1980 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on March 15, 1980E.R. Davies, chairman of the board of Jered Industries, Inc., Troy, Mich., and Derek P. Muir of the Engineering Group of Vickers Limited, have jointly announced the acquisition of Jered Industries by Vickers Limited of England. Jered Industries is a major supplier of highly engineered marine
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Maritime Reporter
on March 15, 1980The Mariners Club of the Port of New Orleans, La., recently announced t h e i r new o f f i c e r s f or 1980. Elected by the board of directors are: president, Frank A. Courtenay of Courtenay, Forstall & Grace, admiralty attorneys; vice president, William V. Trufant Jr. of G & M Marine, Inc
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Maritime Reporter
on March 15, 1980Harry R. Kraus has been appointed vice president of operations for the Civil, Mining & Marine Division of Dravo Engineers and Constructors, Pittsburgh, Pa. He will be responsible for managing all construction operations in the division. Mr. Kraus has 30 years' experience in all phases of co
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Maritime Reporter
on March 15, 1980A new 38-page catalog covering performance, dimensional, technical and application data on 33 different models of Coppus portable blower exhausters and accessory equipment, plus welding fume arm systems designed for use with portable welding fume exhausters is now available. The catalog con
- N.Y. Metropolitan Section SNAME Hears Technical Paper On Finite Element Analysis Techniques page: 54
Maritime Reporter
on March 15, 1980The New York Metropolitan Section of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers held its February meeting at the Whitehall Club in New York City. The technical paper presented at the meeting was entitled "Practical Procedures for Technical and Economic Investigation of Ship Struct
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Maritime Reporter
on March 15, 1980Literature is now available describing the SEA FENCE Oil Containment Boom, originally designed by Seaward International, Inc., for the U.S. Navy. The unique SEA FENCE boom combines the ease of handling required for quick response with the toughness and service life of a permanent type boom,
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Maritime Reporter
on March 15, 1980John A. Farris, until recently president of Pall Industrial Hydraulics Corporation, has been appointed corporate director of Aerospace and Fluid Power Development and Planning for the Pall Corporation. Mr. Farris will be responsible for medium and long-range planning, and for identifying ma
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Maritime Reporter
on March 15, 1980Literature is available describing the LS-38760 level switch from Gems Sensors Division. Designed with a "shock-absorber" cushioned f l o a t and cushionmounted switch, it is ideal for use wherever liquids are turbulent, and where there is excessive vibration in fuel or chemical applications
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Maritime Reporter
on March 15, 1980Howard H. Hemphill has joined Schnitzer-Levin Marine Company in San Francisco, Calif., as manager of marine service, according to Wallace Z. Levin, general manager of the firm. Mr. Hemphill is owner of Earthwide Marine Service, and formerly a field service engineer for new construction and
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Maritime Reporter
on March 15, 1980Norton, Lilly & Co., Inc., general agents for Jumbo Shipping Co., S.A., Geneva, has announced the formation of a new company named Jumbo America, Inc., which will be headquartered in Houston, Texas. This new company, solely owned by Jumbo Shipping Co., S.A., will devote itself to serving sh
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Maritime Reporter
on March 15, 1980Sun Ship, Inc., Chester, Pa., "christened" its Navy Berthing Facility in true maritime fashion as Mrs. Carl A. Brettschneider broke the traditional bottle of champagne on the building's cornerstone during recent dedication ceremonies. Dedication of the building by Mrs. Brettschneider, wife
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Maritime Reporter
on March 15, 1980The board of directors of General Dynamics recently elected P. Takis Veliotis as executive vice president-Marine. In this new position, Mr. Veliotis will be responsible for the company's Electric Boat Division operations at Groton, Conn., and Quonset Point, R.I., and the Quincy Shipbuilding
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Maritime Reporter
on March 15, 1980Warner H. Bauer has been named president of Engineering Controls, a division of Pott Industries' St. Louis (Mo.) Ship Group. E n g i n e e r i n g Controls, since 1939, has engineered and supplied " V A P O R P H A S E " high-temperature cooling and waste heat recovery equipment for engines
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Maritime Reporter
on March 15, 1980Charles Zeien, president, J.J. Henry Co., Inc., naval architects and marine engineers, has announced the promotion of George C. Cassa to the position of assistant chief marine engineer in the New York City office of the company. Mr. Cassa will report to Charles H. Gross Jr., assistant vice
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Maritime Reporter
on March 15, 1980At the San Diego Section of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers meeting held in January 1980, Ralph J. Bradford, chief marine engineer from National Steel and Shipbuilding Company, presented an interesting paper entitled "LHA Rampwell Design, a Successful Failure." The pap
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Maritime Reporter
on March 15, 1980Carl B. Hakenjos, vice president of William-McWilliams Co., Inc. in New Orleans, La., was elected president of the Mississippi Valley Flood Control Branch of the Associated General Contractors of America, Inc. at its recent annual meeting at the Monteleone Hotel in New Orleans. Other office
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Maritime Reporter
on March 15, 1980A colorful new bulletin contains i n f o r m a t i o n about Chockfast® Orange, a pourable epoxy-resin chocking system for precise and permanent alignment of marine main-propulsion systems and auxiliary equipment. This international chocking system has been used to install more than 8,000 m
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Maritime Reporter
on March 15, 1980Robert K. Richie, president and chief operating officer of the Mc- Dermott Operating Unit of J. Ray McDermott & Co., Inc., announced that five new vice presidents have been named in the Unit. R.V. Joffrion has been named vice president and general manager, Marine Pipeline and Harvey Fabrica
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Maritime Reporter
on March 15, 1980A jackup accommodation barge for Zakum Development Company (ZADCO), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, has been constructed by IHI (Ishikawajima- Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.), Japan, for use in the Persian Gulf. It will be a control and accommodation center for 180 personnel employed a
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Maritime Reporter
on March 15, 1980Capt. Darrel W. Starr Jr., USCG (ret.), has been appointed to the position of chief mechanical engineer with Morris Guralnick Associates, Inc., San Francisco, Calif. The appointment was announced recently by Hugh F. Munroe, president and chief executive officer of the West Coast firm of nav