Page 39: of Marine Technology Magazine (September 2021)
MTR100: Focus on 100 Leading Companies, People and Innovations in the Subsea Space
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MTR100: 2021’s Top ‘Ocean Influencers’
Dr. Robert D. Ballard
Scientist • Ocean Explorer r. Robert D. Ballard needs no of his family throughout his career, and a different path of discovery and re? ec- introduction to the MTR audi- re? ections on what’s important – and tion, into not just his career but also his ence. With a life dedicated to what is not. At the age of 78, Robert personal life.
Docean exploration, a career D. Ballard is and always will be a sci- “I didn’t know I was dyslexic until I spanning 62 years, 158 expeditions and entist, an ocean explorer intrigued by read the book The Dyslexic Advantage. a long list of ‘world ? rst’ deep ocean ? nding clues to the unknown. Currently It explained me to me for the ? rst time,” discoveries under his guise, he was a engaged in a 10-year, $100m program said Ballard. “And now I’ve really em- natural for inclusion as an Ocean In? u- with NOAA’s Of? ce of Ocean Explo- braced it. And I realize why I was able encer in the 2021 MTR100. Earlier this ration to map and characterize the US to do what I’ve been able to do, because year Ballard opened up on his personal EEZ, a project which teams his ocean I’m such a vigil creature. I can imagine life and his world-famous ocean discov- exploration trust with Woods Hole, the things in my mind, and it’s perfect when eries like never before in his new book, University of Rhode Island, the Univer- I go down to the darkest depths, I look “Into the Deep.” Best known as ‘the man sity of New Hampshire and the Univer- at my sensor systems and I can form a who found the Titanic,’ Marine Technol- sity of Southern Mississippi, Ballard has mental image in a world of eternal dark- ogy Reporter had the opportunity to in- not been on the sea for nearly two years ness. I think it explains how I tick.” As terview Ballard on the contents of the due to the impact of COVID. Ballard gets closer to his 80th birthday, book and the follow-up National Geo- But Ballard – the author of multiple he has become more re? ective on the graphic television special, taking a deep books, papers and articles, the subject balance of personal and work. “Two dive into his dyslexia, the importance of TV and ? lm – took the time to take years ago I was in a Redwood forest www.marinetechnologynews.com 39
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