Ferry Simulation Offered For Training By CAORF At USMMA In Kings Point

Two classes of ferry boats and two fully equipped terminals have been simulated by the Computer Aided Operations Research Facility (CAORF) operated by MarineSafety International (MSI) at Kings Point, N.Y. These detailed computer models of vessel response and terminal characteristics can be used in conjunction with simulated tides, currents and winds to provide visual shiphandling training for ferry boat masters and mates to help prevent collisions or groundings, and to assure cost-effective service.

The smaller of the two ferries which have been modeled is a multideck, single-ended type which is propelled by twin controllable-pitch screws and has twin rudders and bow thrusters. It is approximately 130 meters in length and has a loaded displacement of 5,800 tons.

Since the vessels and terminals embody many elements that are common to all ferry operations, the simulations can be used by all ferry operators for training masters and mates. Risk reduction courses can be conducted for experienced or newly promoted personnel.

For literature giving complete information on training offered by MSI/CAORF, Circle 15 on Reader Service Card

Other stories from May 1991 issue


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