3) "Meeting the U.S. Public Health Service Requirements with Minimum Investment for Existing and New Tonnage," by E.L. Soloman, National Sanitation Inspection Service.
"Galley Design on Passenger Ships—Hygiene— Safety—Functionality—Results," by P.G. Passalacqua, marketing director, Precetti SpA.
"Passenger Satisfaction from Five-Star Restaurant Service Requires New Thoughts on Catering and Waste Handling. And the USPH, USCG and Marpol must also be Satisfied," by G.J. Deerberg, managing director, Deerberg Systems, and R. Ghiselli, president, SeaKing.
Lunch for registered delegates.
SESSION 5: Operational Efficiency Part 2 (Parallel to Sessions 2 & 6) "Simulator Training for New Crews, New Ships and New Dimensions," by 0. Tersloev, Danish Maritime Institute, and I. Engan, senior vice president, Crystal Cruises.
"Fuel Economy Optimization in Ferry Voyage Management. New Propulsion Autocontrol Systems Demonstrates Significant Savings," by R.G.
Ceen, technical director, and J.R. Nichols, software engineering manager, C-Tech Systems, and J. Alsen, consultant, Hydrodynamik.
SESSION 6: Ship Design & Regulations Part 1 (Parallel to Sessions 2, 5 & 7) "The Fourth Generation Cruise Ferry Silja Serenade, The Realization of Its Unique Concept, with Problems, Solutions and Service Experience," by H. Kulovaara, Effjohn International and M. Niini, Masa Yards.
"Crystal Harmony—the First Major Japanese Cruise Ship Designed to Compete in International Markets," by T. Suzuki, deputy general manager, and T. Fukushima, manager, ship design department, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.
"New Design of Cruise Ferry with Emphasis on Capital Costs—Damaged Stability—Fire Safety— Environmental Aspects," by M. Kanevra, director, business development, Elomarine.
"Passenger Ship Regulations—Outcome of the 59th Session of the Maritime Safety Committee (13-24 May 1991)," by F. Plaza, senior deputy director, Maritime Safety Division, IMO.
"Passenger Ship Funnel Design Improvements from Wind Tunnel Investigations—Comparisons and Criteria," by P. Broas and L. Helle, technical research center of Finland, Ship Laboratory.
"Application of Light Alloy on Passenger Vessels," by G. Bacicchi, design department, and A. Maccari, Fincantieri.
SESSION 2: Fast Ferries Part 3 (Parallel to Sessions 5, 6 &&) "Regulatory Considerations for SWATH Ships," by A.P. Ritola, assistant vice president, regulatory affairs, ABS.
"Service Experience of the Seamaster Fast Displacement Catamaran (SWATH) Ferry," by R.
Milner, FBM Marine.
"Compact Diesel Engines for Fast Ferries," by G.
Haussmann, head of ship applications, MTU.
SESSION 7: Passenger Ship Management (Parallel to Sessions 2 & 6) "Managing the Increasing Burden of Safety Regulations & Legislation," by Capt. P.A. Heathcote, formerly, Marine Atlantic.
"Management of Revenue vs. Management Costs.
A Fresh Perspective on their Relative Effect on the Bottom Line," by M.E. Steller, vice president, Temple, Barker & Sloane.
"Developing and Applying a Service Rating System for Ferry Management—Passenger Volumes— Delays—Vehicle Traffic, etc.," by D. Robinson, division of highways, Department of Transportation, North Carolina.
"Maximizing Revenue from a Mixed Passenger/ Cargo Ferry Operation," by S.D. Smith, managing director, Third Wave Consulting.
Official evening cocktail reception for all delegates and spouses.
Friday. May 31 SESSION 6: Ship Design & Regulations Part 2 (Parallel to Sessions 2 & 8) "Ferry to Cruise Vessel Conversion—the Corsica Regina," by F. Aagaard Petersen, managing director, Knud E. Hansen.
"New Large Capacity Diesel-Electric Rail/Car/ Passenger Shuttle Ferries with a Small Crew and Maximum Safety," by A.M. Friis, managing director, Dwinger Marineconsult.
"Propulsion Considerations and Results for an Eight-Ship Series of Mini-Cruisers," by L.R. Hansen, senior technical manager, MAN B&W Diesel.
SESSION 2: Fast Ferries Part 4 (Parallel to Sessions 6 & 8) "The Impact of New High Performance Fast Ferries on Port Facilities—the Design Process," by D.
Byrne, managing director, Transmarine.
"Port Opportunities for Maximizing the Use of High- Speed Catamaran Ferries," by J. Rose, managing director, Marine Development.
SESSION 8: Destination Development (Parallel to Sessions 2 & 6) "Developing Out-lsland/Special Destinations for Enhancing Market Position and Additional Revenue," by Ricardo J. Fernandez, president, Indigo Service Corporation.
"Floating Concept Provides Destination Infrastructure for Cruise-and-Stay Eco-Tourism," by Gerhard Heid, consultant, Maritel.
