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Q1 The Energy Edition: Exploration, Production & Transportation Whether it?s oil, gas, wind or tide, no market sector endures more scrutiny or enjoys greater rewards than does offshore energy. ?7KH*OREDO(QHUJ\%RRP Is gas the question, the answer, or both? ?&UXLVH&RQWURO Changing business models ?&ODVVLÀFDWLRQ 5HJLVWULHV Evolving roles & responsibilities ?6RIWZDUH6ROXWLRQV Modern command & control Q2 0DULWLPH5LVN 6KLSSLQJ)LQDQFH,GHQWLI\LQJPLWLJDWLQJDQGPDQDJLQJULVNDQGÀQDQFHLVWKHFRUQHUVWRQHWRD successful maritime operation. ?6HFXULW\ Technology & techniques to keep ship, crew and cargo safe ?6$7&20 6KLS0DQDJHPHQW Linked up and online ?0DULQH6DOYDJH 5HVSRQVH When prevention isn?t enough ?0DULQH,QVXUDQFH Protecting your business Q3 3RZHU )XHO0DQDJHPHQW As mariners at sea are increasingly tasked to pull double duty, MarPro examines the products, systems and technical solutions designed to lighten the load. ?(PLVVLRQ&RQWURO Regulations tighten ... again ?7UDLQLQJ 6HFXULW\ Life after MLC 2006 ?1DYDO$UFKLWHFWV Driving change by design ?%XQNHU)XHO Selection, management & operationsQ4 6KLSEXLOGLQJ 5HSDLU EditionBlue water, Brown water, Deepwater & Offshore Oil & Gas: Shipyards are the bellwether of market trends. ?7KH3RZHU6WUXJJOH LNG, distillates or diesel ?%DOODVW:DWHU7UHDWPHQW6\VWHPV Are you ready? ?6KLSERDUG7HFKQRORJ\ (IÀFLHQF\ HPLVVLRQVGULYHHTXLSPHQWFKDQJH ?5HFUXLWPHQW5HWHQWLRQ 7UDLQLQJ * Bonus: * Publish: March 2014 Publish: May 2014 Publish: 6HSW Publish: 'HF $G&ORVLQJ)HE $G&ORVLQJ0D\ $G&ORVLQJ-XO\$G&ORVLQJ1RY 2014 Editorial Calendar * The publisher reserves the right to alter this calendar. All features are subject to change in light of industry trends and developments. &0$6KLSSLQJMar. 17-19 / Stamford, CT &DSLWDO/LQNWK$QQXDO,QYHVWLQ,QWO 6KLSSLQJ)RUXP Mar. 20 / New York 0DULQH0RQH\+RXVWRQ May 7 / Houston, TX &UXLVH6KLSSLQJMar. 10-13 / Miami, FL Posidonia June 2-6 / Piraeus, Greece&DSLWDO/LQNQG$QQXDO&65)RUXP  May / New York 0DULQH0RQH\:HHN June 17-19 / New York 600 Sept. 9-14 / Hamburg61$0(Oct. 22-24 / Houston 6+,33,1*,QVLJKWOctober / Stamford ,QWHUQDWLRQDO:RUNERDW6KRZ Dec. 3-5 / New Orleans, LA $61('D\ Feb. 2015 / Arlington, VA 6XVWDLQDEOH2FHDQ6XPPLW Feb. 24-26, 2015 / SFO MP #3 50-63.indd 59MP #3 50-63.indd 599/10/2013 12:05:36 PM9/10/2013 12:05:36 PM

Maritime Logistics Professional

Maritime Logistics Professional magazine is published six times annually.