Page 75: of Marine Technology Magazine (September 2021)
MTR100: Focus on 100 Leading Companies, People and Innovations in the Subsea Space
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IQUA robotics MSI Transducers
Based in Catalonia, Spain, IQUA Robotics emanated with MSI Transducers based in Littleton, CO, is an Airmar Tech- technology transfer from university to market. Led by Marc nology Company that designs and manufactures custom so-
Carreras with 11 employees today, the company is a spin-off nar transducers and arrays for a wide range of applications, of the University of Girona, an European higher education including harbor defense, side-scan (Synthetic Aperture institution of reference in underwater autonomous robotics Sonar), obstacle avoidance, sub-bottom pro? ling, swath ba- research. The company has made two robotics products out thymetry, mine hunting, swimmer detection, and acoustic of a set of licensed technologies which were at TRL5 at the communications.
University. It also has been able to generate a new software Led by Matt Boucher with 35 employees, it offers a technical product using the same technology transfer process. breadth that enables it to provide a complete range of services
The company designs, manufactures and commercializes to meet your requirements, including: custom product design, two different autonomous underwater vehicles, the Girona engineering and measurement, prototyping and development, 500 and the SPARUS II, both created at the University with a low or high volume manufacturing, additive manufacturing very open conception from both software and hardware points (3D printed ceramics), injection molded piezocomposite ma- of view. In 2020 the company launched its ? rst stand-alone terials, and new material development. software product, SoundTiles. www.msitransducers.com https://iquarobotics.com
NOVACAVI develops cable solutions to support any form of
Based in Trondheim, Norway, NORBIT is led by Peter K. innovative sustainable energy systems from the initial proto-
Eriksen and is a stalwart in the Multibeam Echo Sounder mar- type stage through to design and production. Led by Gianluca ket. In 2020 NORBIT saw signi? cant growth in service and Ramploud, President and CEO, this 30-person company is supply offering to multiple marine markets including Renew- based in Milan, Italy.
ables; Offshore Construction; Hydrographic Survey; Marine Being challenged by speci? c tough permanent application on
Research, Dredging, Salvage and Environmental Surveys. top of ? oating fully supported solar panels above water level,
NORBIT recently launched a new multibeam sonar platform NOVACAVI recently made its own technological-productive named WINGHEAD. NORBIT offers two main sonar fami- contribution to a ? oating solar solution for the marine environ- lies; all wide band; with integrated positioning, attitude, head- ment with high energy production capacity and limited environ- ing and SVP sensors being part of our now iconic curved ar- mental impact installed in the freezing water of the Oslo Fjord, rays. NORBIT Subsea is part of NORBIT Oceans, a developer Norway. With long-term technical and manufacturing expertise, and supplier of high technology maritime monitoring, visu- NOVACAVI developed and delivered a custom-engineered wa- alization, and measurement equipment operating in Defense ter blocked composite power and signal cable to ensure maxi- & Security, Maritime Surveillance, Oil & Gas, Renewables, mum performance without losing elasticity in constant cold cli-
Transportation and Research applications. mates, saltwater splashing or submersion and also sun exposure.
https://norbit.com/subsea/ https://www.novacavi.it www.marinetechnologynews.com 75
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