Medium Maritime Reporter 2000 Articles
pablished in:
Maritime Reporter
on January 2000Deutz AG now offers its industrial 1013 and 1015 series engines to serve as main propulsion and to power on-board generating sets. These engines complement the marine engine range in the power class between 80 and 560 kW. The 1013 series will cover with turbocharged and charge air-cooled fo
- Alabama Launches ATB page: 52
pablished in:
Maritime Reporter
on January 2000Alabama Shipyard is hoping that last month's launching of its unique Articulated Tug Barge unit (ATB) for Reinauer Transportation signals the beginning of many more orders for the OPA 90 compliant product transporters. The company estimates that 50 single hull barges will need replacements by
- Passenger Vessel Report page: 30
pablished in:
Maritime Reporter
on January 2000Builder Austal Name Betico Type Catamaran Owner Govt, of New Caledonia The custom designed livery emulating the waves of the ocean gives Betico. a 171 ft. (52 m) high speed passenger catamaran an original, striking appearance. The vessel has been purchased by the Provincial Government of th