Page 27: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (January 1971)

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Let's face the facts ... any marine sales manager will tell you, from years of experience, that the men who make the decisions, specify, order and pur- chase all marine equipment and services are shoreside.

With all due respect, men aboard ship, regardless of rank, do not specify or buy.

Product performance is the only thing that counts at sea, not advertising, and you can't get a product aboard ship until after you sell it shoreside.

Maximum coverage of shoreside buyers is vital to the success of any marine advertising program ... and only MARITIME REPORTER/Engineering News provides it. (The second magazine is missing half the shoreside men who are currently specifying and buying.)

And ... these all important shoreside decision makers want MARITIME REPORTER/Engineering

News ... total circulation over 98% Reader Request ... in Writing.

MARITIME REPORTER/Engineering News is also first choice of marine industry advertisers...carried more advertising space in 1969 than the second magazine.

Your 1971 advertising is bound to produce greater results ... in

MARITIME REPORTER/Engineering News ... the only marine magazine reaching your entire shoreside market.




NEW YORK, N. Y. 10016

MUrray Hill 9-3266 • 7 • 8 • 9

E. Scott Dillon

E. Scott Dillon has been named chief of the Maritime Administra- tion's office of Ship Construction, filling one of two posts long held by Ludwig Hoffmann.

Mr. Dillon joined the Maritime

Administration in 1938 as an as- sociate naval architect. He received a degree in civil engineering from the University of Illinois in 1932 and an LL.B. from George Wash- ington University in 1948.

He is chairman of the Marine

Technology Committee of the So- ciety of Naval Architects and Ma- rine Engineers and also a member of the Council of the American So- ciety of Naval Engineers.

A holder of both the Department of Commerce Silver and Gold Med- als, Mr. Dillon resides in Silver

Spring, Md.

Mr. Hoffmann, who no longer holds both posts, is assistant ad- ministrator for operations.

Norton, Lilly Names

Three Vice-Presidents

H.E. Bilkey, president of Norton,

Lilly & Co., Inc., has announced the appointment of the following officers : Richard J. O'Connor, vice- president, Mediterranean Services;

Edward M. Sorenson, vice-presi- dent, Red Sea/India, Ceylon, Paki- stan Services, and Joseph T. Lilly, vice-president, Australia-New Zea- land Services.

Zone on the New Orleans water- front.

The Rivergate is one of the na- tion's newest and most outstand- ing exposition halls, and covers six city blocks. Over 250 exhibitors will display the latest innovations in products and services appealing to ship builders, water transporters, cargo handlers, port authorities, boat owners and operators, ship re- pair and maintenance firms, off- shore drillers, dredgers, harbor and work boat organizations, etc.

S.J. Gefen, president of the ex- position, predicted that "the '71

Commercial Marine Industry Show will provide both buyers and sell- ers a great new market place in which to conduct extensive busi- ness and make a substantial profit.

We are very pleased that our first show was an outstanding success and received such a great press. All our efforts are dedicated to making inn wavs the '71 show even better. We're enlarging the size of the show and are now actively engaged in creat- ing many additional markets for our exhibitors."

The Commercial Marine Indus- try Show was designed to provide firms in the work boat, fishing boat, tugboat, barge and specialty ma- rine fields, including offshore drill- ing, with an all-inclusive show place to introduce new products and services for the benefit of the general marine industry.

The exhibitor list in the first show read like a blue book of the marine industry. Over 350 different product lines were on display in the gigantic six-acre hall. The '71 show is expected to feature over 500 different product lines and services.

Information for exhibitors may be obtained from the Exhibition

Director, Commercial Marine In- dustry Show, Gulf Life Tower,

Suite 2229, Jacksonville, Fla. 32207. lews gives your merine advertising nake the decisions, specify and buy!

Commercial Marine

Industry Show To Be

Expanded In 1971

The growing commercial marine industry will be provided with an expanded market place at the Sec- ond Annual Commercial Marine

Industry Show, April 1-3. New Or- leans will be the site of the '71 exposition, which will be held in the huge Rivergate Exhibition Cen- ter, located in the International

E. Scott Dillon Named

To Head MarAd Office

Of Ship Construction

January 1, 1971 29

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.