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Equitable Equipment Company

To Construct Floating Drydock

Equitable Equipment Company, Inc., was recently award- ed a contract by Allied Shipyard, Inc., of Larose, La., for the construction of a floating drydock of 1,000 long ton capacity. The 125-foot by 60-foot by 22-foot drydock will be constructed in Equitable's Madisonville, La., facility and is scheduled for completion in August 1971. It will be towed to Allied's shipyard located on the Intra-Coastal

Waterway at Larose. The drydock, which will be used for both repair work and launching newly constructed vessels, is an integral part of an overall expansion plan being undertaken by Allied. Shown in the Houma offices of

Draft-Tech, Incorporated, project managers, at the sign- ing of the contract, are left to right: Calvin J. Plaisance, manager. Allied Shipyard, Inc.; Emmett Eymard, presi- dent Allied Shipyard, Inc.; A.W. Kersteter, executive vice president, Equitable Equipment Company, Inc., and

Comdr. J.F. Williams, vice president sales, Equitable

Equipment Company, Inc.

Offshore Logistics Places

New Fleet Of Vessels

Into International Service

Clipper ships of a new breed are slipping from their berths in Morgan City, La., bound for the rich offshore oil fields of Southeast Asia and the

Gulf of Mexico.

These vessels differ from the clippers that once boomed across the seas under a full suit of sails.

The new ones are 175 to 200 feet of steel and aluminum, propelled through the oceans by diesel engines reaching for up to 6,000 horsepower and speeds to 17 knots.

The ships do have something in common, how- ever. The clipper ships of early America were the largest and fastest in the world. The vessels now sailing from Morgan City carry the names of those early ships—Great Republic, Monarch,

Young America, Champion—and are the largest and fastest offshore supply vessels in the world.

The new offshore clippers are owned by Off- shore Logistics, Inc., an operator of support ves- sels for the offshore petroleum industry world- wide. They are the first in a series of six huge

International Class towing-supply vessels being constructed by Gulf Coast shipyards for Offshore

Logistics under a $7,000,000 program.

The Young America is the latest of the Off- shore Logistics worldwide clipper fleet to be de- livered to the company for operations in South- east Asia, and its specifications and capabilities are typical of these vessels that range in size from 175 to 200 feet.

Young America has a length overall of 200 feet, a beam of 39 feet, and a depth of 16 feet. It dis- places 1,600 tons and has a gross tonnage of 299.

The new International Class towing-supply ves- sel is powered by two GM16-645 (EMD) diesel engines with Falk reverse/reduction gears. This primary propulsion system produces 5,600 horse- power and speeds in excess of 20 miles per hour.

Maneuvering assist is furnished by hydraulically- powered bow thrusters.

Cargo deck area measures 128 feet by 30 feet.

Four independent pneumatic tanks below deck have the capacity for 5,000 sacks of cement or 6,000 sacks of barite and can be unloaded, along with the fuel oil, water, and other below-deck cargo, in three hours through the use of high capacity pumps and compressors. A hydraulically- powered winch permits large anchor handling over a five-foot-diameter stern roller and when necessary, the winch and the 5,600-horsepower primary propulsion system provides highly effi- cient ocean towing capability.

The Young America is built to USCG and

Lloyd's 100+A—1 standards and carries an Amer- ican Bureau of Shipping certificate for interna- tional service. Complete backup systems are pro- vided for all major power components to insure continuous operation under extreme sea and weather conditions.

Accommodations are provided for 28 passen- gers in staterooms with built-in berths, and sepa- rate staterooms are provided for the ship's crew of 11. The galley is stainless steel, and the vessel is centrally heated and air-conditioned for maxi- mum comfort and efficiency.

The Young America has a capacity for 2,800 barrels of fuel oil, 1,000 barrels of potable water, 6,000 barrels of rig water, and 5,000 cubic feet of bulk materials. It is equipped with gyrocom- pass, automatic pilot, direction finder, Fathometer, radar, and marine radio systems.

Offshore Logistics now has 50 ocean support vessels operating in domestic and foreign waters, and has become the largest offshore operating company in Southeast Asia. The company's for- eign operational base is in Sinapore. The domestic operational base for Offshore Logistics is in Mor- gan City, La., where the ships of the company are outfitted, serviced, and provisioned by Off- shore General, Inc., the operational arm for domestic activities of the parent company. Execu- tive and administrative headquarters are located fn Lafayette, La.




Less hazardous to personnel when engaging and dis-engaging

The Lockstad Stopper is EASILY & QUICKLY ADJUSTED by ONE MAN

Adjust TO LOCK the anchor chain in the DESIRED POSITION

Operated HYDRAULICALLY or, by RATCHET-SCREW, as illustrated



Less Space

No Bow


No Devil's




One unit can eliminate devil's claws, turnbuckles, bow stoppers and, it utilizes less space. The one stopper that serves the dual purpose of transferring chain load to the vessel's structure and houses the chain in a snugly stowed position.


POSITIONING or SETTING ANCHORS and CHAIN on OIL DRILL RIGS. oc&vfad Int. 179 West 5th Street • Bayonne, N. J. 07002 • Call 201 339-1351

June 15, 1971 35

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.