NASSCO Appoints Two To New Executive Posts
The board of directors of National Steel and Shipbuilding Company (NASSCO), San Diego, Calif., has elected Richard H. Vortmann to the new position of executive vice president, and Kristian K. Christensen to the new position of vice president of Planning and Programs.
In announcing the promotions, NASSCO president C.L. French pointed out that the changes are responsive to the growing complexity of individual ships and the demands of engineering and building numerous classes of ships simultaneously. Currently, the company has a backlog of more than $750 million for tankers, product carriers and Navy ships.
Mr. Vortmann will be responsible for ensuring the coordination of day-to-day operations which include all production, engineering, planning, estimating, materials and information systems activities for both new ship construction and repair operations. He will report to Mr. French. All new ship construction planning and scheduling will be centralized under Mr. Christensen, who is also responsible for production control and contract performance analysis. He will report to Mr. Vortmann.
Mr. Vortmann joined NASSCO in 1976 as vice president of Finance. He was elected to the NASSCO board of directors in 1978.
Previously, he was employed by the Kaiser companies for seven years in various management capacities including controller, Kaiser Glass Fiber Corporation; assistant corporate controller and director of corporate planning for Kaiser Industries Corporation.
He graduated from the University of California, Berkeley, with a B.S. degree in business administration in 1966, and an MBA degree in 1967.
Prior to his recent promotion, Mr. Christensen was director of the NASSCO Program Management Office. Mr. Christensen is a naval architect with over 30 years of shipbuilding experience, including key positions at Litton Industries and Bethlehem Steel Corporation.
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