Great Ships of 2000
Vessel Name Black Marlin, Blue Marlin Type Heavy Lift Ship Owner Offshore Heavy Transport Shipbuilder CSBC, Kaohsiung, Taiwan The Marlin class heavy lift ships — Black Marlin and Blue Marlin built at CSBC, Kaohsiung, Taiwan — are the largest of their kind in the world. While the latter is perhaps better known for its role in transporting the stricken USS Cole home from the Middle East, both vessels embody the latest marine technology and unique design features that are inherently necessary in such a unique marine structure. The large stowable deck is 584 ft. (178.2 m) long and 137.8 ft. (42 m) wide amounting to more than 77,672 sq.
ft. (7,216 sq. m.). This is large enough to stow three large jack-up rigs of Marathon LeTourneau 116-C class simultaneously. The extra long deck can also support very long structures like floating docks or offshore SPAR buoys.
Designed for Stability The ships were designed with a priority objective to obtain low motions and accelerations in heavy seas. Many of the cargoes OHT aim to transport are not designed to move in heavy seas and be exposed to accelerations from rolling from one side to another. The Marlin class hull form is designed similar to a sea going ship and not as the traditional flat- and wide barge. The deep and smooth ship-shaped hull is designed to generate smaller wave forces. To ensure that the ship is neither too stiff nor too flexible, thus allowing it the capability to handle the widest variety of cargoes and thus maximize its profitability, OHT has installed double deck and double bottom ballast tanks. By filling double deck tanks, stiffness will be reduced and better motions gained. By filling double bottom tanks stability can be maintained for very heavy and high cargo.
The Marlin class ships was specially designed to meet the new requirements from the offshore industry for exploration and production in deeper waters, as the rigs and platforms constructed to perform these taxing duties tend to be large, heavier and taller. The new Marlin class has nearly twice the deadweight and stability capacity and can now offer safe transport of the largest jack-up rigs and the heaviest semi submersible rigs as well as self-elevating and twin hull production platforms, TLPs and SPAR-buoys. The ships are equipped with four large capacity ballast pumps, with a total capacity of 12,000 mt per hour, allowing the ship to perform loading and discharge operations quickly and efficiently, a big benefit given the severe weather in which it will often operate. In addition to the pumps, 36 ballast tanks can be free flooded.
With all four ballast pumps in operation and flooding of tanks, the ship can change the draft at a onemeter per 20-minute clip. Once the deck is submerged, the rate is one meter per five minutes. A number of new features are built into the ballast system. For example, the ships have double redundant ballast lines and valves. This double system makes it possible to pump directly from any one tank to any other. This will specifically be useful during skid-on operations to compensate for large heel moments and tidal changes. In addition, all main valves are operated remotely from a control room overlooking the cargo deck area. A computer system is connected to double redundant level gauges in each tank. The computer system will calculate with online information all ship loading parameters to high accuracy even when the ship and cargo is submerged. The same computer can also be used to simulate complex ballasting operations to address all safety features before execution and to prepare safe ballasting procedures.
Propelled by a main engine generating more than 17,000 bhp, the vessel can maintain a 13.5-knot speed with large cargoes, and is capable of a maximum durable speed of 15.5 knots. Due to the ship hull form and size; the ships will experience little loss of speed due to high seas. When designing the Marlin class ship, OHT wanted a ship with ballast tanks in three height layers, a configuration that is more expensive to build, but offers many of advantages.
The three layers triple the number of ballast tanks. This gives the wanted flexibility to find suitable ballast conditions to balance the ship for stability and bending stresses. The large flexibility of tanks makes the Marlin class ship ideal for complex skid-on operations. Smaller tanks are easier to control for free surface and better compensation for weight transfer and tidal compensation can be found.
Vessel Name Costa Atlantica Type Cruise Ship Owner Costa Crociere Shipbuilder Kvaerner Masa-Yards, Helsinki This past summer marked a milestone in European cruise ship construction with the debut of the 85,700-gt RINA-classed vessel, M/S Costa Atlantica, which was constructed by Kvaerner Masa-Yards at a cost of $340 million. Touted as the largest ever built for a European cruise line, the ship also holds the distinction as the largest in the Costa Crociere fleet.
