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51st Annual Propeller Club Convention And 1977 American Merchant Marine Conference
Set For Galveston, Texas, Oct. 10, 11, 12, 13 And 14 "The American Merchant Ma- rine—Lifeline to Peace and Prog- ress" is the theme of the 51st
Annual National Convention of
The Propeller Club of the United
States and the 1977 American
Merchant Marine Conference, which will be held October 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14, 1977, at the Moody
Civic Center in Galveston, Texas.
The general convention co-chair- men are Wallace R. Hogan, as- sistant vice president, Designers & Planners, Galveston, and Wil- liam H. Johnson, vice president-
Marine, Commonwealth Oil Re- fining Co., Inc., San Antonio, Tex- as. Conference chairman is John
T. Gilbride, chairman, Todd Ship- yards Corporation, New York,
Pre-Convention Agenda
October 10 — Monday — Pre- convention Golf Tournament, Gal- veston Country Club; 9 a.m., Bus- es depart from the hotels; 10:30 a.m., Tee-Off Time; Post Tourna- ment Reception and Awards.
October 11 — Tuesday — Pre-
Convention 12-noon luncheon —
National Board of Governors and
National Executive Committee; 1:30 p.m., Joint Meeting — Na- tional Board of Governors and
National Executive Committee; 2-9 p.m., Registration; 6 p.m. to 1 a.m., Early Arrivals Reception — Refreshments, heavy hors d'oeuvres, dancing.
October 12 — Wednesday — 7:45 a.m., Women's Propeller
Club Port Presidents Breakfast
Meeting, Holiday Inn; 9 a.m.,
Women's Propeller Club Meeting,
Holiday Inn; 9 a.m., Opening of the Convention—Welcomes: Wal- lace R. Hogan, general conven- tion co-chairman; William H.
Johnson, general convention co- chairman; L.B. Prino, president,
Propeller Club of Galveston;
Lloyd A. Strickland, national president, The Propeller Club of the United States, vice president,
Lykes Bros. Steamship Co., New
Orleans, La.; 9:15 a.m., First
Convention Business Meeting,
Presiding: Lloyd A. Strickland, national president. 11:30 a.m., Buses depart from the Moody Center for Ladies
Luncheon at Ashton Villa, fol- lowed by a historical tour of Gal- veston; 11:15 a.m., Luncheon
Reception; 12 noon, Port of Gal- veston Luncheon, Presiding:
Charles S. Devoy, Port Director,
Galveston; Welcome: the Honor- able John G. Unbehagen, Mayor of Galveston; Introduction: Lloyd
A. Strickland, national president;
Speaker: the Honorable Jack
Brooks, Chairman, Committee on
Government Operations, U.S.
House of Representatives, Wash- ington, D.C. 2 p.m.-4:45 p.m., First Confer- ence Session. Presiding: John T.
Gilbride, conference chairman; 2 p.m., Conference Panel. "Rising
Tide of Maritime Regulation and
Administration," Moderator:
W.M. Amoss Jr., president, Lykes
Bros. Steamship Co., New Or- leans, La. Panelists: "Shipping
Regulation on the International
Scene," the Honorable Richard J.
Daschbach, Chairman, Federal
Maritime Commission, Washing- ton, D.C.; "Conflicting Maritime
Policies and Regulations," Ernest
J. Corrado, Chief Counsel, Com- mittee on Merchant Marine and
Fisheries, U.S. House of Repre- sentatives, Washington, D.C.; "Expansion of Maritime Pro- motional Activities," Robert E.
O'Brien, president, Moore-McCor- mack Lines, Inc., New York, N.Y. 3:30 p.m., Conference Panel. "American Shipbuilding — Na- tional Security and Welfare," moderator: Edwin M. Hood, pres- ident, Shipbuilders Council of
America, Washington, D.C. Pan- elists: "Myths and Facts About
American Shipyards," John F.
