Page 11: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (May 15, 1981)
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Halpern. The award is named af- ter the late T. Douglas MacMul- len, West Coast correspondent for
Marine Engineering / Log maga- zine, who suggested that the spouse of the Section chairman should be recognized by a special award for her patience and un- derstanding during his tenure.
The technical portion of the program consisted of a paper by
Mark R. liuetzow of Chevron
Shipping Company titled "De- jumboizing of Four 212,000-dwt
VLCC's to 150,000 dwt." Between
January and October 1980, the tanker D.L. Bower and three sis- ter vessels were shortened by re- moving 101 feet of parallel mid- body from each. Various other modifications were carried out to meet current safety and pollution control regulations as well. The vessels are now in service be- tween Indonesia and the U.S.
West Coast.
Economic and engineering con- siderations that led to the con- versions as an alternative to pur- chase of new vessels were de- scribed in the paper. The paper also gave characteristics of the vessels before and after conver- sion, and details of how the con- version was accomplished. The presentation was illustrated with slides showing the shortening process, and was followed by an extensive discussion.
Seaport Asks Title XI
On Two Derrick Barges
To Cost $7.5 Million Total
Seaport, Inc., New Orleans, has applied to the Maritime Adminis- tration for a Title XI guarantee to aid in financing the construc- tion of two 250-foot derrick barges to be operated in New
Orleans Harbor. The applicant is a subsidiary of Southern Harbor & Towing, Inc., Metairie, La.
The barges are being built by
Bergeron Industries, Braithwaite,
La., and Todd Shipyards, Galves- ton, Texas, with deliveries sched- uled during the first and second quarters of 1981. The requested guarantee is for $6,562,000, which is 87% percent of the $7,500,000 estimated cost of both vessels.
Mobil Orders Sperry
Advanced Navigation
System For The 'Mobile Search'
Mobil Exploration and Produc- ing Services, Inc., a unit of the
Exploration and Producing Divi- sion of Mobil Oil Corporation, has awarded the Sperry Division,
Great Neck, N.Y., of Sperry Cor- poration contracts to develop and produce one of the most advanced navigation systems ever devel- oped for a commercial ship.
The navigation system will be used aboard Mobil's second Seis- mic Research Vessel, the Mobile
Search, whose keel is expected to be laid in mid-1981 by Mitsubishi
Heavy Industries Ltd. of Japan.
The Sperry navigation system
May 15, 1981 will allow Mobil to conduct world- wide seismic oil exploration with high positioning accuracy. In- cluded in the equipment being provided by Sperry are: two
Sperry MK 29 Mod 1 high accu- racy gyrocompasses, a newly de- veloped Sperry Parametric Array
Doppler Sonar (PADS) system, two Sperry SRD 301 speed logs, two specially modified Sperry CAS
II collision avoidance systems, a dual Sperry Universal Gyropilot and both X- and S-band models of the Sperry MK 4016 SEA-
THRU radars.
In addition, Sperry will provide the computer equipment, Loran C and satellite navigation receivers and the navigation system dis- plays and controls. The entire system will be integrated utiliz- ing all available navigation in- puts and appropriate sensor in- formation to produce the best possible estimate of ship position and velocity at all times. Ad- vanced signal processing pro- grammed on a powerful 32-bit minicomputer will enable the
Sperry navigation system to ex- ceed the accuracy limitations in deep water of previous commer- cial navigation systems. The sys- tem is easily expandable to in- clude inputs from a bottom acous- tic transponder system and, when available, the Navstar Global Po- sitioning System.
Inert Gas Systems • Equipment Supply • Survey and Drawings • Pipework and Cabling • Installation Supervision • Commissioning
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