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ISSN - 24739308

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HQ Tel 118 E. 25th St., 2nd Floor +1 212 477 6700 2

New York, NY 10010 USA +1 212 254 6271Fax


Email [email protected] 3


Joseph Keefe [email protected] +1 704 661 8475

Contributing Writers 4

Patricia Keefe

Barry Parker

William Stoichevski 5


John C. O’Malley [email protected] 6

Associate Publisher/Editorial Director

Gregory R. Trauthwein [email protected] 1 Alexander Buchmann is Managing Di- 4 Kurt Nagle is CEO and President of the rector of Hanseaticsoft GmbH. He found- American Association of Port Authori-

Production ed Hanseaticsoft in 2009 and developed ties. The American Association of Port

Nicole Ventimiglia

Cloud Fleet Manager. Since March 2017, Authorities represents 130 of the leading [email protected]

Lloyd’s Register one of the world’s larg- seaport authorities in the U.S., Canada,

Corporate Staff est ship classifcation societies, holds a Latin America and the Caribbean.

Vladimir Bibik, IT share in the software company.

Mark O’Malley, Public Relations 5 Barry Parker, bdp1 Consulting Ltd

Esther Rothenberger, Accounting 2 Rich Cooper is the Chief Executive Of- provides strategic and tactical support,

Subscription fcer at the Ports of Indiana. Established including analytics and communications,

Kathleen Hickey [email protected] in 1961, the Ports of Indiana is a state- to businesses across the maritime spec- wide port authority managing three ports trum. The company can be found online on the Ohio River and Lake Michigan. at

Advertising Sales

VP Sales

Rob Howard 3 William P. Doyle is a Commissioner with 6 Jim Romeo is a marine engineer and [email protected] the U.S. Federal Maritime Commission. The a freelance writer based in Chesapeake,

FMC, among other things, regulates liner Virginia.


Jean Vertucci companies, ocean transportation interme- [email protected] +1 212 477 6700 diaries and marine terminal operators.

Southeast/Gulf States

Eric Freer [email protected] +1 281 384 8793


Copyright © 2017 New Wave Media. 24739308

Maritime Logistics Professional (ISSN ) is

July/August | Volume 7, Issue 4 published bi-monthly (6 times per year) by New Wave

Media, 118 E. 25th St., 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10010-

Ports & 1062. Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY and

Infrastructure additional mailing offces.

Te ‘New Normal’ on the Waterfront

On the Cover


The Northwest Seaport Alliance, which includes the port

MILITARY FACILITIES send address corrections to Maritime of Tacoma (pictured here) and Seattle, have embarked on

Logistics Professional 850 Montauk Hwy, #867 Bayport,

NY 11705.

an innovative partnership designed to bring prosperity

The publisher assumes no responsibility for any misprints and superior service to customers in this Pacifc North-

THE NORTHWEST or claims or actions taken by advertisers. The publisher


Redefning Competition, west deep draft gateway. That story begins on page 37.

Cooperation & Success reserves the right to refuse any advertising. Contents of the


Cyber Threats: clear and present danger publication either in whole or part may not be produced


Image: the Northwest Seaport Alliance (NWSA)

The end of Siloed Business Systems without the express permission of the publisher.

Member 4 Maritime Logistics Professional July/August 2017 | |

Business Publications

Audit of Circulation, Inc.

Maritime Logistics Professional

Maritime Logistics Professional magazine is published six times annually.