Page 27: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (April 1974)

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Mobil Oil Retrofits

Tankers With Coppus

Inert Gas Systems

Coppus Engineering Corporation,

Worcester, Mass., licensee of Fred- riksstad Mek Verksted (FmV), announces the plaoement of an or- der by Mobil Oil for several FmV

Inert Gas Systems to foe retrofitted on Mobil ships now in operation.

FmV Inert Gas Systems utilize scrubbed flue gas to maintain tank atmospheres at nonexplosive levels.

Inert Gas Systems are universal- ly recognized as the safest method of preventing explosions on board oil tankers. IMCO (International

Maritime Carriers Organization) recommends that Inert Gas Sys- tems 'be installed on all ore/oil,

LN'G and crude oil carriers above a specified size.

Responding to this recommenda- tion, Norwegian authorities have passed laws making Inert Gas Sys- tems mandatory on all new major

Norwegian-flag oil carriers in this, class, constructed after January 1, 1974. Other nations are expected to take similar legislative action in the near future.

Mobil joined Shell, Esso and

Gulf as the fourth major oil com- pany to retrofit carriers with the

FmV Inert 'Gas System. Fifty sys-

We make vent valves and smoke indicators and our name is

Wager—the specialist in marine valves.

Since 1933, when the first Wager Inverted Vent

Check Valves were put in service, thousands of ships have been equipped with them.

Design that does a better job; materials and fine workmanship that assure long life.

Prompt shipment to answer most valve requirements and 'urgent needs. Standard sizes, with or without covers; cast iron, bronze or steel, with copper or monel trim, or in any combination thereof. All Wager valves meet latest ABS, USCG, and Navy specifications.

Wager—the master hand at smoke monitoring.

Dependable, flexible smoke indicator systems:

Visual, Photoelectric, Visual/Photoelectric.

Sophisticated solid state systems to comply with US Maritime

Administration environmental specs—and the only US Navy approved system. Featuring automatic read-out of smoke conditions on a zero to 100% . meter, with high accuracy— white or black smoke indication.

Plus exclusive, patented automatic lens cleaner. Audible alarm or recorder available for the ultimate in a smoke indicator system.

Boiler accessories. Also in the impressive

Wager marine line: Viewports, Inspection

Lights, Furnace Peepsights.

The name to remember (Write for literature.)


Passaic Avenue, Chatham, New Jersey 07928 USA

Tel: (201) 635-9200

WAGER .for super-rough service ashore and afloat

Wherever you need powerful, depend- able lighting under tough conditions,

SUPER-MARINE floodlights are the only logical choice. UL 595 marine listed (salt water) and USCG accepted, they feature copper-free aluminum housing, tempered glass lens cover, watertight lamp protection, and exclusive multiplane lamp mounting that eliminates shock and vibration damage.

Four models from 175 to 1000 watts in Mercury Vapor,

Tungsten-Halogen, or Incandescent. Write for details.

PH-189 PHOENIX* PRODUCTS COMPANY, INC. 4751 North 27th Street Milwaukee. Wisconsin 53209



We're located right at the entrance to New York harbor. . . which is why Pouch's lay berth facilities make so much sense. At Pouch, when you have pierside repairs, you don't get "tied up" with in-harbor congestion!



STATEN IS., N.Y. 10305 • (212) 981-7000 tems have been installed or are on order by these companies. World- wide, FmV and its licensees have delivered or booked orders for a total of more than 250 FmV Inert

Gas Systems.

In addition to representing FmV in the United States, Coppus is also the exclusive worldwide licensee for Golar-Vent Central Gas Free- ing Systems. These joint arrange- ments have permitted 'Coppus to apply its years of marine engineer- ing experience in the development of the Coppus Combined IG/GV

System. Patents are pending on this Combined Inert Gas/Golar

Vent System, which is available ex- clusively from Coppus Engineer- ing, worldwide. The Coppus Com- bined I'G/GV System not only assures tankers of maximum safety while loading, unloading and under way but also provides rapid gas- freeing of tanks through cargo lines. Tanks can 'be gas/freed for man entry—inspection, cleaning, maintenance, etc.—in hours rather than days. Savings resulting from this speedup in turnarounds can be significant when you consider per day cost for tankers in the 200,000- dwt range are estimated at $35,000 to $50,000.

During its 65-year history, Cop- pus Engineering has established a network of offices and representa- tives through the world and is now represented in more than 100 cities and 57 countries.

For further information about

Coppus marine products and sys- tems, write to Coppus Engineering

Corporation, 344 Park Avenue,

Worcester, Mass. 01610.

Royal Viking Line

Names Oslo Director

Royal Viking Line A/S, Nor- wegian^flag world cruise line, has named Erland M. Raastad manag- ing director in the Oslo headquar- ters.' iBased in Oslo, Royal Viking

Line A/S is the parent company of*

Royal Viking Line, and handles all operations for the three-vessel fleet —Royal Viking Star, Royal Viking

Sky and Royal Viking Sea.

Royal Viking Line, headquar- tered in San Francisco, Calif., is in- ternational marketing center for the organization. It is headed by

Warren S. Titus, president.

Mr. Raastad, whose appointment was effective March 1, has held management positions with several corporations in the United States and Europe, serving most recently as' president of the Chrysler Cor- poration in Austria.

Born in Liinnar,. Norway, he ob- tained his B.S. degree in (business administration in 1962 from the

University of Wyoming. He attend- ed high school in Norway, graduat- ing in 1952. Mr. Raastad is a for- mer director of the Norwegian

Track and Field Association and has been a member of the Norway-

America Foundation Finance Com- mittee, the Shipping Club of

Norway and the Kiwanis Club. 30 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.