Short 1978 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1978General Instrument Corporation, 3811 University Boulevard West #26, J a c k s o n v i l l e , Fla. 32217, announces an improved design Pressure Gauge, with bronze and stainless-steel internals. Manufactured by ENFM of Holland and distributed in the U.S. and Canada, the gauge is available in
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1978The board of directors have announced the election of Earl F. Weiss as chairman of the board of Jones Oregon Stevedoring Company, Portland, Ore. The announcement was made by Peter N. Beckett, president of Jones Oregon Stevedoring Company, at a reception held recently at the University Club
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1978Paul T. Paraskevas has been appointed t e c h n o l o g y advisor/ research and development coordinator for the Planning Department of Butterworth Systems Inc. (BSI), Florham Park, N.J. The appointment was made by A.J. Kelly, president of the international company which manufactures equipme
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1978A seminar on "Marine Insurance" will be held in the Hotel Hilton, Jacksonville, Fla., on December 6, 1978. Maritime industry executives in Southeastern United States are invited to attend the one-day session. The Marine Insurance Seminar will be sponsored jointly by Florida Junior College, Ma
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1978National Supply Company, major oilfield equipment manufacturer, has a p p o i n t e d David D. Kelley to a newly created position of sales engineer-Offshore Platform Coordination. Mr. Kelley is responsible for liaison with production platform designers in developing increased applications f
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1978Chevron U.S.A., 555 Market Street, San F r a n c i s c o , Calif. 94105, has announced that a newly completed drilling ship, the Glomar Atlantic, soon will begin drilling an i n d u s t r y - s p o n s o r e d stratigraphic test well f o r geological information near the western end of the S
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1978David M. Gladwell was named manager, customer services for Union Mechling Corporation, the subsidiary barge line of Dravo Corporation. He is succeeded as assistant to the vice president, sales, by Michael R. Marlier. Mr. Gladwell j o i n e d Union Mechling Corporation in 1976. He has a bach
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1978Kvaerner-Moss, Inc., the United States representative of Kvaerner Industrier A/S, has announced the appointment of James J. Victory as vice president. Mr. Victory will be responsible for the development and management of programs to increase the Kvaerner Group's exposure and participation i
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1978Teledyne 19 became the newest addition to the world's offshore drilling fleet when it was commissioned recently at Bethlehem Steel Corporation's shipyard in Beaumont, Texas. The rig is owned by Teledyne Movible Offshore Inc. of Lafayette, La. Mrs. Robert A. Nelson, wife of Teledyne's divisi
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1978U.S. Department of Commerce, Maritime Administration Deputy Assistant Secretary Samuel B. Nemirow has approved an amendment to a Title XI guarantee to aid in financing the construction of two posted drilling barges. The amendment to the agreement with Inland Wells Service, Inc., 1930 South
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1978The San Diego Section of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers opened its 1978- 79 program year by holding its September meeting at Caesar's Mission Valley, San Diego, Calif. Benjamin V. Andrews, maritime consultant, presented a comprehensive paper entitled "Heavy Lift Ship D
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1978James J. Kuklinski has been named Seattle, Wash., district credit manager for General Electric Credit Corporation's Industrial Equipment Financing Department. The district office, located at 10604 N.E. 38th Place in suburban Kirkland, provides financing and leasing programs for manufacturer
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Maritime Reporter
on October 15, 1978Marshall Hatch, president (standing), and Jack Kirk, executive vice president of Hatch & Kirk Inc., Seattle, Wash., has announced the purchase of the assets of the Cleveland Diesel Engine Division from the Electro- Motive Division of General Motors Corporation. Hatch & Kirk Inc. is in the proc
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Maritime Reporter
on October 15, 1978The following organizational changes have been announced by the Inland Waterways Services Division of Texas Gas Transmission Corporation. D. Ray Miller, vice president of American Commercial Barge Line (ACBL), with previous responsibilities in the area of distribution services, has been named
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Maritime Reporter
on October 15, 1978Shipbuilding experts from the Navy, Maritime Administration and private industry met in Brunswick, Maine, on September 13- 14 as guests of Bath Iron Works to propose and evaluate methods of improving technological capabilities of U.S. shipbuilding. The 25 representatives, from as far as San D
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Maritime Reporter
on October 15, 1978Joseph M. Heimerl has been named Western Region credit manager for General Electric Credit Corporation's Industrial Equipment Financing Department in San Rafael, Calif. The region office, located at 1000 Fourth Street in San Rafael, directs the operation of district financing offices in San
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Maritime Reporter
on October 15, 1978The 6,552-dwt roll-on/roll-off type cargo carrier Dana Maxima was delivered to her owner, DFDS A/S of Denmark, on August 18, 1978. It was constructed at the Osaka Works (Sakai) of Hitachi Zosen. The ship has four trailer decks as well as a rampway at the stern to allow trailers and automobi
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Maritime Reporter
on October 15, 1978Peter R. Gallagher has been appointed director of marketing for Rutland Maritime Management Corporation, 15 East 26th Street, New York, N.Y. 10010, a through transportation consulting and project company which has been involved in solving transportation programs in Latin America, Nigeria, T
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Maritime Reporter
on October 15, 1978Atlantic Diving Company, Inc., one of New England's largest underwater contractors, recently announced the formation of Sea- Tec International, Ltd. Based in Gloucester, Mass., with offices in Houston, Texas and London, England, SeaTec International, Ltd. will provide international offshore
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Maritime Reporter
on October 15, 1978Furuno Electric Co., Ltd. of Nishinomiya, Japan, has announced the formation of their new corporation, Furuno U.S.A., Inc., to be located at 271 Harbor Way, South San Francisco, Calif. 94080. Furuno is the manufacturer of a complete line of sophisticated marine electronics, including radar,