SESSION 9: Passenger Terminals & Handling "Taking the Ship Style Onshore into the Design of Passenger Terminals," by Niels Kryger, architect.
"Cost Effective Solutions for Passenger and Baggage Handling through Prefabricated Modular Design," by Jes Boldsen, managing director, MacGregor-Navire, Marine Cranes/Elevators Division.
Close of conference.
Lunch for registered delegates.
Exhibition closes at 5 p.m.
Other stories from May 1991 issue
- Tidewater Negotiating Acquisition Of Zapata In $500 Million Deal page:
- Bender Acquires Large Dry Dock Formerly Operated At Todd Ship page: 6
- Chantiers To Construct Remaining 2 Of 6 Frigates In $95.5 Million Orde page: 8
- OBO Quartet From B&W Will Feature Innovative Kvaerner Hatch Covers page: 9
- Wartsila-Powered Semisubmersible 'Drillmar Y Completed By ASTANO page: 10
- Latest lnmarsat-2 Satellite Launch Provides More Capacity For COMSAT Customers page: 11
- Twin Disc Adds New Marine Transmission To MGN Series page: 12
- PDVSA Plans To Double Fleet By 1996 page: 12
- New Forward Scatter Turbidimeter Announced By McNab, Inc. page: 14
- BAYOU LA BATRE A Shipyard Success Story page: 16
- Report Predicts Growth In U.S. Coastal Ferry Market page: 24
- Litton Demonstrates First Fiberoptic Towed Array Sonar System page: 24
- Sewage Treatment Plant From Omnipure Available Now In Take-Apart Unit page: 24
- NOR-SHIPPING "91 page: 26
- Navy Budgets $25.7 Billion For Ship Maintenance, Modernization Over Next Three Fiscal Years page: 43
- Robertson-Shipmate Introduces GPS Navigation System page: 49
- Unique U.S. Navy Minehunter, First Of New MHC Class, Launched At Intermarine USA page: 50
- B&W Combination Carrier Design Complies With New US Tanker Legislation page: 50
- New Viking Videos Teach Lifesaving Techniques To Vessel Crews page: 50
- Cruise Lines Report Increased Bookings page: 50
- CAORF Selected For Rotterdam Study page: 51
- CRUISE + FERRY 1991 CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION London, May 29-31 page: 52
- Kvaerner To Help HHI Construct LNG Carriers page: 56
- Ferry Simulation Offered For Training By CAORF At USMMA In Kings Point page: 57
- Largest Casino/Passenger Boat Delivered By Patti Shipyards To Roberts River Rides page: 58
- Paxman Secures U.S. Navy Contract To Supply 32 Diesel Engines For New Patrol Boat Program page: 58
- IFC To Build Stern Section Of Superferry After Leasing VPSI Facilities page: 58
- Pentagon Seeks To Expand, Modernize Sealift Fleet page: 59
- The Effect Of Ship Design On Ports page: 60
- Port Briefs NATIONAL SCENE page: 61
- Port Briefs INTERNATIONAL SCENE page: 63
- New MTU Series 595 Engine, First Of Type To Enter Service, Installed On Ferry 'Deutschland' page: 64
- Damen Delivers New Type Police Surveillance Launch page: 65
- Bird-Johnson Awarded ANAZC C-P Propeller, Shafting Supply Contract page: 65
- Full Line Of GMDSS Products From Raytheon Marine —Literature Available— page: 66
- Deutz MWM Introduces New Big-Engine Series page: 67
- Del Gavio Marine Announces Relocation —Literature Available page: 68
- Burmeister & Wain Delivers First Vessel In Series Of Six To Polish Steamship Company page: 68
- DTRC Soliciting White Papers For Sealift Cargo Handling Systems page: 69
- High-Speed Catamaran Ferry Planned Between Vancouver And Victoria page: 69
- Royal Schelde Exhibits Versatility In Shipbuilding page: 70
- Offerors For Operation Of Deep-Ocean Research Ships Sought By Navy page: 70
- Elliott Manufacturing Catalog Features Remote Valve Operators For Ships page: 71
- Safer Navigation With Disc Navigation System From Robertson Tritech page: 72
- $823.4 Million Program For East German Yards Being Prepared By Bonn page: 73
- Two Louisiana Yards Awarded Environmental Vessel Contracts page: 73
- Kvaerner Eureka Offers 20-Page, Full-Color 'Marine Equipment Review' page: 74
- Centrico Offers Advanced Fuel/Lube Oil Purifier page: 74
- Homeport Marine Completes Fish Tender 'Northern Wind page: 76
- Koden's New Compact 7-Inch Radar Provides Full 3 KW Of Power page: 77
- Drewry Study Says Cheaper Oil Prices Will Boost Tanker Trade page: 77
- Intermarine USA To Build Third Fiberglass Minehunter For U.S. Navy page: 88
- Systems Engineering Announces Promotions page: 88
- Kvaerner Eureka Cargo Pumps Specified For Two North Sea Tankers page: 88
- C-MAP/USA Named National Distributor For Sea Plot Software page: 88