Page 3rd Cover: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (September 15, 1977)
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Moderator: Thomas J. Smith, president, Farrell Lines Incorpo- rated, New York, N.Y. Panelists: "Energy Transportation Policy,"
Shannon J. Wall, president, Na- tional Maritime Union of N.A.,
New York, N.Y.; "The American
Shipper and American Ships,"
Marc Haines, vice president-
Orient Operations, Mattel Toys,
Inc., Hawthorne, Calif.; "U.S.
Flag Shipping — Cargo Equity,"
M. Lee Rice, president and chief executive officer, Ogden Trans- portation Corp., New York, N.Y. 11:45 a.m., Luncheon Recep- tion. 12:30 p.m., American Mer- chant Marine Conference Lunch- eon. Presiding: Wallace R. Hogan, convention co-chairman. Confer- ence Summary and Introduction:
John T. Gilbride, conference chair- man. Speaker: the Honorable
John M. Murphy, Chairman, Com- mittee on Merchant Marine and
Fisheries, U.S. House of Repre- sentatives, Washington, D.C. 2:30 p.m., Final Convention Business
Meeting. Presiding: Lloyd A.
Strickland, national president. 6 p.m., Banquet Reception. 7 p.m.-l a.m., Annual Banquet of
The Propeller Club of the United
States and the American Mer- chant Marine Conference (Black tie preferred). Dining, Refresh- ments, Dancing and Entertain- ment.
Bulletin Describes
Heavy-Duty Oil
Filtration Systems
Twin Disc, Incorporated, Racine,
Wis., has announced new single and dual heavy-duty oil filtration systems that are compatible ac- cessories for use in many types of hydraulic systems as well as with Twin Disc Power-Shift
Transmissions and Twin Disc Ma- rine Transmissions. Twin Disc recommends these medium pres- sure oil filtration systems to en- sure proper performance and long component life. They are avail- able in 30 or 60-gpm capacities, with 25-micron (nominal) filter elements.
Twin Disc Oil Filters for hy- draulic oil, lubricating oil and diesel fuel can be integral or re- mote mounted. The filter systems are easily installed in the field, or can be specified when order- ing new transmissions. For opti- mum efficiency, Twin Disc Model
MA-678 or MA-679 differential pressure gauges are recommended to indicate when the easily re- placeable filter element should be changed.
Approved Twin Disc Renewal
Parts including filters, filter ele- ments and differential pressure gauges are available from the worldwide network of Twin Disc
Authorized Distributors. For more information on Twin Disc's new line of oil filtration systems, re- quest bulletin 600 from Jack N.
Yetter, Twin Disc, Incorporated,
Racine, Wis. 53403.
September 15, 1977
Eight-Page Brochure
Describes National's
Fully Hydraulic Cranes
National Supply's line of fully hydraulic cranes for offshore op- erations is described in a new eight-page brochure. The three models covered—OS-105, OS-215, and OS-435—offer maximum API load ratings, respectively, of 85,- 900 pounds, 126,000 pounds, and 170,500 pounds. All feature Na- tional's innovative variable pres- sure hydraulic system for opti- mum operator control and crane safety. Boom hoist, main hoist, and fast line hoist and swing have separate hydrostatic circuits so three functions (swing, boom hoist and main line on whip line hoist) can be operated simultane- ously with no loss in speed and power. Unique hydraulic power- down provision allows control over heaviest loads without assistance from the friction brake, saving unnecessary component wear. The brochure contains five pages of charts and tables giving dimen- sions, capacities and performance specifications for each of the three crane sizes.
Write to William D. Marmack,
National Supply Company, 1455
West Loop South, Houston, Texas 77027, for National Pedestal
Cranes Bulletin No. 624. 13
For almost any shipboard condition. Available off-the- shelf or designed for the specific needs of your vessel.
Sound Powered...
Alarms & Monitors...
The simplest and most trouble-free means yet for on-board intercommunications.
Nothing else beats Henschel for reliability.
Signaling devices, rather than noisemakers. Carefully designed to carry the message over conflicting din.
This system is used more widely — and specified more often than any other maker's.
The first choice is Henschel.
To Order...
These Engine Order
Telegraphs have become a familiar symbol of precise ship control.
The current models are even more convenient to use.
To Measure.
Shaft RPM, total turns, and to give an exact readout anywhere on board i o . . jc'iJ if required. _ w i,jui
Especially for Rugged Marine Service enschel COR PORATIQN
Write or Telephone for More Information and Data Sheets
Henschel Corporation 14 Cedar Street, Amesbury, Massachusetts 01913 Telephone; 617-388-1103 Telex: 94-7444
Engine orders/Engineroom reply, throttle settings, actual shaft speed/ direction, and other data are recorded by the Bell Logger. the Time... Displayed, exactly synchronized, anywhere on board with this simple digital system.
Direct engine control from the Bridge is now practical for even the largest vessels. and Clock