Page 39: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (September 1980)

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Charles Vogt Appointed

VP-East Gulf For

Gulf & Eastern SS

Gulf and Eastern Steamship and Chartering Corporation has announced the appointment of

Charles H. Vogt as vice president-

East Gulf, headquartered in New


Mr. Vogt, who was formerly a corporate officer with Roberts

Steamship Agency, has spent many years in the ship agency and trucking business.

Gulf and Eastern has offices and representation throughout the

United States and Gulf. Repre- sentation includes Forest Lines,

Dart Containerize, Pan Atlantic

Line, and Seaboard Shipping.

Hydro Offers New

Offshore Service —Literature Available

Hydro Manufacturing & Sales,

Inc., manufacturers of and serv- ice representatives for high pres- sure water blasting equipment, has recently begun a new service specifically designed for the off- shore industry. The company now offers water blasting equipment and/or personnel on a rental ba- sis for use on offshore rigs. "It makes life a lot simpler for the rig operator," says Joe Parish,

Hydro vice president, "he only has to deal with one contractor . . ."

Hydro Manufacturing & Sales has been providing water blast- ing equipment for the oil, gas and petrochemical industry for the past 15 years.

For free literature and more information, write to Joe Parish,

Hydro Manufacturing, Dept. MR,

P.O. Box 308, Missouri City, Tex- as 77459.

J.J. Henry And Seadrec

Form Joint Venture To

Serve Dredging Clients

The J.J. Henry Company, Inc. of Moorestown, N.J., and Seadrec

Ltd. of Paisley, Scotland, an- nounce the formation of a joint venture company to provide dredge designs, detail construction drawings, associated engineering services, and dredge equipment to clients throughout the United

States and Canada.

Corporate offices for the new company, which will be named

Amalgamated Dredge Engineer- ing, Inc., are located in the

Moorestown office of the J.J.

Henry Company, with additional premises within the Seadrec of- fices at Independence Square in

Philadelphia. The combined re- sources, technology, and in-depth experience of the two parent or- ganizations will enable the new firm to provide immediate design and engineering services, as well as the full line of Seadrec dredge equipment, to dredging contrac- tors, governmental agencies, ship- builders, and ship repair facilities.

The operating vice presidents of the new firm will be David F.

McMullen, assistant vice president of J.J. Henry, and Alexander E.

Jzett, director of American oper- ations for Seadrec. Both men are career employees of their respec- tive companies, and will bring many years of experience to their new positions.

Seadrec Ltd. is the United King- dom's most experienced dredge designer, builder, and supplier of dredging equipment, and has ac- quired international recognition in these highly specialized fields. The

J.J. Henry Company is one of the leading naval architectural and marine engineering firms in the

U.S., and has built a reputation through the years for innovative, economical and practical ship de- signs as well as becoming one of the nation's largest independent producers of detail construction drawings.

Both firms in the past have in- dependently provided engineering services and support to the Army

Corps of Engineers in their hop- per dredge building program, as well as to other dredging-related clients throughout the United

States. n "»i i 'u standard 10 Range Scales • 14,%.i/4,l1/2,3,6,12,24,48,64-miles. standard

Exclusive Power Boost • Positive pick-up of small targets.

True-motion Display with

Electronic Track Plotting. stands0

Unmatched warranty and worldwide service back-up.

All Raytheon products have a two-year limited parts warranty plus one-year free on-board service within 50 miles of any of our U.S. dealers and worldwide service network in major ports everywhere.

To get the big radar picture, contact any authorized dealer or Raytheon Marine Company, 676

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Hampshire 03103 (603) 668-1600




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Economical 12-inch Raytheon Radars give you 78% more picture than 9-inch sets and 44% more than 10-inch sets more standard features than any radar in its class.

Now you can get a 12-inch, 64-mile. 25-kW radar with a big picture and performance features that only Raytheon offers as "standard equipment."

In fact, add available options to other 9 and 10-inch sets and they can cost more and still not deliver all the performance features that are standard on every 12-inch Raytheon

Mariners Pathfinder" Radar. stand^°

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Exclusive Interference Rejection • Ensures noise-free picture. • Improves contrast, especially for weak targets. • Can be used full-time, even near land. standaR°

Automatic Intensity Control • Entire scope uniformly bright. • Increases CRT life by eliminating center burn-out.

Big 12-inch Picture • 78% larger than 9-inch radar. • 44% larger than 10-inch radar. • Larger presentation of vital data. stand**0


Without Compression • Up to 70% more forward viewing available on 'A to 24 mile ranges. standard

Powerful 25-kW Transmitter • Long distance punch. • Defines weak targets. • Penetrates heavy weather. stand^d

Variable Range Marker • Precise ranging out to 64 NM. • Continuous digital readout. standard

Exclusive Panel Back-lighting • Adjustable illumination. • Easy nighttime operation.


Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.