Page 76: of Marine Technology Magazine (September 2021)
MTR100: Focus on 100 Leading Companies, People and Innovations in the Subsea Space
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Oceanalpha Group Ltd.
Founded in 2010, Hong Kong-based Oceanalpha is an Un- manned Surface Vessel company with more than 350 employ-
Popoto Modem ees. In 2021, Oceanalpha launched two new large-scale multi- delResearch is the parent company of Sandwich, MA-based purpose unmanned surface vessels (USVs), the L25 marine
Popoto Modem, a company with six employees, led by John survey USV and the M40P multi-purpose USV, designed spe- ci? cally to overcome various technical limitations currently DellaMorte, and in business since 2003. From 2017 it devel- faced by marine survey professionals. The catamaran design oped the Popoto Modem Product which is ? elded around the provides enhanced stability, allowing the vessels to roll less world in applications ranging from ? shing to research to AUVs. than 10 degrees under sea-state 4 conditions. Both USVs Popoto Modem is an acoustic modem which can serve as an application platform and has leveraged advances in consumer feature hybrid-electric propulsion, resulting in improved en- durance for long-term survey missions. Reliable autonomous audio and cell phone technology to bring about a reduction in price point, and size of acoustic comms technology, while at the winch retraction has been achieved with cable lengths of up to same time advancing the performance. The result is a low-cost 200m, and vibration and noise have been reduced. modem in a slim line package. The Popoto Mini provides ~190 www.oceanalpha.com dBSpl/m in a board set slightly bigger than a business card.
Sea? oor Systems, Inc.
Based in Shingle Springs, CA, Sea? oor Systems, Inc. spe- cializes in providing hydrographic survey equipment. Led by
RJE Oceanbotics
John Tamplin, the 30-person company offers a range of solu-
Led by Robert Jechart, President and CEO, RJE Oceanbot- tions from simple single beam echo sounders to complex, inte- ics is a 20-person company based in Irvine, CA. The indus- grated multibeam sonar systems with installation and training try segments currently using the Oceanbotics SRV-8 include services. We also make a line of Unmanned Survey Vessels
Search and Rescue (SAR) Teams for Police and Fire Depart- (USVs) out? tted with customized hydrographic, hydraulic, or ments, Military, Offshore Energy (Oil & Gas and Wind), oceanographic payloads.
Inland Infrastructure, Offshore Pipeline Inspections, Hydro-
We carry several Sea? oor products, as well as innovative electric Power, Aquaculture, Science and Research, Treasure tech from trusted industry brands. This includes single beam
Hunting, Recreation, and more. The Oceanbotics SRV-8 is a echo sounders, multibeam echosounders, acoustic Doppler
Profession-Grade Underwater Drone.
current pro? lers, hydrophones, and USVs. www.oceanbotics.com www.sea? oorsystems.com 76 September/October 2021
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