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Furuno Offers

Two New Sonars-

Literature Available

Furuno has announced the avail- ability of two new high-perform- ance sonars for commercial and sport fishermen. Both units offer an exceptionally wide range of standard features, such as auto- matic target tracking, 1-kw out- put power, choice of 60 or 150- kHz operating frequency, a com- pact and rugged hull unit and sound dome with 0 to 90-degree tilt, automatic or manual train, and adjustable sector scan.

The Model FH-107 has an ultra- compact display unit featuring a 7-inch CRT (integral magnifier presents 12-inch equivalent pic- ture) and six selectable ranges out to 2,600 feet. Available as an option is Furuno's SI-105A sonar range indicator, which provides direct digital readout slant or horizontal range and target depth.

The Furuno FH-106, with its high-persistence, 10-inch CRT, of- fers a much broader range of standard features. Six range steps to 5,200 feet are provided, each of which has a variable "fine tuning" zoom capability within the range selected. A built-in dig- ital display shows tilt angle plus

VRM for maximum screen range, slant range to target, or horizon- tal distance to target.

The key operating feature of the FH-106 is the memory dis- play. An IC memory stores target echoes after one transmission pulse, then repeats them while the sweep smoothly continues ro- tating. This feature provides an exceptionally clear "radar-like" picture not available in other step-by-step searchlight sonars.

In addition, visibility in long- range detection is increased dra- matically due to the steady, non- fading echoes.

Both sonars may be supplied in 12-, 24-, or 32-volt dc versions (ac operation with optional rec- tifier) , and are now in stock for immediate delivery.

For further information on these new sonars, write to Wil- liam Dupre, Furuno U.S.A., Inc.,

Dept. MR, P.O. Box 2343, South

San Francisco, Calif. 94080.

T. Yakushijin Named

General Manager For

NYK In San Francisco

Kunio Hashida, NYK Line's general manager in San Fran- cisco for the past three years, has been appointed research com- missioner in charge of special projects in the management co- ordination chamber at the com- pany's Tokyo headquarters. Suc- ceeding Mr. Hashida as general manager in San Francisco is

Toshiro Yakushijin, formerly as- sistant general manager for NYK in Osaka.

Mr. Hashida, who joined NYK in 1952, served in Hamburg for three years and in Paris for seven years before he was assigned to

San Francisco in August 1977.

Mr. Yakushijin, who joined

NYK in 1954, also served in for- eign offices, including Nairobi and

Johannesburg, prior to his Osaka assignment.

NYK is represented as general agents by Matson Agencies in

West Coast ports, Alaska, and


Catalog On Worm Gears

Available From Delroyd

Division Of Transamerica

A new 16-page, illustrated cat- alog has just been published by

Delroyd Worm Gear Division of

Transamerica Delaval Inc.

The catalog presents summa- ries of engineering information on six distinct product lines: worm gear sets with reduction ratios from 5:1 to 180:1; single- reduction speed reducers with ra- tios from 5:1 to 70:1; helical- worm speed reducers with ratios from 15:1 to 355:1; double-worm speed reducers with ratios from 75:1 to 4,900 :1; worm gear drives with ratios from 5:1 to 100:1; and a line of non-standard gearing and speed reduction equipment.

Free copies of the new catalog may be obtained by writing to

Walt Lee, Transamerica Delaval

Inc., Delroyd Worm Gear Divi- sion, Dept. MR, P.O. Box 8633,

Trenton, NJ 08650.





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