Considering that the ship is a first in series, the timeframe from order to completion has been remarkably compact: the order for the new ship was placed in early 1998; hull assembly began March 19, 1999; launching took place November 11, 1999; first cruise was July 16, 2000. Built to carry 2,680 passengers in 1,057 staterooms and 902 crew, the interior styling of the ship is described as "classic Italian," designed by Joe Farcus. To add an extra bit of Italian flair, each of the ship's 12 decks has been named after movies directed by the famous Federico Fellini. Costa Atlantica is powered by diesel-electric machinery, consisting of six Wartsila NSD 9L46D diesel engines, providing a total power of 62,370 kW. Each is connected to an alternator producing electricity to the ship's main electric network. The engines provide power for a pair of azimuthing electric Azipod propulsion units, providing a service speed of 22 knots. Costa Atlantica gives first form to the so-called Panamax- Max generation from Kvaerner Masa-Yards, embodying the 8000-class design concept developed in conjunction with the Italian operator and its parent Carnival group. While providing a further, prestigious reference for the diesel-electric mode in conjunction with podded outboard drives, encapsulated in two 17.6-M W Azipod propulsors, Costa Atlantica also ushers-in a new power rating for the popular Wartsila 46 medium-speed diesel. The vessel's six diesel engines mark the seagoing debut of the D version of the Wartsila 46 design in a key sector of the market. The new model yields a 10 percent power increase over the 46C series, already one of the industry's most competitive designs. The cumulative effect of the uprating amounts to 5,670 kW in the case of the multi-engine installation employed in Costa Atlantica. Making for a 62,370 kW powerhouse, each of the 9L46D units develops 10,395 kW at 514 rpm, and is connected to an ABB alternator delivering electricity into the main 11 kV system. An important aspect of the machinery installation aboard Costa Atlantica is its division into two, completely independent systems, conferring full redundancy. Each 'half plant' incorporates three main diesel gensets plus fuel and ancillary systems, main electrical distribution, control and a u t o m a t i o n . Circle 34 on Reader Service Card Vessel Name: Vasco de Gama Type: Dredger Owner: Jan de Nul Group Shipbuilder: Thyssen Nordseewerke Vasco da Gama, upon its delivery in June 2000, was dubbed by its owner Jan De Nul as the world's largest trailing suction hopper dredger. By the middle of July, the 33,000 cu. m.
megatrailer joined the jumbotrailer Gerardus Mercator (18,000 cu. m.), and the trailing suction hopper dredger J.F.J. De Nul (11 ,750 cu. m.) in Singapore, where the Jan De Nul Group is executing a major sand supply contract.
At 60,000 dwt, the vessel offers a hopper volume approximately 40 percent greater and a carrying capacity, which is more than 80 percent greater than that of the largest jumbo-dredgers available on the market to date. The vessel's massive size and power incorporates a high level of performance on the ongoing and forthcoming large land reclamation projects in the Far East. Jan De Nul was established in 1938, as a civil engineering and maritime construction company in Belgium.
The company owns and operatess 11 cutter suction dredgers with total installed diesel power ranging from 1,574 hp to 27,524 hp including the world's most powerful self propelled cutter suction dredgers, the Leonardo da Vinci and the Marco Polo; 13 trailing suction hopper dredgers with hopper capacities — ranging from 2,399 cu. m. to 33,000 cu. m. including the jumbotrailer 'Gerardus Mercator' — and the Mega dredger Vasco da Gama.
Proceeding 19 months of construction time, the suction dredger Vasco de Gama — with a hold of 33,000 cu. m. — was launched at the Thyssen Nordseewerke construction yard on November 5, 1999.
Krupp Fordertechnik GmbH supplied the dredging systems and components.
Circle 36 on Reader Service Card Vessel Name: MS Tamesis Type: RoRo Owner: Wallenius Wilhelmsen Shipbuilder: Daewoo Okpo Shipyard MS Tamesis, the first of a new generation of RoRo vessels boasting innovative designs has joined the Wallenius Wilhelmsen fleet. Joining three sisterships to be delivered throughout the next 10 months, Tamesis was commissioned in 1998 by Wilh. Wilhelmsen of Norway — one of two equal shareholders in Wallenius Wihelmsen. Delivered on April 13 by Daewoo Okpo Shipyard, the Mark IV RoRo provides 35 percent more covered capacity for specialized RoRo cargo than the previous Mark III design. Suitable for carrying a total capacity of 5,400 cars, the vessel is specifically designed for project and other unique or heavy lift cargo such as power generators, construction and agriculture equipment. Measuring 787 x 106 ft. (240 x 32.2 m), the vessel, whose name in Latin means River Thames, has a deadweight of 38,300 tons.
