Page 27: of Marine Technology Magazine (September 2021)
MTR100: Focus on 100 Leading Companies, People and Innovations in the Subsea Space
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sonar, the 6205s2. The new 6205s2 produces real time, high resolution, side scan imagery and three-dimensional maps of the sea? oor. Building on the 3400 Sub-bottom pro? ler solu- tion EdgeTech has developed a new group of unique over- the-side (OTS) pole-mounted sub-bottom pro? ling systems.
The new EdgeTech 3400 OTS provides users many enhance- ments to current sub-bottom pro? ler systems by offering
EdgeTech www.edgetech.com multiple transducer con? gurations and PVDF receivers. The system generates high resolution images of the sub-bottom
Based in W. Wareham, MA and led by R. Jablonski, Presi- stratigraphy in oceans, lakes, and rivers and provides dent and CEO, EdgeTech is a manufacturer 100-employees The EdgeTech 2050-DSS is the latest in combined side strong of underwater technology solutions. The company is scan sonar/sub-bottom pro? ler systems. This is especially known worldwide for its high-quality products which include: useful where high resolution sub-bottom pro? ler data, that side scan sonars, sub-bottom pro? lers, bathymetry systems, requires the system to be towed near the seabed, is required.
AUV, USV and ROV-based sonar systems, combined and The 2050-DSS is also a tri-frequency side scan sonar sys- customized solutions. In addition to the full line of underwa- tem, where any two, operator selectable, frequencies can be ter survey products, EdgeTech provides transponder beacons, operated simultaneously. The system can be provided with deep sea acoustic releases, shallow water and long life acoustic either a 120, 410 & 850 kHz tow? sh, or a 230, 540 & 850 releases, ropeless ? shing systems and customized underwater kHz tow? sh. Both tow? sh options are equipped with a 2-16 acoustic command and control systems and USBL systems. kHz sub-bottom pro? ler that utilizes a PVDF panel receive
EdgeTech has introduced a number of new products over hydrophone. Use of an area based receive hydrophone panel the past 12 months including: A 540/850kHz frequency provides improved beam patterns and therefore improved windfarm version of the 4205 side scan sonar, a new 2050- signal to noise ratios, which in turn means cleaner data. Ed-
DSS combined tri-frequency side scan sonar and high resolu- geTech’s Ropeless Fishing System with embedded acoustic tion sub-bottom pro? ling system, two new 3400-OTS (over release technology was developed to eliminate vertical lines the side) pole mount sub-bottom pro? lers, new variants of connecting a surface buoy to bottom ? shing gear. Over the the 2205 AUV/USV-based sonars and new con? gurations for past year the system has expanded to include different trap the Ropeless Fishing Systems. Additionally, in the next few con? gurations for various types and depths of ? shing. Ad- months the company will release a newer lighter weight ver- ditionally, the Trap Tracker app was launched and can be sion of our shallow water wide swath bathymetry/side scan easily used on any phone or table.
HydroComp, Inc.
www.hydrocompinc.com and designers with tools to determine their carbon footprint, identify fuel-ef? cient systems, and in the mitigation of under- water radiated noise. HydroComp Propeller Tools, PropCad and PropExpert, offer commercial systems for propeller de- sign for manufacture and propeller application sizing.
A recent focused development for HydroComp’s NavCad software has delivered new capabilities for the prediction of drag and propulsor interaction for body-of-revolution “tor- pedo-like” submersibles. On the propulsion side, a new elec-
HydroComp, Inc. based in Durham, NH was established in tric motor module for NavCad 2021 is nearing completion. 1984 to provide engineering tools to develop marine vehi- UV thruster and propeller component design has been a par- cles—and their propellers—more ef? ciently and responsibly. ticular focus of new development for HydroComp PropEle-
The Vessel-Propulsor-Drive system model is the foundation ments. This includes signi? cant work into the prediction of of optimized performance via the industry’s gold-standard hydroacoustic metrics for noise sensitive applications. Both tool for Speed/Power Prediction, Operational Energy Analy- tools also now provide UV product developers with a con- sis, and Propulsion System Sizing. HydroComp’s ? agship venient work? ow from design to CFD analysis, as new col- product NavCad, and now PropElements, provides operators laborations with Orca3D, Simerics, and Numeca leverage.
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