e l f - D u m p i n g Barge Launched By FMC
With a t r a d i t i o n a l crash of champagne against its hull, a 258-foot hydro-dump barge was launched recently by the Marine and Rail Equipment Division of FMC Corporation, Portland, Ore.
The barge (shown above) was christened by Marge Dolle, wife of Henry Dolle, a recently retired employee of Smith-Rice Company, a dredging business based in San Francisco, Calif. Smith-Rice purchased the barge for transporting and dumping dredge material in the San Francisco Bay region.
According to William R. Galbraith, FMC's vice president of sales, "The 3,000-cubic-yard-capacity barge was built in two halves along its longitudinal axis, and incorporates an unusual selfdumping design. Two giant hinges connect the barge at either end.
A large hydraulic cylinder near each hinge and powered by a diesel engine controls the opening and closing sequence. The system can be operated remotely by radio from a tugboat. "The best feature of the self-dumping design is its economy of operation in that it can be loaded in the conventional way and then dumped at a prime disposal area without further equipment. Radio control adds to the safety, speed, and simplicity of operation." The Marine and Rail Equipment Division of FMC is a manufacturer of two types of transportation equipment in Portland—marine vessels and railroad freight cars. FMC Corporation, headquartered in Chicago, 111., is a major producer of machinery and chemicals for industry and agriculture, with 1979 sales of $3.31 billion.
Worldwide, the company has more than 45,000 employees located at 136 manufacturing facilities in 33 states in the United States and 14 other nations.
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Other stories from March 15, 1980 issue
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- D r i l l i n g Rig Delivered To M a r i n e Drilling Co. By Bethlehem Steel page: 8
- M a n d a t o r y Use Of C o l l i s i o n A v o i d a n ce E q u i p m e n t Proposed page: 9
- A l l e n R. Stern N a m ed President Of I n g r am E x p l o r a t i o n C o m p a ny page: 9
- API Announces 1980 T a n k e r Conference Set For M a y 11-14 page: 11
- Bruce W e i n s t e in A p p o i n t e d C o o r d i n a t or At B u t t e r w o r t h Systems page: 11
- B&W Shipyard Delivers M / S ' W h i t e Nile' page: 12
- Gulf Fleet M a r i n e Adds 9 5 t h Vessel To Expanding O f f s h o r e Service Fleet page: 12
- M A R C O O f f e r s Literature On T r a w l i n g / S e i n i n g Winch page: 12
- N o r m a n Meyer A p p o i n t ed VP Of Sperry Unit page: 12
- Joint M e e t i n g Held By SNAME C h e s a p e a k e / A S N E Flagship Sections page: 14
- McDermott Restructures O p e r a t i n g Unit Into Five A r e a s Of Responsibility page: 14
- Mitsubishi Appoints Oosterhuis Industries Gulf Coast Distributor For Diesel Engines page: 18
- H o n g k o n g United Dock Ships 210-Ton Buoy For PEMEX page: 18
- $ 3 5 - M i l l i o n Two-Rig Contract For I n g a l ls page: 20
- S i n g a p o r e Signs Contract For Imodco H a r b o r T e r m i n al page: 20
- e l f - D u m p i n g Barge Launched By FMC page: 22
- J . J . Henry Co. Opens Houston Office page: 28
- Navidyne Receives Orders For Satellite Navigation Systems page: 38
- Zapata Orders Three Rigs Costing $105 Million page: 38
- Perry Oceanographies, Inc. Offers Services And Products Brochures page: 38
- Specifications Available On New Model Facsimile Receiver By Raytheon page: 40
- Gerald Albert Promoted To President Of EDO Corp. page: 40
- Technical Management Reorganization Announced By B&W Engineering page: 42
- John G. Rogers Appointed Facility Services Manager At Bethlehem Steel Corp. page: 42
- Morris Guralnick Assoc. Names Darrel W. Starr Jr. Chief Mechanical Engineer page: 44
- IHI Completes Accommodation Barge For Abu Dhabi Oilfield page: 44
- McDermott Unit Names Five New Vice Presidents page: 45
- R.J. Brown & Associates Receive Esso Contract For Pipeline Post-Trenching Plow page: 46
- Free Bulletins Describe Pourable Epoxy Resin Chocking System page: 48
- Hakenjos Named President Of A.G.C. Chapter page: 48
- SNAME San Diego Section Discusses LHA Rampwell Design page: 50
- George C. Cassa Promoted At J . J . Henry Co page: 50
- Bauer Elected President Engineering Controls page: 51
- P. Takis Veliotis Elected Executive VP-Marine At General Dynamics page: 51
- Sun Ship 'Christens' New Living Accommodations For Navy Crews page: 52
- Jumbo America, Inc.—New Heavy-Lift Co. Formed page: 52
- Schnitzer-Leven Marine Company Names Hemphill Marine Services Manager page: 52
- Literature Describes New Gems Shock Cushioned Liquid Level Switch page: 52
- John Farris Named To Planning Post At Pall Corporation page: 53
- Information Available On Oil Containment Boom page: 53
- N.Y. Metropolitan Section SNAME Hears Technical Paper On Finite Element Analysis Techniques page: 54
- Portable Ventilation Equipment Catalog Offered By Coppus page: 54
- Harry R. Kraus Appointed VP At Dravo Division page: 54
- Port Of New Orleans Mariners Club Elects New Officers & Directors page: 55
- Vickers Limited Announces Acquisition Of Jered Industries page: 56
- NASSCO Appoints Two To New Executive Posts page: 56
- Two Unique Proposals By Seaforth Maritime page: 56