Page 19: of Marine Technology Magazine (September 2021)
MTR100: Focus on 100 Leading Companies, People and Innovations in the Subsea Space
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RBR www.rbr-global.com and low-drift performance. Intended for long-term autono- mous or real-time observations, the RBRquartz3 Q|plus has high stability and can resolve water level changes as small as 100ppb at 16Hz sampling rate - for example, at 50m depth that would be a resolution of ±0.005mm. In combination with
RBR’s Ruskin software, the end-user has the availability of ? exible measurement schedules, burst sampling, and con? gu- rable integration times to allow for a broad range of applica- tions in coastal dynamics.
Since 1973, RBR has been designing and manufacturing RBR continued this theme of innovation in 2021 when it oceanographic instruments in Ottawa, Canada, and has steadi- won funding from Canada’s Ocean Supercluster’s Accelerated ly expanded globally. From the ocean abyss to the polar ice Ocean Solutions Program (AOSP) for a new project to devel- cap; lakes, rivers and coastal zones, RBR’s sensors and log- op integrated biogeochemical (BGC) sensors for autonomous gers track water parameters including conductivity, tempera- ocean platforms in collaboration with Canada’s Department of ture, depth, salinity, dissolved gases, pH, and many others. Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) and Dalhousie University’s De-
In the ? rst part of 2021, RBR launhed the new RBRquartz3 partment of Oceanography (DAL). In this AOSP project, RBR
Q|plus pressure logger to meet the demands for high-accuracy, is undertaking the technology development and productiza- long-term measurements of sea level, tidal, and wave dynam- tion of the new BGC sensors while collaborators at DFO and ics by coastal oceanographers worldwide. At the heart of the DAL provide scienti? c and technical resources for the testing,
RBRquartz3 Q|plus is an integrated Paroscienti? c Digiquartz operation, and subsequent data analysis of BGC sensors in the pressure gauge for best-in-class initial accuracy, resolution, lab and through ocean deployments.
New capabilities for:
FOR REMOTELY OPERATED VEHICLES • Special Recovery Operations • Confned Space Inspection
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