Page 18: of Marine Technology Magazine (September 2021)
MTR100: Focus on 100 Leading Companies, People and Innovations in the Subsea Space
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EvoLogics www.evologics.com
EvoLogics GmbH is a German-based high-tech enter- combining communication with highly accurate position- prise, founded in 2000 by a group of scientists and R&D ing. Moreover, EvoLogics caters to the needs of scientists, experts aimed to develop key technologies for the maritime developers and commercial customers with a series of un- and offshore industries through interdisciplinary coop- derwater acoustic devices and software tools that offer an eration between engineering and life sciences. EvoLogics open development and testing framework, providing endless
GmbH designs and manufactures underwater information opportunities for new implementations.
systems and novel robotic solutions based on bionic con- S2C systems have been designed for operations in harsh cepts, combining cutting edge engineering with the best underwater environments and enhanced with special al- ideas found in nature. EvoLogics provides cutting-edge un- gorithms for signal processing and data management. derwater communication and positioning systems, as well The company’s extensive experience with sensor integra- as novel robotic solutions. The company’s spread-spectrum tion allows it to provide customers with turn-key solu- technology allows it to deliver optimal results for various tions ranging from initial deployment up to recovering subsea applications. EvoLogics products include several se- the equipment.
ries of underwater acoustic modems, underwater acoustic EvoLogics’ robotic solutions include the SONOBOT 5 positioning systems (USBL, LBL), and the Sonobot surface uncrewed surface vehicle. The USV is a fast, compact and vehicle for surveying and monitoring. robust platform for planning and executing bathymetric and
EvoLogics aims to offer solutions for multiple underwater side-scan sonar surveys that can deliver accurate geo-refer- communication, positioning, navigation and monitoring ap- enced bathymetry and high-quality imagery with minimum plications. EvoLogics’ developments are based on the pat- transport, launch and recovery efforts. ented S2C (Sweep Spread Carrier) technology – the acous- The company recently introduced uncrewed underwa- tic telemetry that provides an independent bidirectional data ter vehicles with bionic designs, inspired by real-nature link along with positioning, broadcasting and networking conuterparts. Envisioned as sensor carriers for automated capabilities. S2C devices can simultaneously facilitate te- monitoring missions, these include the Manta Ray, Poggy lemetry and navigation of unmanned underwater vehicles. and PingGuin robots that are currently undergoing further
They enable retrieving information from various sensors development for self-coordinating swarm operation.
and allow controlling complex processes by seamlessly
Turn to page 21 for more informaton on EvoLogics 18 September/October 2021
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