Medium Maritime Reporter 1982 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on January 9, 1982Hellenic Lines Limited of Piraeus, Greece, officially christened its new 432-TEU containership, the CV Hellenic Cape, in a ceremony held recently in Singapore. The commissioning of the Hellenic Cape marks the completion of one important phase of Hellenic Lines' vast program of modernization
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Maritime Reporter
on January 9, 1982Atlantic Container Line's British s h a r e h o l d e r , the Cunard Steam-Ship Company, reached agreement recently with British Shipbuilders to build a new ship at Swan Hunter Shipyard of Newcastle for delivery in the first half of 1984. The signing finalized plans for the fourth vessel in
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Maritime Reporter
on January 9, 1982Three new tug/supply vessels were delivered recently to Gulf Fleet Marine Corp. of New Or- leans by Moss Point Marine, Inc., of Escatawpa, Miss. Gulf Fleet 56 and her sister vessels 57 and 58 are 186 feet long and have 40-foot beams and 11-foot depths. Delivery of the new vessels by Moss Po
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Maritime Reporter
on January 9, 1982The mobile offshore drilling unit Griffin- Alexander VII departed from its final outfitting location at Sabine Pass, Texas, recently and went to its first drilling site off the Louisiana coast in Vermillion Block Number 292 to drill for Shell Oil Company. The rig is the seventh Bethlehem Steel
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Maritime Reporter
on January 9, 1982The Esso Mexico, the first of four 89,000-dwt f u e l - e f f i c i e nt t a n k e r s being built for Esso Tankers, Inc., Florham Park, N.J., at the Kaoshiung shipyard of China Shipbuilding Corporation, Taiwan, was delivered recently. The tanker was designed primarily to carry crude oil fro
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Maritime Reporter
on January 4, 1982The National Steel and Shipbuilding Company (NASSCO) recently hosted a workshop in San Diego for members of the Institute for Research and Engineering for Automation and P r o d u c t i v i t y in Shipbuilding (IREAPS) to" provide a detailed explanation of implementing prototype software fo
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Maritime Reporter
on January 4, 1982Halter Marine, Inc., New Orleans, La., delivered two new 101- foot all aluminum crewboats, the Pamela Ann and the Patricia Ann, to Command Marine, Inc. of Lafayette, La. Both were purchased from Halter's stock boat program and delivered to their owner within 21 days of contract signing. The
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Maritime Reporter
on January 4, 1982A $7.8-million contract to supply two new marine hose systems, for use in loading tankers anchored to offshore terminals in the Gulf of Campeche, has been awarded to Uniroyal International of Oxford, Conn., by Petroleos Mexicanos, Mexico's national petroleum production company. It is the la
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Maritime Reporter
on January 4, 1982The names of the principal officers of Pennsylvania Shipbuilding Company, the company that has acquired the assets of Sun Ship, Inc., have been announced. Ned Marandino has been appointed president of Pennsylvania Shipbuilding Company. Mr. Marandino was formerly president of the Ingalls Shi
- APL Dedicates New Seattle Terminal page: 99
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Maritime Reporter
on January 4, 1982A m e r i c a n P r e s i d e n t Lines (APL), operator of the West Coast's largest fleet of trans- Pacific ships, recently dedicated its new $29-million Seattle, Wash, terminal. Mrs. Charles Royer, wife of the Seattle mayor, broke a champagne bottle against a $3-million crane to formally o
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Maritime Reporter
on January 4, 1982The Ocean Pearl, newest addition to the San Diego tuna fleet, was christened recently at Campbell Industries. The tuna superseiner of 1,200-ton carrying capacity is similar to other seiners in the current Campbell series. The Ocean Pearl is owned by InterOcean Ships, Inc., a subsidiary of I
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Maritime Reporter
on January 4, 1982A maritime symposium sponsored by the Republic of Panama will be held at the new Atlapa Conference Centre in Panama City from September 20-22. The symposium has attracted an eminent group of speakers including Sir Y.K. Pao, C.P. Srivastava, Phillip Loree, Charles Kiskadon, Shigeo Nagano, Pa
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Maritime Reporter
on January 4, 1982Burton Shipyard, Inc., Port Arthur, Texas, recently delivered the 224-foot tuna vessel Deolinda. The steel-hulled tuna purse seiner is the third of a seven-vessel contract awarded to Burton by Van Camp Sea Food Co., a division of Ralston Purina Co., and is jointly owned by Van Camp and Capt.
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Maritime Reporter
on January 4, 1982St. Louis Ship recently opened its new Propeller Shop as part of the shipyard's expanding marine services. The Propeller Shop is built on a site in the northwest portion of the shipyard, near the foot of Marceau Street, on the Mississippi River in South St. Louis. The location is adjacent t
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Maritime Reporter
on January 4, 1982AYCO Lycoming Stratford Division, Stratford, Conn., has received a $49-million subcontract from Bell Aerospace-Textron for 96 TF40B marine gas turbine engines for the Navy's new Landing Craft Air Cushion (LCAC). The award includes $8.0-million this year for detail design, longlead procureme
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Maritime Reporter
on January 4, 1982ARAMCO has awarded a contract to Verolme Brazil (VERB) for the construction of four selfelevating platforms. The contract is valued at more than $125 million. The platforms were designed by Gusto Engineering of Schiedam, Holland. Three will be used for wellservicing and fire-fighting, and
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Maritime Reporter
on January 4, 1982Tidewater Equipment Corporation of Norfolk and Chesapeake, Va., recently delivered the covered hopper barge Loveland 3401 to its owner, S. C. Loveland Co., Inc. of Philadelphia. The 340-foot-long, 70-foot-wide barge (shown above) is 26 feet deep at its sides with a 3-foot 5-inch coaming abo