Circle 37 on Reader Service Card Vessel Name: LT Usodimare Type: Container Vessel Owner: Lloyd Triestino Shipbuilder: Mitsubishi Heavy Ind.
LT Usodimare, the first post-Panamax container vessel ordered by Lloyd Triestino from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries' Kobe shipyard, was launched on September 1.
The new vessel is 935 x 131 ft. (285 x 40 m) with a draft of 42 ft. (12.7 m). With a capacity of 5,364-teu, and a service speed of 25 knots, the Italianflagged vessel has been classified by RINA. LT Usodimare is named after Antoniotto Usodimare, the 15th century Italian seafarer said to have discovered the Cape Verde Islands. LT Usodimare will be delivered on November 24 and will be deployed on the service connecting China to the Mediterranean and Northern Europe (CEM). The service is being retonnaged with several 25-knot post-Panamax vessels.Circle 38 on Reader Service Card Vessel Maria A. Angelicoussis Type DH VLCC Owner Kristen Navigation Inc./Chevron Builder Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co.
Maria A. Angelicoussis is a double hull crude oil tanker, delivered by Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co. to Kristen Navigation Inc. The vessel was designed to ABS standards, and is classed A 1(E), "Oil Carrier, ESP", +AMS, ACCU, SH, SPM, RES, UWILD. The ship is intended for the trade of oil having a flash point below 60 degrees Celsius in its cargo tanks. Built with a double side and bottom, the vessel features five center/side tanks and two slop tanks. Cargo handling, of paramount concern in a vessel this size, consists of three cargo pumps with a capacity of 5,500 cu. m./hr., each driven by steam turbine and three cargo manifolds on deck for three segregation of cargo loading and discharging. The hull has been designed to ABS Safe Hull requirements, and features enhanced scantling for a safer, stronger and more durable structural integrity. Powered by a B&W 6S 90MC-C with an MCR output of 40,000 PS at 76 rpm, the ship's 33-ft. (9.9-m) FP propeller helps to drive the vessel to a service speed of 16.8 knots.
The wheelhouse is arranged for the One Man Bridge concept. The Integrated Navigation System includes an Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS). and a CCTV system is installed with provisions of a camera at radar mast platform and a monitor in the wheelhouse in aid of safer operation with better forward visibility.
Vessel Terra Nova FPSO Type FPSO Owner Terra Nova Alliance/Petro Canada Builder Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co.
Terra Nova FPSO was completed by Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co., and delivered to the Bull Arm Fabrication Site for the work to install the topsides production module. The vessel is designed to work on the Terra Nova Field. The Canadian-flagged vessel is registered by LR. The ship shape is designed to provide optimum seakeeping performance with internal turret mooring system with the assistance of thrusters. The analysis for the assessment of seakeeping performance such as vessel motion and mooring has been performed in consultation with the owner, was verified through model tests. Designed to withstand the harsh environments with extreme 100-year wave height in excess of 98 ft. (30 m), the vessel has also been strengthened for an ice impact of 100,000 tons.
Terra Nova FPSO has a forward deckhouse accommodating up to 80 people, aft offloading systems with a maximum offloading rate of 8,000 cu.
m./hr. and topside process plant on the deck with a maximum production rate of 20,000 cu. m./day. Two sets of gas turbine generators — 46 MW each using dual fuel for main electrical power — are situated on the process deck, and two sets of key service diesel generators (6.5 MW each) are installed in the forward machinery space. The system is designed to hold the vessel on station and to propel the ship in transit condition with the electrical power. The system is comprised of 5 azimuth thrusters, 5 MW each, electric motors and drive systems.
Circle 4 3 on Reader Service Card Vessel Name Conti Fremental Type Containership Owner Conti Reederei, Putzbrunn, Germany Shipbuilder Hanjin Heavy Industries & Construction Co. Ltd.
Delivered June 30, 2000, the 5,600-TEU containership Conti Fremantal built by Hanjin Heavy Industries for Conti Reederei, and chartered by Hanjin Shipping, is designed for worldwide service. The vessel is powered by a Wartsila 10RTA 96C, a unit which helps to power the vessel to a service speed of 26.3 knots (making it one of the fastest vessels in its class) at 90 percent MCR with 15 pecent sea margin on design draft of 12 m. Container capacity is 5,608 TEU (on deck : 3,034 TEU, in hold : 2,574 TEU) and lashing bridge facility and 500 reefer sockets (on deck : 300 FEU, in hold : 200 FEU) are provided.
