Page 23: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (May 1974)
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Contract Signed
To Publish Handbook
On Port Of New York
Shown signing the contract, left to right: (seated) Thomas M. Torrey, treasurer, and
Edward J. Barber, chairman, promotion committee, Maritime Association of the
Port of New York, and (standing) Adm.
John M. Will, USN (ret.), a member of the board of directors.
In a ceremony at The Whitehall
Club, New York City, members of the board of Directors of The Mari- time Association of the Port of
New York signed a contract au- thorizing the group to publish the 1974 edition of the New York Port
The source book of all informa- tion on world trade services and modes of transport in the New
York Port Area will be published later this year and distributed worldwide, and will list the supply and service organizations and Gov- ernment agencies serving New
York Harbor. It is sponsored by more than 50 New York metropoli- tan area commercial and trans- portation-related groups and asso- ciations.
Robert L. Thompson
Joins Waukesha Motor
Robert L. Thompson has joined the International Organization of
Waukesha Motor Company in the capacity of international projects analyst.
The announcement was made by
P.C. Trombley, international field sales director for the Waukesha,
Wis.-based engine and power sys- tems equipment manufacturer. He indicated that Mr. Thompson's initial involvement will be in order processing and quotations as they relate to the company's overseas marketing activities.
Mr. Thompson is a graduate of the Thunderbird Graduate School of International Management in
Arizona, and holds a masters de- gree in marketing/finance. He also has a B.A. degree in Latin Ameri- can studies earned at Louisiana
State University. He has studied in
Mexico at the University of Gua- dalajara. Before joining Waukesha,
Mr. Thompson gained extensive experience overseas, including La- tin America and the Far East, do- ing intelligence work for the U.S.
May T, 1974
Course Offered On
Behavior Of Materials
In Ocean Environment
A one-week graduate course on
Behavior of Materials in the Ocean
Environment, sponsored Iby the In- stitute of Ocean Science and Engi- neering, will be conducted on June 3-7, 1974, at The Catholic Univer- sity of America, Washington, D.C., under the direction of Dr. A. Thiru- vengadam.
This course is designed to pro- vide continuing graduate-level edu- cation for engineers and scientists in the field of material-behavior in the ocean environment. Emphasis will be placed upon both fundamen- tal and applied topics, including basic characteristics of corrosion, stress corrosion, corrosion fatigue, fouling, protective coatings, frac- ture, erosion, future trends in oceangoing materials, as well as elements of chemical and physical oceanography which most affect behavior.
The course is especially recom- mended for engineers or scientists who may be trained in other fields, but who seek familiarity with oceangoing materials problems.
Further information may be ob- tained by contacting Deepak Ken- keremath, Program Manager, Civil & Mechanical Engineering Depart- ment, School of Engineering & Ar- chitecture, The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. 20017. *pmtJkiwj 5 o when ydu ne^d stevedor- i tg cr|neWou can" cdunt 6n, \ ( lyde will cdme up withlthe right \ f iaturete and the right lifting ca- • ^ pacity 'to da your| job^ efficiently i nd economjcally. t \
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