Page 40: of Marine Technology Magazine (September 2021)
MTR100: Focus on 100 Leading Companies, People and Innovations in the Subsea Space
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Watch the inter- view with Ballard @ bit.ly/2RtX0AX 02
In 2019, Nautilus plied the Paci? c wa- ters off the island of
Nikumaroro, search- ing for any sign of
Amelia Earhart’s lost plane. In the cool, dark control room, we kept a 24-hour vigil.
(Gabriel Scarlett/National Geographic Image Collection) and a brilliant professor from Harvard, have to check back in and see how I do time at sea, on and below the waters, he
Arthur Brooks, talked about how to stay it.” The list of discoveries under Bal- sees the future generation ‘exploring’ happy while you grow old,” essentially lard’s guise is long and distinguished, the oceans from the comforts of their three things you need to do, said Bal- and while the discovery of Titanic was own of? ces, labs and homes. Speci? cal- lard. First on the list is developing closer his most acclaimed among the general ly, he sees the evolution of telepresence bonds with friends, which Ballard has population, Ballard calls the discovery technology and autonomous systems as done spending more time “hunting and of hydrothermal vents – Black Smok- working collaboratively to help future ? shing” rather than academic and pro- ers – as the show-stopper. “That re- scientists and explorers learn even more fessional projects. Second is mentoring wrote the biology book, that was clearly about what lies in the ocean. “Now with the next generation, which led to Bal- one of the most signi? cant discoveries the use of AUVs and autonomous sur- lard hiring a team to help manage his ever made in the ocean,” said Ballard. face vehicles, we have a whole cadre of activities across his military, academic, “Discovering hydrothermal vents and tools we’re using; we call them force popular science and business endeavors. life system completely opened up pros- multipliers … it’s going to be autono-
The third piece of advice has been a bit pecting for life throughout the universe mous everything,” said Ballard. “I don’t more dif? cult for Ballard to enact, as and even within our own solar system.” expect humans to go to sea much (in the he said with a laugh: “The third thing Another favorite was the discovery of future). I mean, I love horseback riding, is the one I’m having a little dif? culty perfectly preserved ancient shipwrecks but I don’t ride a horse to work. We’re with: ‘The next time a big project comes in the anoxic bottom waters of the Black going to be very much in the world of along, say no!’ I’ve never said no. So Sea. “That was another home run,” said more and more intelligent autonomous
I’m struggling with that one, and you’ll Ballard. While Ballard has spent much vehicles.
40 September/October 2021
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