Medium Maritime Reporter 2000 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on May 2000Alstom Drives & Controls has worked with the U.S. Navy (USN) to produce an electric power and propulsion system which is compact and robust, while meeting exacting and demanding USN standards. Traditional Navy practice in the realm of ship and equipment development and procurement has largel
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Maritime Reporter
on May 2000A new shape in navy warships is quickly taking shape in the U.K., as Vosper Thornycroft (VT) has completed structural work on the 321 ft. (98 m) Trimaran Warship demonstrator being built for the U.K.'s Defense Evaluation and Research Agency (DERA). The upper bow structure, weighing approximat
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Maritime Reporter
on May 2000A member of the Wagenborg trio, MV Spaarneborg Slingewas constructed at German shipyard Flender Werft as part of a key component within a new transport system developed by forestry product company Stora Enso. Modeled after a new intermodal project, the vessel, as well as its two sisterships me
- Effectively Assessing Your Risks page: 14
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Maritime Reporter
on May 2000One of the greatest challenges facing a lender in the maritime industry is appropriate assessment of risk. In this exciting, varied and vibrant industry, a lender's effective risk assessment requires a thorough understanding of the vagaries that characterize the industry. Many of the companie
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Maritime Reporter
on May 2000With the continuing consolidation in the marine engine building sector, and unwavering pressure on engine prices, the stakes are rising all the time as regards design development. But the considerable resource allocation represented in designing a new engine and bringing it to market have, of
- Offshore Climbing Higher In Oslo page: 7
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Maritime Reporter
on May 2000Shipping and offshore shares performed well in March with an increase in the Shipping Index of 2.3 percent. The Oslo market as a whole fell 2.2 percent, much due to the world-wide price fall for the IT and telecom sector. Despite the uncertainty about the outcome of the OPEC meeting on March
- E-Utopia? page: 6
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Maritime Reporter
on May 2000Analysts, pundits, skeptics and just about anyone with a two-bit opinion have voiced their thoughts — informed and otherwise — as to the potential effects that the surge in "e-commerce" solutions will have on the transportation community at large. While the marine market is traditionally said
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Maritime Reporter
on April 2000Leica, already a major player in the international marine DGPS beacon market, has extended its market share further with orders from China, South Africa and Australia. Leica won a contract from the Chinese Maritime Safety Administration to supply seven marine differential GPS (DGPS) beacon sy
- Rig Repowered At Houston Ship Repair page: 41
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Maritime Reporter
on April 2000In a joint effort between Wartsila NSD and Houston Ship Repair, an innovative rig was repowered in the U.S. Gulf comprised of the installation of new gensets on Transocean Sedco Forex's semisubmersible drilling rig Transocean Amirante. The upgraded semi, which is now equipped with more than
- ASRY Reports Prosperous 1999 page: 18
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Maritime Reporter
on April 2000ASRY's services were high in demand last year, as the yard reported a satisfactory performance for 1999, following the record volume of repairs seen in 1998. A total of 114 vessels underwent repair work at ASRY — ranging from ULCCs to offshore support vessels — 93 vessels were docked and 21
- Transas Unveils GMDSS Simulator page: 85
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Maritime Reporter
on April 2000Transas Marine has extended its range of GMDSS simulators by introducing the TGS 4000 system. The new TGS 4000 simulator complements and enhances the existing TGS 2000 and TGS 3000 versions, by offering a number of new features which reflect the latest developments in shipboard communication eq
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Maritime Reporter
on March 2000Engineering companies Alstom of France and MAN of Germany have agreed terms for the acquisition by MAN of ALSTOM's Diesel engines business. Through this acquisition, the MAN Group will strengthen its activities in the field of large diesel engines. MAN B&W Diesel AG, Augsburg, will take over
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Maritime Reporter
on March 2000The consolidation of marine industry assets in the U.S. has taken a rather unique twist, as Litton Industries — with a strategy of becoming the marine industry's full-service leader — announced the formation of a new company, the Litton Ship Systems Full Service Center (LSS FSC). Litton, which f
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Maritime Reporter
on March 2000At Sea Japan a new power management system for marine applications will be introduced. The system is the result of a highly international cooperation between JRCS Corporation, Japan and the Danish generator control company DEIF A/S. "For different reasons the market demands distributed syste
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Maritime Reporter
on March 2000Japan Marine Science and Technology Center (JAMSTEC) will build a deep sea exploring ship for the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) and has signed a contract with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) for the basic design of the deep sea exploring ship and with Mitsui Engineering & Shi
- Jotun Goes Tin-Free page: 66
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Maritime Reporter
on March 2000According to Stein Kj0lberg, marketing manager for marine products at Jotun Paints, "The launch of SeaQuantum heralds a breakthrough in tin-free antifouling systems: Jotun's new coating has undergone extensive testing and offers up to five years of effective protection against fouling on ship
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Maritime Reporter
on March 2000The paint department at Pascagoula, Miss.-based Ingalls Shipbuilding has developed an innovative method of accomplishing business in surface preparation and painting process — saving the U.S. Navy on ship upkeep and maintenance. The main premise here is reaching a goal of improving the life
- 3.MAJ Delivers Innovative Tanker page: 61
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Maritime Reporter
on March 2000Croatian-based shipyard, 3.MAJ Brodogradiliste, delivered the first of a contracted four-part tanker series this past August. Named M/T Margara, the 71,345-tdw oil tanker was constructed for Monte Carlo based owners subsidiary Doria Shipping Co., registered in Valetta, Malta. The $150 million c
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Maritime Reporter
on March 2000Based in Northern Sweden, Glasis AB has developed, and is marketing a unique product called Recore. a material to be utilized in marine construction, which is designed not only for ease of use but also for strength and durability. The product (Recore S) has been classified by DNV as a non-combu
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Maritime Reporter
on March 2000Theodore Tugboat, the star of a live-action a n i m a t e d c h i l d r e n ' s t e l e v i s i o n series for p r e - s c h o o l children, is going live at a shipyard in Canada. A lifesize replica of Theodore Tugboat — dubbed Theodore Too! — is currently under construction at Snyder