Circle 4 1 on Reader Service Card Vessel Name Sea Turbot Type DH Oil Tanker Owner German Tanker Shipping Shipbuilder Lindenau Lindenau GmbH is no stranger to the Great Ships column, and the year 2000 is no exception as the 32,230 dwt double hull Oil Tanker MT Seaturbot — one of its Safety Tanker Class 2004 — garners the North German shipyard its latest honor. In particular, the latest ship — built under Germanischer Lloyd classification provides high safety against collision damage by construction of the hull according class notation COLL 3, giving the vessel a four times higher collision resistance than conventional ones. This is the highest safety class notation ever given by Germanischer Lloyd for a tanker. To protect the structurally critical tank areas, a high-grade (epoxy) coating — Camcote MX — was used in the ballast and cargo tanks to ensure long-term strength and safe operations. Even tank surfaces for short discharge times, less cargo residues, short tank cleaning times and less slop amount. With an eye on the future, the ship incorporates an advanced, efficient and economically sound propulsion choice in the MAN 6L 58/64, which produces 8,340 kW and a speed of 15.1 knots at 100 percent MCR. Main and auxiliary engines already fulfilling requirements of future MARPOL Annex VI, (Prevention of air pollution from ships). The shipyard has built a model of the engine room in co-operation with the shipping company to optimize the economical arrangement of all aggregates including the pertaining pipes, cable trays and airducts as well as to design all workplaces along ergonomical aspects. The integrated engine control system and the power management system of auxiliary diesel engines and shaft generator ensure an economical and safe operation of the engines. In addition to the manual control of the electrical energy generation in the machinery control room, the wheelhouse is fitted with a workstation, enabling the crew to choose the most economic form of energy generation.
The cargo space consists of 2 x 5 tanks, which are separated from each other by volume longitudinal and transversal bulkheads. This ensures smooth tank surfaces with the following advantages: short discharge time; minor cargo residues; double safety against cargo contamination; and short tank cleaning time. The arrangement is highly flexible due to different cargo tank sizes and high cargo tank volume/deadweight ratio. The high quality (Epoxy) cargo tank coating protects the cargo tanks against corrosion and enables a wide range of oil and oil products to be transported safely and with highest possible protection of the cargo. To ensure a smooth transfer of cargo from shore to ship to shore, the vessel is equipped with an integrated cargo monitoring and indication system which provides: cargo tank level indication with tank radars; cargo temperature indication and monitoring with three sensors installed at different heights; cargo tank pressure monitoring with adjustable alarms; and manifold pressure monitoring with given alarms.
In addition, the ship comes equipped with a loading computer, which is connected to the integrated cargo monitoring and indication system as well as to the tank level measurement system for ballast and engine room storage and consumable tanks.
This loading computer enables the crew to control the longitudinal strength and stability during loading and discharging as well as pre-calculation of loading conditions.
Finally, Seaturbot comes with a unique Emergency Cargo Discharge System, which allows, via crude oil washing pump, with connection to all cargo tanks, closed discharging in case of cargo pump failure.
Circle 4 2 on Reader Service Card Vessel Name Sea-Land New York Type Containership Owner Costamare Shipping Shipbuilder Hyundai Heavy Industries SeaLand New York is a 6,250 TEU containership built by Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI), delivered to Costamare Shipping Company S.A. Upon delivery, the vessels will be employed on its owner's Far East-PSW service. The vessel has an overall length of 997 ft. (304 m), width of 131 ft. (40 m) and depth of 79 ft. (24.2 m) with a design draft of 39 ft.
(12 m). It is powered by a Hyundai- B&W 1098MC-C model, developing an MCR of 77,600 bhp at 104 rpm that enables the ship to sail at a service speed of 25.6 knots.
This Hyundai containership design features a wider beam that is designed to ensure a better stability when loading and unloading at international container terminals. The vessel is also designed to have superior propulsion efficiency against the various drafts, which will be caused by loading scheme.
The vessel has 8 holds, 6 of which are arranged forward of the engine room (20 ft. container/26 bay) and two are backward (20 ft. container/8 bay) and a maximum of 14 rows and 9 tiers of 20 ft. containers can be stowed in the holds. Two air changes per hour are provided to NO. 1-5 hold in which dangerous cargoes of SOLAS classes two to eight can be carried.
