Page 18: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (April 1974)

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Propeller Club

Miami Chapter

Convention May 1-3

The Miami, Fla., chapter of The

Propeller Club of the United States has announced that plans are near- ing completion for its upcoming

Southeastern Regional Convention,

May 1-3, at the Sonesta Beach Ho- tel, Key Biscayne.

The three-day business and pleas- ure meeting is the group's annual gathering; An estimated 200 per- sons are expected to attend, accord- ing to Arthur A. Pendleton, con- vention coordinator.

Included in the program will be a joint meeting of the group's na- tional executive committee and board of governors. Work sessions include a group discussion on the "Challenge of the Future" for southeastern ports, moderated by

Capt. Robert Waldron, Miami port director.

Miami Mayor Maurice Ferre is among the speakers scheduled, as is

Milton Fisher, president of Panel- fab International, who will discuss "Exporting for Profit."

Rounding out highlights of the meeting will be a report by J.R.

Jacks on, vice president and man- ager, environmental affairs, Exxon

Corporation, regarding the effect of the energy crisis on international trade.

Highlight of the entertainment portion of the program will be a special luncheon aboard the M/S

Emerald Seas. A special ladies' pro- gram has also been arranged.

Information regarding reserva- tions for the program s'hould be di- rected to Arthur A. Pendleton, c/o

Marsh & McLennan, Inc., 1000

Brickell Avenue, Miami, Fla. 33131, (305) 374-7672.

International Paint

Names Robert Murphy

Robert E. Murphy

Robert E. Murphy has been ap- pointed sales/service representative for the Newport News-Norfolk,

Va., territory, it has been an- nounced by International Paint

Company, Inc. president Thomas


A former resident of New Or- leans, La., where he serviced Inter- national heavy-duty marine cus- tomers, Mr. Murphy is active in several marine organizations, in- cluding The Propeller Club, Port of

New Orleans. He holds a B.A. de- gree from St. Edward's University,

Austin, Texas.

Teleflex To Purchase

Marine Division Of

Capilano Engineering

Teleflex Incorporated of North

Wales, Pa. 19454, and Capilano

Engineering Co., Ltd. of Vancou- ver, 'British Columbia, Canada, have announced an agreement in principle for Teleflex to acquire

Capilano's Marine Division. The transaction is subject to approval by the boards of directors of both companies.

Capilano's Marine Division pro- duces proprietary hydraulic steer- ing systems used primarily in com- mercial and large pleasure marine craft.

Teleflex is a multimarket manu- facturer of mechanical and electro- mechanical controls for marine, automotive, industrial, aerospace and nuclear applications. Teleflex has plants in six states.

George J. Fanning

Elected Vice President

Roberts Steamship

George J. Fanning has been elect- ed vice president of the Roberts

Steamship Agency, Inc. of New

Orleans, La. He will be in charge of the agency's west Gulf opera- tions.

Mr. Fanning formerly held posi- tions with the Lykes Bros. Steam- ship Co. and Central Gulf Line in

New Orleans.

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Maritime Reporter

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