Medium Maritime Reporter 2000 Articles
- No Smoking Allowed page: 39
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2000The dilemma facing the marine diesel engine manufactur- ing industry today is as complex as it has ever faced. Through a forest of demands from shipowners and legisla- tors, diesel engine makers are being challenged to produce power plants, which perform to a broad spectrum of quali- ty leve
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2000Wartsila NSD has completed shipboard trials with the new Wartsila NSD PropacRudder, and results are promising, according to the manufacturer. The innovative propulsion system was designed to reduce propulsive power requirement, with reduced hull vibration and noise, while providing for exceptio
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2000Marine and salvage company Titan Maritime plans to debut the world's first disassembling/portable shearleg crane. The Heavy Lift Salvage tool is comprised of two portable 1,000 metric ton • fi| capacity shearleg cranes and corresponding 1,000 metric ton deck tackle. Working in tandem, the cra
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2000Bollinger Shipyards, Lockport, La., has signed a contract to build two 245- ft. (74.6 m) class liftboats for Cardinal Services, a subsidiary of Superior Energy Services, Inc., Harvey, La. Construction will begin at Bollinger Marine Fabricators, Inc., Amelia, La. this month with deliveries sch
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2000ASRY is gearing up for an upswing in the international shipyard market after reporting an increase of 20 percent in orders throughout the last quarter. The total number of vessels scheduled to spend time at the yard now exceeds 100 for the year — based on current market indications. The compa
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2000Cascade General had its knowledge and expertise put to the test with the emergency replacement of a faulty generator on P&O's Sea Princess. Measuring 857 ft. (261.2 m), the vessel, which was built by Fincantieri in 1998, was in drydock at the Portland shipyard for approximately nine days in S
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2000Carnival Corp. has finalized a contract with France's Alstom Chantiers de l'Atlantique shipyard for the construction of the Queen Mary 2, a new 150,000-ton "liner-style" vessel for its Cunard Line unit. The largest ocean liner ever constructed, Queen Mary 2 will have a basis-two capacity of 2
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Maritime Reporter
on November 2000Wartsila Corp. diesel engines were selected to power a pair of 106,000-dwt Aframax icebreaking tankers of the revolutionary new double-acting concept. The two tankers were contracted by the Finnish energy group Fortum Oil & Gas for building at Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd. in Japan with deli
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Maritime Reporter
on November 2000Explorer of the Seas was delivered by Kvaerner Masa-Yards' Turku shipyard on September 28 to Royal Caribbean in time for its dedication and naming ceremony, which was held in New York on October 21. The second member of RCCL's Project Eagle series, the vessel follows the successful delivery o
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Maritime Reporter
on November 2000Kvaerner, the Anglo-Norwegian engineering and construction Group, has elected Ronald J. McAlear, as CEO of its Philadelphia Shipyard. He replaces Baard Bale, who has been acting CEO of the yard since June, and will be returning to Kvaerner's international headquarters in London in December. Mc
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Maritime Reporter
on November 2000Responding to the need for a presence and to assist in the professionalization of the U.S. marine salvage and firefighting response, nine U.S. salvors have joined together to form the American Salvage Association (ASA). The initial group has participated in a vast amount of all of the signifi
- Klyne Tugs Orders AHTS From China page: 52
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Maritime Reporter
on November 2000Klyne Tugs (Lowestoft) Ltd. signed a contract with Yantai Raffles Shipyard in China to build a powerful anchor handling tug/supply vessel (AHTS). The 221 x 51 x 20.3 ft, (67.4 x 15.5 x 6.2 m) vessel will be built to a Rolls Royce Ulstein UT 719-2 design, Lloyds Class + 100+LMC, UMS, FiFi 1, a
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Maritime Reporter
on November 2000Atlantic Marine won a contract for a second state-of-the-art articulated tug and barge (ATB) vessel to be built at its Alabama Shipyard facility in Mobile, according to Dick Wells, President. This will be the second ATB to be supplied to the Staten Island, NY-based Reinauer Transportation Com
- W&D Completes Moran Series page: 50
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Maritime Reporter
on November 2000Washburn & Doughty Assoc. recently delivered Surrie Moran, the last vessel in a six-boat contract, to Moran Services Corp. in Greenwich, Conn.. The Surrie Moran is a 92 x 32 x 14 ft. (28 x 9.7 x 4.2 m), 4,000 hp Z-Drive that will join the other members of the Marci Moran Class in Norfolk, Va.
- Deepwater Business Prospects Ripe page: 49
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Maritime Reporter
on November 2000It appears that the long-held promise of deepwater offshore discovery and recovery is well-positioned to pay off, particularly in the face of $30+ barrels of oil. As technology has increasingly allowed oil companies and offshore drilling firms to more accurately find and evaluate potential d
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Maritime Reporter
on November 2000Ansell Jones, a leader in the manufacture of lifting, mooring and access equipment for use in the offshore and marine markets, has a vast product range and a history spanning more than 150 years. In all, the ISQ-9001 -certified company's range includes: spark proof cranes and hoists; blocks,
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Maritime Reporter
on November 2000Quality wastewater treatment is the driving force behind the daily operation of Owens Manufacturing & Specialty Co. For more than 20 years, its Kleen Tank product has worked in the marine and offshore markets to ensure that clean water is the rule, not the exception. Owens, unlike many other m
- ABS Innovates For Petrobras Project page: 40
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Maritime Reporter
on November 2000Risk-based inspection (RBI), long a source of theoretical interest to the offshore industry, is the key element of a new first-of-its-kind program being developed by ABS Group Inc., for the Petrobras 100,000- bpd 35 FPSO (pictured on page 27), operating in the Campos Basin offshore Brazil - Mar
- MTU Presents New 8000 Series page: 34
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Maritime Reporter
on November 2000Seeking to vastly expand its propulsion range and the types of vessels, which it serves, MTU has introduced a new group of engines dubbed the 8000 series. The first engine of the Series 8000 with a cylinder output of 410 kW and a nominal speed of 1,150 rpm will be available as of April 2001.
- World Floater Market Is Stable page: 29
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Maritime Reporter
on November 2000The floating rig market was showing signs of stability in many of the world's major drilling basins. However, reports Offshore Data Services, demand for older, second-generation units continues to lag. Worldwide, 149 of the existing 179 floating drilling rigs are under contract and fleet utiliz