Jumbo America, Inc.—New Heavy-Lift Co. Formed
Norton, Lilly & Co., Inc., general agents for Jumbo Shipping Co., S.A., Geneva, has announced the formation of a new company named Jumbo America, Inc., which will be headquartered in Houston, Texas. This new company, solely owned by Jumbo Shipping Co., S.A., will devote itself to serving shippers in the U.S. Gulf area, and will be represented nationwide by the 24 offices of Norton, Lilly & Co.
Jumbo is one of the largest carriers of heavy-lift project cargoes in the world, and now manages a fleet of 11 modern vessels.
These vessels are capable of lifting pieces which weigh from 60 metric tons to 700 metric tons, and are also especially fitted to handle large dimensional deck cargo up to 95 by 8.4 meters.
Per Haugaard will head the new office in Houston. Mr. Haugaard comes to Jumbo America with experience in the heavy-lift project field gained through his association with J.S. Connor, Inc.
of Baltimore, Md.
The address of the new office is: Jumbo America, Inc., 1121 Walker Street, Suite 508, Houston, Texas 77002, telephone (713) 225-0444.
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Other stories from March 15, 1980 issue
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- M a n d a t o r y Use Of C o l l i s i o n A v o i d a n ce E q u i p m e n t Proposed page: 9
- A l l e n R. Stern N a m ed President Of I n g r am E x p l o r a t i o n C o m p a ny page: 9
- API Announces 1980 T a n k e r Conference Set For M a y 11-14 page: 11
- Bruce W e i n s t e in A p p o i n t e d C o o r d i n a t or At B u t t e r w o r t h Systems page: 11
- B&W Shipyard Delivers M / S ' W h i t e Nile' page: 12
- Gulf Fleet M a r i n e Adds 9 5 t h Vessel To Expanding O f f s h o r e Service Fleet page: 12
- M A R C O O f f e r s Literature On T r a w l i n g / S e i n i n g Winch page: 12
- N o r m a n Meyer A p p o i n t ed VP Of Sperry Unit page: 12
- Joint M e e t i n g Held By SNAME C h e s a p e a k e / A S N E Flagship Sections page: 14
- McDermott Restructures O p e r a t i n g Unit Into Five A r e a s Of Responsibility page: 14
- Mitsubishi Appoints Oosterhuis Industries Gulf Coast Distributor For Diesel Engines page: 18
- H o n g k o n g United Dock Ships 210-Ton Buoy For PEMEX page: 18
- $ 3 5 - M i l l i o n Two-Rig Contract For I n g a l ls page: 20
- S i n g a p o r e Signs Contract For Imodco H a r b o r T e r m i n al page: 20
- e l f - D u m p i n g Barge Launched By FMC page: 22
- J . J . Henry Co. Opens Houston Office page: 28
- Navidyne Receives Orders For Satellite Navigation Systems page: 38
- Zapata Orders Three Rigs Costing $105 Million page: 38
- Perry Oceanographies, Inc. Offers Services And Products Brochures page: 38
- Specifications Available On New Model Facsimile Receiver By Raytheon page: 40
- Gerald Albert Promoted To President Of EDO Corp. page: 40
- Technical Management Reorganization Announced By B&W Engineering page: 42
- John G. Rogers Appointed Facility Services Manager At Bethlehem Steel Corp. page: 42
- Morris Guralnick Assoc. Names Darrel W. Starr Jr. Chief Mechanical Engineer page: 44
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- McDermott Unit Names Five New Vice Presidents page: 45
- R.J. Brown & Associates Receive Esso Contract For Pipeline Post-Trenching Plow page: 46
- Free Bulletins Describe Pourable Epoxy Resin Chocking System page: 48
- Hakenjos Named President Of A.G.C. Chapter page: 48
- SNAME San Diego Section Discusses LHA Rampwell Design page: 50
- George C. Cassa Promoted At J . J . Henry Co page: 50
- Bauer Elected President Engineering Controls page: 51
- P. Takis Veliotis Elected Executive VP-Marine At General Dynamics page: 51
- Sun Ship 'Christens' New Living Accommodations For Navy Crews page: 52
- Jumbo America, Inc.—New Heavy-Lift Co. Formed page: 52
- Schnitzer-Leven Marine Company Names Hemphill Marine Services Manager page: 52
- Literature Describes New Gems Shock Cushioned Liquid Level Switch page: 52
- John Farris Named To Planning Post At Pall Corporation page: 53
- Information Available On Oil Containment Boom page: 53
- N.Y. Metropolitan Section SNAME Hears Technical Paper On Finite Element Analysis Techniques page: 54
- Portable Ventilation Equipment Catalog Offered By Coppus page: 54
- Harry R. Kraus Appointed VP At Dravo Division page: 54
- Port Of New Orleans Mariners Club Elects New Officers & Directors page: 55
- Vickers Limited Announces Acquisition Of Jered Industries page: 56
- NASSCO Appoints Two To New Executive Posts page: 56
- Two Unique Proposals By Seaforth Maritime page: 56