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Frank Guenzerodt,

President and CEO, DACHSER

USA Air and Sea Logistics Inc.

he ? nesse of supply chain management in today’s global opinion leader for the logistics industry and frequently consult- climate is certainly different than it was, just a few years ed with by media outlets and other organizations for insight.

T ago. Supply chains are more complex and these opera- Prior to DACHSER, he held management positions at multi- tions and management structure form a critical ingredient in national freight forwarders, including the U.S. headquarters of the business strategy of every company, no matter they reside a Belgium-based forwarding and logistics company where he in the greater global economy. Gone are the days of staid, was tasked to lead all U.S. operations. Listen in as DACHSER’s backroom staffers who worked as traf? c managers and were Atlanta-based Frank Guenzerodt provides his take on today’s more reactive to the ? ow of goods across many challenges. global logistics industry, where it is heading, how, and why:

Today’s supply chain seeks a lean and ef? cient operation, driven by leadership that is mindful of a global network of C AN YOU PROVIDE AN OVERVIEW OF YOUR ORGANIZATION AND operations that must insure on-time delivery and protec- ITS ROLE IN SUPPLY CHAIN LOGISTICS ?

tion of shipments to arrive intact and according to schedule. DACHSER is one of the global leaders in supply chain lo-

DACHSER USA is one such logistics ? rm seeking to take gistics. Combining its seamless, global transport network, on all modern challenges of keeping the supply chain moving with warehousing, customer-speci? c services and exemplary suf? ciently. Behind its operation is Frank Guenzerodt, Presi- IT solutions, DACHSER creates the most intelligent combina- dent and CEO, DACHSER USA Air and Sea Logistics Inc. tion and integration of logistics network competences world-

Guenzerodt oversees the company’s U.S. logistics network wide. With a staff of 26,506 employees at 428 locations in 43 of branch of? ces and its services. Since joining the corporation countries, DACHSER generated revenue of EUR 5.64 billion in 2004, he has led the company’s strategic growth program to (USD 6.25 billion) in 2015. The family-owned logistics ser- increase its footprint in the United States, along the way pro- vice provider handled 78.1 million shipments with a tonnage viding greater reach and value for customers. Under his leader- of 37.3 million tons. Founded in 1972, DACHSER USA Air ship, company revenue expanded from $11 million in 2004 to and Sea Logistics Inc. is the U.S. subsidiary of DACHSER SE. $120 million in 2011, and over $192 million in 2015. DACHSER USA, and is headquartered in Atlanta, with branch

Guenzerodt expects more revenue growth as he positions the of? ces in Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Charlotte, Chicago, Cin- company to gain market share in different vertical industries, cinnati, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, Memphis, Miami, Min- expands its footprint in key U.S. regions, strengthens its U.S. neapolis, New York, Phoenix and St. Louis. DACHSER USA infrastructure and capacities, and opens new of? ce locations to offers optimal access to international markets and ensures support business expansion. With over 30 years of transporta- seamless integration of all import and export activities via air tion and logistics management experience, Guenzerodt is an or ocean to and from Europe, Asia and South America.

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Maritime Logistics Professional

Maritime Logistics Professional magazine is published six times annually.