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PEOPLE & COMPANY NEWS kilometers apart from one another, form de e e e e e e e e e e e e e eo o o o o o o o oR d d d d d d d d d id iiiiiiii Vi V V V V V V VidR R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R Ra a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a ay y y y y y y VideoRay Wins $92.6M an interconnected network of listening

US Navy Contract stations that act as an underwater “trip

VideoRay won a $92.6 million ? ve- wire”. Notably, these nodes boast a com- year inde? nite-delivery/inde? nite- pact, cable-less design, facilitating effort- quantity (IDIQ) contract for the con- tinuous production, sustainment, and less deployment from small watercraft or development of the MK20 Defender covertly via a large Uncrewed Underwa- ter Vehicle (UUV), even in challenging

Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) plat- environments such as beneath ice sheets. form for the US Navy’s Maritime Expe-

Cellula Robotics

Each Vigilus node is equipped with sen- ditionary Standoff Response (MESR).

sors designed to seamlessly collect,

The deal provides access to Vid- eoRay’s Mission Specialist family of process, encrypt and respond to acoustic and environmental data. Vigilus offers an underwater robotics systems to sup- port the Navy’s Explosive Ordnance additional layer of strategic advantage,

Disposal Underwater Response Vehicle as each node can emit acoustic pings to serve as a deterrent while deployed.

program and the MESR program of re- cord. Administered by Naval Informa-

Silicon Sensing to Open tion Warfare Command, Paci? c, the

US Of? ce contract provides for the delivery and

Silicon Sensing is to open its ? rst support of the Navy’s next-generation remotely operated underwater vehicles US of? ce, with a dedicated in-country team lead by the new head of sales – (ROV) that will be used to conduct criti- cal undersea missions to support our Americas, Kevin Swain. This new fa- cility will help ensure the company ef- war? ghters.

The MK20 Defender ROV, based on ? ciently supports the growing demand for their rugged, high performance in-

VideoRay’s Mission Specialist De- ertial products across North and South fender, is a highly robust, man-por- table, expeditionary ROV that offers America.

Silicon Sensing supplies gyros, ac- modularity and an open architecture celerometers and inertial measurement design that allows for the easy integra- tion of third-party sensors, software units into diverse markets including autonomous vehicles, surveying and applications, and versatile, ? eld-swap- mapping, space, defence, aerospace pable payload options to meet the Na- and construction and industrial ma- vy’s expanding needs for expeditionary mine countermeasure operations. Core chinery. Some of these markets will technology onboard this platform has experience double-digit compound an- been developed by industry partners nual growth rate (CAGR) for inertial sensors through to 2030, alongside and includes: EOD Workspace con- trol software and autonomy platform fast-evolving inertial requirements for by Greensea IQ, Multibeam sonar and a new generation of applications.

USBL positioning system by BluePrint

CSignum’s New Wireless

Subsea, Doppler Velocity Log (DVL)

Underwater Comms for navigation by Nortek, and a 2-func- c c c c c c c ic iiiiiiiiii li lllllll il iiiiiii Si S S S S S S S co o o o o o o o o o on n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Se e e e en n n ns g g g g g g g g g gn n n n n n n n n in ii si s ng

CSignum launched the EM-2 wireless tion manipulator by Eddy? .

platform for IoT sensor data and con- trol from above the surface to below.

Cellula Robotics

The EM-2 interfaces to many common

Unveils Vigilus

Vigilus is a state-of-the-art submersible underwater sensors to wirelessly com- municate data from under the water to surveillance array, comprising of acous- tically-meshed environmental sensor above the surface or directly on land.

According to the company, the EM-2 nodes, poised to revolutionize underwa- ter monitoring and security. The Vigilus remploys electromagnetic ? elds to pass data through water, ice, concrete, and nodes, positioned on the sea? oor multiple 40 May/June 2024

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Marine Technology

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