Page 48: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (September 1981)
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Cargo Handling
Equipment — Salzgitter-Kocks (continued from page 48) pany manufactures a complete line of shiploaders, conveyor belt systems, conveyor belt stackers, bucket wheel loaders/reclaimers, and blending facilities.
A full line of anchoring and
Norcontrol was in 1970 one of the first to introduce computerized collision avoi dance and integrated navi- gation systems for ships. • 10 years of experience • development of three generations of navigation systems • 300 navigation systems in operation, are facts guaranteeing system quality and reliability. mooring equipment is also offered, including windlasses, chain stop- pers and capstans.
Electric, hydraulic, steam, or diesel drive winches are available, some up to 250 tons pull.
A notable installation of Kocks in the United States is the con- tainer cranes at the Port of Sa- vannah, Ga.
A 62-page catalog is available describing the full Salzgitter-
Kocks line. It includes photos, drawings, specification tables, di- mensions, etc. For a free copy,
Write 35 on Reader Service Card
AB Siwertell of Sweden custom designs and builds ship unloaders that can discharge a wide variety of materials from dry bulk car- riers. The company is represented in the United States by Salwico,
Inc. of Hoboken, N.J. Compared with pneumatic systems, the
Siwertell unloader offers addi- tional features such as: consid- erably lower power requirement; reduced maintenance and cost for air filters; and ability to handle a wider range of materials.
Free-flowing materials that have well-defined angle of repose are unloaded easily by the Siwer- tell system. These include gran- ules such as grains, fertilizers, nuts, and soy beans, and parti- cles such as alumina, rock phos- phate, and soda ash. The system also handles materials that can form steep-angled banks and hard crusts and for which digging pow- er is essential. Examples are pow- ders such as cement, flour, lime, and potato starch; granules such as pellets; and particles includ- ing bauxite, coal, coke, salt, sul- phur, and wood chips.
The Siwertell screw conveyor transports the material vertically to the boom, where it is dis- charged into a horizontal screw conveyor between the outer end of the boom and the center of the slewing tower, from which it is fed down through the slewing ring. From this point, transporta- tion is arranged to suit local re- quirements. Capacity range is normally 100 to 1,000 tons per hour, but higher capacities can also be economical, depending on the material handled and the size of the ships. Being a closed sys- tem, it presents no air pollution problems when fine powders are handled.
A Siwertell ship unloader de- livered to Rinker Materials Cor- poration in Port Canaveral, Fla. has a capacity of 600 tons per hour (cement), is operated from a portable controller, and can un- load ships of up to 30,000 dwt.
For additional information and free literature on the Siwertell ship unloader,
Write 48 on Reader Service Card
Skagit's Series 300 pedestal cranes are the latest in a long line of offshore cranes designed and manufactured by the Sedro-
Woolley, Wash, company, a divi- sion of Continental Emsco Com- pany. Each is a product of 25 years of practical experience, re- search, and development of off- shore cranes. Since Skagit built its first offshore crane for the
U.S. Air Force in 1956, it has de- veloped more than 25 different models and built more than 150 separate crane units.
Tubular lattice booms 60 feet long come standard with all Se- ries 300 cranes. Using 20-foot boom sections, a maximum length of 120 feet can be obtained. Boom sections are pin-connected and easy to assemble; a 5-foot whip extension with single sheave is provided. Boom design conforms to ABS and API design criteria.
The 300 offers operator com- fort, ease of control, and quick response. Controls and gauges are placed to make every move, every
Collision avoidance
The DataBridge 7 is an Automatic Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA) complying with IMCO recommendations, MARAD
Standard (USCG), the Norwegian Mari- time Directorate and British DTI require- ments. Offering collision warning, posi- tioning, traffic assessment, trial manoe- uvre, search area control and fairway/ barriers control, DataBridge 7 effectively contributes to increased safety in busy waters.
Integrated navigation
The DataBridge 4 inte- grated navigation system is an aid to achieve the safe and economical performance of voyages. Besides advan- ced collision avoidance facilities, the DataBridge 4 offers improved routeing and steering performance, there- by saving fuel and/or time.
Vessel traffic management
Norcontrol has introduced a new generation of land- based radar surveillance and control systems to assist in the guidance of shipping.
Traffic and radar information may be ^^^ digitized and transferred from several radar stations for display on one inte- ^WW grated screen. All relevant data concer- ^ ning each and every vessel is available, giving the operators an overall view of the whole traffic situation in a surveil- lance area.
A well-known maritime brand
NORWAY: Head office: Norcontrol, P.O.B. 145, N-3191 Horten, Norway, Tel. (033) 41 436, Telex 21072 norol n.
USA: Kongsberg North America Inc, Maritime Division, 135 Fort Lee Road, Leonia, New Jersey 07605, USA. Tel.: 201/947-6788, Telex 135-115.
U.K.: Kongsberg Ltd, UK, Maritime Division, Kongsberg House, 4, Tavistock Place, London WC1H9RA, England, Tel: 01-2787371, Telex 261433.
SINGAPORE: Kongsberg (Singapore), Pie, Ltd, Maritime Division, Unit 409, Cuppage Centre, 55, Cuppage Road, Singapore 0922, Tel: 7378711, Telex: rs 23609 kvspore. 50 Write 472 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News