ASRY Readies Facilities For Increased Demand
ASRY is gearing up for an upswing in the international shipyard market after reporting an increase of 20 percent in orders throughout the last quarter. The total number of vessels scheduled to spend time at the yard now exceeds 100 for the year — based on current market indications. The company expects to surpass its final year-end forecasts for vessels repaired at its facility. This quarterly upswing has much to do with the notion that a variety of major orders are coming into the yard — specifically a back-to-back order — with Iran Shipping Lines. The request calls for ASRY to drydock six of Iran Shipping's bulk carriers until the beginning of December.
Known as Iran Abozar, Iran Afzal, Iran Ashrafi, Iran Ghazi and Iran Ghodousi, the carriers represent more than five-percent of the owner's oceangoing fleet. In addition, the yard has drydocked yet another bulk carrier — the 43,309-dwt Iran Taleghani.
ASRY also plans to jump into the lucrative arena of FPSO and FSO conversions.
A recent visit to the yard by a major oil company looking to expand its FPSO fleet proved this assumption to be correct. The respective oil company officials visited ASRY's Bahrain facility, whose large, clear docking facilities make it ideal for FPSO jobs.
ASRY's CEO, Mohammed Al-Khateeb, furthered that the company recognized the need for this market, subsequent to the completion of Knock Taggart to an FSO for Red Band, followed by Jurupema for Petrobras.
The third quarter was an active time for the yard, which repaired, both alongside and in drydock, a variety of vessels such as Benor Tankers' 76,000- dwt Venture; Bergessen's 360,000 ULCC Berge Pioneer and A.P.
Moller's 69,999-dwt tanker Maersk Merlin.
ASRY also completed contracts on specialist vessels including the jack-up ring Leen for Mansal offshore and two DSV's (Diving Support Vessels), Salama and Sharqi for Bapco.
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Other stories from December 2000 issue
- A Pointer to the Future page: 8
- Generator Replacement Proves Cascade General Capabilities page: 12
- ASRY Readies Facilities For Increased Demand page: 13
- Elliott Bay Design Applies FEA To Todd's Drydocks page: 14
- CSO Deep Blue Launched page: 16
- Enhanced Escort Tug Ajax Delivered to 0stensjo Rederi page: 18
- DH Tanker Launched page: 19
- Cammell Laird Secures Upgrading And Drydocking Of RFA Argus page: 20
- Bollinger To Build Two Liftboats For Cardinal Services page: 22
- New Deliveries, Consolidation Drive Cruise Industry page: 23
- GE Marine Engines' Gas Turbines To Be Used On Princess Newbuilds page: 27
- French Yard Tapped To Build $780M Queen Mary 2 page: 27
- Royal Caribbean Crew Honored For Rescue At Sea page: 28
- History Repeats Itself In the "City of Brotherly Love" page: 29
- Great Ships of 2000 page: 33
- New Crane Set To Revolutionize Salvage Work page: 38
- No Smoking Allowed page: 39
- STN Atlas Debuts PPB System page: 40
- PropacRudder Benefits Confirmed In Service page: 40
- A&R Introduces New SWATH Concept page: 40
- Is 3-D Product Modeling Practical For Small U.S. Shipyards? page: 47