Page 31: of Maritime Logistics Professional Magazine (Q3 2011)

Maritime Security / Maritime Training & Education

Read this page in Pdf, Flash or Html5 edition of Q3 2011 Maritime Logistics Professional Magazine Maritime Professional 31 ABS Certified ISM Internal Auditors ABS Certified ISPS Internal Auditors ABS Certified ISPS Code Implementation: Drills and Exercises Risk AssessmentsExpert Witnesses-Subject Matter Experts-Accident Investigations Maritime Security Teams USCG Approved Trainers Marine Engineering Worldwide Providers in Maritime Security Boston New York Virginia Ph: (617) 974-6839 ? quences is when you send people fortraining, you take care of them, and it gives them the understanding that the company is interested in them, their career and their advancement; this, in turn, helps with retention.He continued: ?The employees are the ones that are performing the serv-ice to our customers; they are the ones that our customers see every day; and they are the key to our success. Our assets are our vessels and our people. Just as we invest in new vessels, we invest in the training of our people. The number one interest of a ship manageris qualified, well-performing people. To acquire the (required) competence, they need time and experience, which is why we employ not only the simula- tors, but also we have training pro- grams to ensure that they all acquire the BOURBON-standard worldwide. ing center Asia. MP #3 (18-33):MP Layouts 8/17/2011 4:13 PM Page 31

Maritime Logistics Professional

Maritime Logistics Professional magazine is published six times annually.