The Hyundai containership is girderless type and can carry the maximum 14 rows of containers. Total TEU is 6,250 of which 3,130 TEU in holds and 3,120 TEU of deck, with 500 FEU reefer sockets provided. Pontoon type hatch covers close the seven holds.
Each hatch cover is made up of three panels with maximum panel weights kept below 40 tons to suit handling by port cranes. The vessel is arranged to carry 20 ft., 40 ft. and 45 ft. containers.
Cargo holds are provided with 40 ft.
fixed cell guide that can load five tiers of 20 ft. container.
Athwartship lashing bridges for 40 ft.
and 45 ft. containers are arranged with necessary fittings so that the containers on hatch cover/stool on upper deck can be conveniently and securely lashed up to 5/6 tiers. The Hyundai containership is provided with both optimum section profiles of rudder and tip-raked propeller to reduce the possible cavitation.
For durability of outside shell, self-polishing paint of five-year lifetime and ICCP is applied to the vessel, and anode of five-year lifetime provided in water ballast tank.
Circle 33 on Reader Service Card Vessel Millennium Type Cruise Ship Owner Celebrity Cruise Lines Builder Chantiers de I' Atlantique Millennium — Celebrity's newest vessel built by Chantiers de 1' Atlanique — combines old-world elegance with new age technology, as it is the first cruise ship to feature gas turbine as the main propulsion engines.
While the the 965-ft. (294 m), 91,000-ton Millennium had a slight hull design problem which caused a bit a vibration (a problem which is being addressed on Millennium at Newport News Shipbuilding (see story, page 14) and by the builder on each sister ship), it will undoubtedly serve as a watershed newbuilding on the cruise market.
The vessel is designed to cruise at 24 knots holding 1,950 passengers and 999 crew.
Celebrity opted to install a pair of GE LM2500+aeroderivative gas turbines, using a combined gas and steam turbine integrated electric drive system (COGES) configuration — an extremely efficient use of energy: Energy that would otherwise be lost in the exhaust from the gas turbines is captured to produce steam from boilers for the steam turbines. The gas turbine-based system powers electric motors that move the vessel through the water. COGES is also responsible for all onboard power requirements, including ventilation systems, electrical power to light cabins and air conditioning.
While the gas turbines offer the environmentally friendly 80 to 90 percent reduction in exhaust emissions and noxious gases, Celebrity has gone a step further in its environmental safety precautions with a flue gas cleaning system and de-ashing incinerators. This concept ensures a "green ship" status at all times with no discharge and stringent monitoring of emissions and residuals at sea and port conditions. The company has contracted Chantiers to construct three additional vessels that will round out the Millennium Class series — Infinity, Summit and an unnamed vessel, respectively scheduled for completion in January 2001, August 2001 and April 2002.
Circle 69 on Reader Service Card
Read Great Ships of 2000 in Pdf, Flash or Html5 edition of December 2000 Maritime Reporter
Other stories from December 2000 issue
- A Pointer to the Future page: 8
- Generator Replacement Proves Cascade General Capabilities page: 12
- ASRY Readies Facilities For Increased Demand page: 13
- Elliott Bay Design Applies FEA To Todd's Drydocks page: 14
- CSO Deep Blue Launched page: 16
- Enhanced Escort Tug Ajax Delivered to 0stensjo Rederi page: 18
- DH Tanker Launched page: 19
- Cammell Laird Secures Upgrading And Drydocking Of RFA Argus page: 20
- Bollinger To Build Two Liftboats For Cardinal Services page: 22
- New Deliveries, Consolidation Drive Cruise Industry page: 23
- GE Marine Engines' Gas Turbines To Be Used On Princess Newbuilds page: 27
- French Yard Tapped To Build $780M Queen Mary 2 page: 27
- Royal Caribbean Crew Honored For Rescue At Sea page: 28
- History Repeats Itself In the "City of Brotherly Love" page: 29
- Great Ships of 2000 page: 33
- New Crane Set To Revolutionize Salvage Work page: 38
- No Smoking Allowed page: 39
- STN Atlas Debuts PPB System page: 40
- PropacRudder Benefits Confirmed In Service page: 40
- A&R Introduces New SWATH Concept page: 40
- Is 3-D Product Modeling Practical For Small U.S. Shipyards? page: 47