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British Ocean Group Forms

New Shipbroking Company

L. Greenacre

Ocean Transport & Trading Limited, Lon- don, England, has announced the formation of a new shipbroking company, Ocean McGregor

Limited. The company has been formed from the shipbroking departments of the Ocean sub- sidiaries, McGregor, Gow and Holland Limited, and Cory Mann 'George (Chartering) Limited.

The executives of the new company are as follows: chairman, R.J.F. Taylor (a director of

Ocean Transport and Trading, and managing director of Ocean Titan Limited) ; executive directors, W.H. Hughes, FICS, and L. Green- acre, FICS; directors, K. Wright and W.H.

Falconer (directors of Ocean Titan Ltd.).

Ocean McGregor's activities cover shipbrok- ing, chartering, sale and purchase and new- building contracts.

Mr. Hughes is an executive director of Ocean

McGregor Ltd. He was formerly manager of the chartering, sale and purchase department of McGregor, Gow and Holland Ltd. He is a

Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Ship- brokers.

Mr. Hughes was educated at Foster's Gram- mar School, Sherborne, Dorset, and served in the RAF from 1941 to 1948.

Mr. Greenacre is an executive director of

Ocean McGregor Ltd. He was previously ma- rine superintendent and then general manager of Cory Maritime Ltd. Prior to that, he was a technical superintendent with Shell Interna- tional Petroleum Company.

Mr. Greenacre holds an extra first class cer- tificate (marine engineers) and is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers. He was educated at Tynemouth Grammar School.

In commenting on the formation of the new company, Mr. Hughes stated: "We are fortu- nate in having an experienced staff working for us, and although we will continue to act for

Group divisions such as Ocean Titan, Ocean

Liners and Straits Steamship, associated com- panies such as China Navigation, and for other long-established connections such as Com- pagnie Maritime Beige (Antwerp), and John

Swire and Sons (London), we anticipated an expansion of our activities in the North Ameri- can, and Japanese and other Far Eastern Mar- kets."

Kings Point Alumni Opposes

Committee Dismemberment

Milton G. Nottingham, spokesman for the 14,000-member Alumni Association of the U.S.

Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point,

N.Y., has expressed his organization's opposi- tion to the proposed dismemberment of the

House Merchant Marine and Fisheries Com- mittee.

A House Select Committee on Committees has recently considered a recommendation for combining the functions of three standing com- mittees of the House of Representatives for pur- poses of obtaining maximum efficiency and participation. One of the three is the Merchant

Marine and Fisheries Committee, which bears prime responsibility for maritime training and ocean transportation, as well as for a number of other vital areas.

Two of the nation's five Federal academies fall within the cognizance of the Committee on

Merchant Marine and Fisheries, the U.S. Mer- chant Marine Academy, and the U.S. Coast

Guard Academy. Additionally, five state mari- time academies and various maritime union training programs command the attention of the members of the Committee.

In a formal letter to Missouri Congressman

Richard Boiling, Chairman of the Select Com- mittee on Committees, Mr. Nottingham stated : "It has been said that the future of a nation de- pends upon its young. Granted that this is so, then the role of the Merchant Marine Commit- tee is of tremendous importance in the educa- tion of the nation's future leadership in mari- time affairs. On behalf of the 14,000 graduates of Kings Point, we ask that you as Chairman exert your influence to ensure that maritime matters are not relegated to functions of a sub- committee of another less specialized House


Mr. Nottingham further expressed the

Kings Point Alumni Association's desire to restore the American flag's paramount position in ocean commerce. "The responsibility for de- veloping appropriate legislation toward that goal, Mr. Nottingham said, is too great to be placed in fragmented form in other standing committees of the House of Representatives. "The maritime affairs of the United States should be properly treated by one committee whose members develop expertise in this area.

Based upon the record, the Committee on Mer- chant Marine and Fisheries has performed creditably in the past and given the opportuni- ty to continue, the Kings Point Alumni Associ- ation is sure that it will perform equally well in the future."


LAT. 12°N - LONG. 69° W





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HENNING ASTRUP A/S. Tel. 15.233, 30.238. Cable: HAVEN, Bergen. Telex: Bergen 42316. • PORTUGAL: SOCIEDADE CONTINENTAL DE REPRESENTACOES LDA. Tel. 320505, 325601.

Cable: MAGNET, Lisboa. Telex: 1513. • VENEZUELA: A. TORRES P. Tel. 544306. Cable: ARTOPA, Caracas. Telex: 21685.

W.H. Hughes

March 1, 1974 43

Maritime Reporter

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