Sullivan, president, Bath Iron
Works Corporation, Bath, Maine; "Adequacy of the Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Mobilization
Base," Ralph W. Cousins, presi- dent, Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., Newport News,
Va.; "U.S. Shipbuilding—An Eco- nomic Force," C. Larry French, president, National Steel & Ship- building Co., San Diego, Calif.; "Recent Influences on Shipyard
Activities," Leonard Erb, presi- dent, Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pasca- goula, Miss. 6:30 p.m.-l a.m., National Pres- ident's Reception—Refreshments, heavy hors d'oeuvres, dancing.
October 13—Thursday—7 a.m.,
Port Secretaries Breakfast, Flag- ship; 9 a.m., Women's Propeller
Club Meeting, Holiday Inn; 9 a.m.-ll:45 a.m., Second Confer- ence Session. Presiding: John T.
Gilbride, conference chairman; 9 a.m., Conference Panel. "Mer- chant Marine Safety and Oil Pol- lution," Moderator: O.R. (Buddy)
Menton, general manager, Marine
Division, Exxon Company, U.S.A.,
Houston, Texas. Panelists: "Ma- rine Safety and Inspection Stand- ards in U.S. Waters," Adm. Owen
W. Siler, USCG, Commandant,
U.S. Coast Guard, Washington,
D.C.; "A Ship Pilot's View of Nav- igation Problems," Capt. Ernest
J. Clothier, president, American
Pilots Association, Washington,
D.C.; "Role of Satellites in Mari- time Shipping," Dr. William J.
Thaler, Director, Office of Tele- communications, Executive Office of the President, Washington,
D.C. 10:30 a.m., Conference Pan- el. "Domestic Waterborne Ship- ping — Under Fire," Moderator:
R.J. Pfeiffer, president, Matson
Navigation Company, San Fran- cisco, Calif. Panelists: "Water- way User Taxes and Locks &
Dam 26 on the Mississippi—Two
Separate Issues," Frank T. Steg- bauer, chairman, American Wa- terways Operators, Memphis,
Tenn.; "Great Lakes Shipping—
A Vital Lifeline," the Honorable
James L. Oberstar, Committee on
Public Works and Transportation,
U.S. House of Representatives,
Washington, D.C.; "Coordination in Domestic Transportation Poli- cies for Progress," William C.
McNeal, consultant, Water Trans- portation, New Orleans, La. 11:30 a.m., Ladies Luncheon and Style Show, Holiday Inn; 11:45 a.m., Luncheon Reception; 12:30 p.m., American Marine In- dustries Luncheon. Presiding:
William H. Johnson, convention co-chairman. Introduction: James
J. Reynolds, president, American
Institute of Merchant Shipping,
Washington, D.C. Speaker: the
Honorable Robert J. Blackwell,
Assistant Secretary for Maritime
Affairs, U.S. Department of Com- merce, Washington, D.C. 6 p.m.-l a.m., Galveston Port
Western Dance at Seawolf Park on Pelican Island. Refreshments and Dinner—Transportation pro- vided to and from hotels.
October 14 — Friday — 8 a.m.,
Women's Propeller Club Board of
Governors; 9 a.m., Women's Pro- peller Club Business Meeting; 9 a.m.-11:45 a.m., Third Conference
Session. Presiding: John T. Gil- bride, conference chairman; 9 a.m., Conference Panel. "Mari- time Industry—More than Ship- ping," Moderator: Thomas B.
Crowley, president, Crowley Mar- itime Corporation, San Francisco,
Calif. Panelists: "Fishing — A
National Resource," Robert W.
Schoning, Director, National Ma- rine Fisheries Service, NOAA,
U.S. Department of Commerce,
Washington, D.C.; "Offshore In- dustry—Progress—Past and Pre- sent," Paul L. Kelley, vice pres- ident, Zapata Corporation, Hous- ton, Texas; "Marine Manufac- turers Role in Marine Industry,"
Frederick W. Hassett, marketing manager, Westinghouse Corp.,
Sunnyvale, Calif. 10:30 a.m., Con- ference Panel. "Cargoes—Surviv- al for American Flag Shipping,"
Old Punt Road, Tomago, N.S.W. 2322
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Telex 47509 14 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News