Page 20: of Maritime Logistics Professional Magazine (Q2 2012)
Maritime Risk
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Short course to success
The shortest course to success secur- ing the grant funds awarded for 2007- 2008 and 2009 is for subgrantees to pick the projects they really need. Agree to pay the match from budgeted funds. Ac- cept the grant payment from the FA, and then pay the match in monthly or quar- terly installments. That is allowed.
This way, if the POC for the FA has failed to keep up his or her end of the deal with FEMA the FA can’t get in the way of the approved grant award.
For those who have been awarded the 2010 and 2011 no-match grant funds, it is a no-brainer. Make sure your POC for the FA remains diligent and there are no administrative “holds” on the funds.
Then go get them. (Subgrantees are en- titled to access the same ND Grants fi les as the FA. No data can be altered, but the FA/POC diligence can be monitored by any stakeholder listed as a Contact in
ND Grants computer program.)
For the lucky ones who have all their paperwork in order and have met the deadlines, there is a pot of gold avail- able, especially if they request the things FEMA wants requested in this election year. “In light of the current economic situ- ation and the need for further economic stimulus, the Secretary announced the
Department and FEMA’s commitment to provide grantees with additional fl exibility to accelerate the spending of remaining FY 2007 - FY2011,” the
FEMA bulletin said. “DHS/FEMA will allow grantees to apply previously awarded FY 2007- 2011 grant balances towards more ur- gent priorities by way of an expedited project approval by DHS/FEMA….
Specifi cally, this allows expenditure on general purpose equipment and over- time/backfi ll expenses for fi rst respond- ers engaged in protection or prevention activities consistent with grant guid- ance.”
FedSpeak decoded
That FedSpeak means that FEMA really wants subgrantees to spend this money. For all grants before 2012, the
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