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Page 19: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (May 15, 1974)
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LNG Conference— (Continued from page 21)
Ltd., Japan; (7) "Environmental and Safety Aspects of LNG Stor- age," W.J. Walters, F.E. Dean, and
M. Carne, British Gas Corporation,
United Kingdom; (8) "The Devel- opment of Insulation Systems for
Large Capacity Double Walled
Metallic LNG Storage Tanks," P.
Dodd and G. Todd, Whessoe Ltd.,
United Kingdom.
Thursday, June 27, Morning 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Session
VII—New Developments; co-chair- men : G.G. Haselden, University of
Leeds, United Kingdom, and P.
Verret, Gaz de France, France.
Papers: (1) "A Survey of LNG
Technological Needs in the U.S.A. -1974-2000," L.A. Sarkes, Ameri- can Gas Association, and D.B.
Mann, National Bureau of Stand- ards, U.S.A. (2) "Problems In- volved in the Scale-Up of LNG
Plants," D. Roger, TEAL, France; (3) "The Arctic Air/Sea LNG
Project," R.L. Purvin, Purvin &
Lee Associates; H.W. Withington,
Boeing Commercial Airplane Com- pany, and C. Smith, Transworld
Gas Systems, U.S.A.; (4) "Moving
Natural Gas From the Arctic to
Markets," L. Kniel, The Lummus
Olympic Bond
It isn't just the largest ship we've ever made.
It's probably the largest ship you'll ever want to buy.
The Olympic Bond is a 260,000 DWT Oil
Tanker. And while there are larger ones, we can give you a very good reason for buying this "smaller" one.
The maximum draft of the Olympic Bond is just 21 meters. So it can pass through shallow waters like the Malacca Straits and the Euro-Port. Larger tankers can't.
Even so, if you need an even larger tanker than the Olympic Bond, Hitachi Zosen can build it for you. Same place we built the Olympic Bond, Sakai Shipyard.
Sakai Shipyard is in Osaka, on an 822,000 square meter plot of land. Sakai was designed to manufacture large-scale vessels.
So it can turn out six VLCCs every year.
The main dock at Sakai is equipped with two 200-ton cranes for constructing 300,000 DWT ships.
And the repair dock can handle 400,000
DWT ships.
At Sakai, we use the "Three Partition
Building System." This results in complete rationalization of manufacture and true efficiency.
Head Office: Nishi-ku, Osaka, Japan Telex: J63376 Cable Address: SHIPYARD OSAKA
Tokyo Office: Chiyoda ku, Tokyo, Japan Telex: J24490 Cable Address: SHIPYARD TOKYO
Overseas Offices: London, New York, Diisseldorf, Hong Kong, Oslo, Singapore, Greece
Company, U.S.A.; (5) "Simultane- ous Pipelining of Solidified Crude
Oil and LNG," E.J. Jensen, Re- search Council of Allberta, Canada; (6) "Utilization of LNG Cold for the Refrigerated Warehouse," H.
Kataoka, Toyko Cryogenics Indus- try Ltd., and Y. Maeda, Tokyo Gas
Company, Ltd., Japan; (7) "LNG as Motor Fuel: French Studies and
Results," F. Bellus and R. Hum- bert-Basset, Gaz de France, France.
Thursday, June 27, Afternoon 2:30 to 5 p.m. Session VIII—
Economic and Legal Aspects; co- chairmen : A. Reyes, Ministry of
Mines and Hydrocarbons, Vene- zuela, and P.G. Smith, Southern
Natural Gas Company, U.S.A.
Papers: (1) "Financing LNG
Carriers and Ground Facilities in the United States and European
Capital Markets," H. de Grand- court; Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen &
Hamilton, France; (2) "The Effect of Intended Trade Route on the
Optimum Size of LNG Tankers,"
T. Lamb, E. Castrinakis and T.
Arnas, COM/CODE Corporation,
U.S.A.; (3) "Policies for Training
Operating Personnel of Future
LNG Plants in Algeria," Sou- idi, Institut Algerien du Petrole,
Algeria; (4) "Overland Transporta- tion of Imported LNG in Japan
With Special Reference to the
Quantitative Measurement of
LNG," S. Hirakawa, University of
Tokyo and S. Sugiyama, Tokico
Ltd., Japan; (5) "Environmental
Factors in Siting LNG Facilities/'
F.H. Warren, T.J. Joyce, R.J. Da- vis and H. Firstenberg, NUS Cor- poration, U.S.A.; (6) "Economic and Legal Aspects of LNG Im- ported Into the United States," W.
E. Matthews IV, Southern Natural
Gas Company, U.S.A. 5 :00 to 5 :30 p.m. Closing Session.
The Fourth International Con- ference on Liquefied Natural Gas is sponsored by the International
Gas Union, the International Insti- tute of Refrigeration, and the Insti- tute of Gas Technology, under the patronage of the Algerian Govern- ment.
DuPont Offers Bulletin
On Ultra I&T
Pump Packing Yarn
Ultra I&T is a new pump pack- ing yarn containing Teflon® TFE fluorocarbon fiber designed to solve problems associated with high- speed pumps and excessive shaft runout. Excellent flexibility allows liquids to be sealed with a mini- mum of gland pressure. The result is less friction and heat build-up, thus longer wear life. This im- proved wear life means less equip- ment downtime. Installation is easy because the material conforms to just about any shape.
The Du Pont Company is offer- ing a free bulletin describing this new product, its advantages and applications. For a copy write Du
Pont Company, Eden Park Build- ing, PDM #15699, New Castle
Avenue, Wilmington, Del. 19898,
Attention: L.B. Gates. 22 Maritime Reporter/Engineering Hews