Page 18: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (October 1981)
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Gastech '81 (Continued from page 19) the presentation of technical pa- pers, there will be a number of workshop sessions covering a wide range of technical developments.
The full schedule for the Con- ference is as follows:
Monday, October 19 3:00 pm—Delegate registration.
Tuesday, October 20 9:00 am—Delegate registration. 9:00 am—Gastech Exhibition opens. 11:30 am—Chairmen and speak- ers' Luncheon (invitation only). 2:00 pm—Opening remarks. 2:15 pm—Session 1: World Gas
Supplies. Chairman: Aman R.
Khan, president, GDC Inc.,
Chicago. 2:30 pm — Natural Gas for Eu- rope—A Personal Viewpoint by
Dr. Christoph Brecht, director,
Ruhrgas AG and Deutsche Ve- rein des Gas -und Wasserfachs. 3:00 pm—The USSR Gas Indus- try Development and Soviet
Natural Gas Exports to West- ern Europe by Y.V. Baranov- sky, general director v/o "So- juzgazexport", Moscow. 3:30 pm—Coffee break. 4:00 pm—Algeria's Natural Gas
Export Policy by Dr. M. Bel- guedj, director of gas exports,
Sonatrach, Algeria.
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NEW 0RLEANS/H0UST0N/GALVEST0N 4:30 pm—International Trade in
LNG: Present Projects and Fu- ture Outlook by Edward K.
Faridany, managing director,
Ocean Phoenix Gas Transport
BV, Rotterdam, The Nether- lands. 5:00 pm—Opportunities for the
Utilization of Natural Gas in the Developing Countries by
George D. Carameros Jr., chair- man, International Gas Devel- opment Corp., Houston, Texas. 5:30 pm—Gastech Welcome
Wednesday, October 21 9:00 am—Session 2: LPG Produc- tion and Trade. Chairmen: M.J.
Bovvers, managing director, BP
Gas Ltd., London, and M.D.
Tusiani, Poten and Partners,
Inc., New York, N.Y. 9:15 am—International Session:
A Petrochemical Company's
View on LPG as a Feedstock:
Today and in the Future by
W.S. Buck, commercial director,
Dow Chemical Europe, S.A.,
Horgen, Switzerland ; Abu
Dhabi's Views on the LPG In- dustry by A.W. Maoui, market- ing director, Abu Dhabi Na- tional Oil Company, Abu Dhabi,
United Arab Emirates; Saudi
Arabia's Views on the LPG In- dustry by A. Showail, general manager, Oil and Gas Division,
General Petroleum and Mineral
Organization (Petromin),
Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, and
A Japanese View of the Cur- rent LPG Situation and a Look
Toward the Future by K. Su- zuki, general manager, London
Branch, Idemitsu Kosan Co.,
Ltd., Tokyo. Panelists: J.
Mama, head, Sales Section,
Marketing and Transportation
Dept., Qatar General Petroleum
Corporation, Dha, Qatar; L.A.
Nielsen, president, Trammo Gas and Petrochemicals Ltd., Lon- don ; C.R. Omana, supply and marketing coordinator, Petro- leos De Venezuela, S.A., Ca- racas, Venezuela, and E.W.
Ross, manager, International
Sales, Exxon International
Company, New York, N.Y. 12:30 pm—Luncheon for Confer- ence delegates. 2:15 pm — European/North Sea
Session: The Shipping and Ter- minalling of Gas Liquids in Eu- rope by Dr. C.L. Beevers, man- ager, Economics Logistics and
Project Coordination, LPG Mar- kets Division, Shell Interna- tional Petroleum Ltd., London, and The Development of New
Markets in Europe (speaker to be announced), and The Devel- opment of New LPG Resources in the North Sea by T.D. Fitz- maurice, vice president - NGL and Chemical Feedstocks, Phil- lips Petroleum Company Eu- rope* Africa, London. Panelists:
R. Boudet, chairman, Geogas
Enterprise, S.A., Geneva, Switz- erland ; D. Butters, head, Feed- stocks, Energy and Raw Mate- rials Dept., Imperial Chemical
Industries Ltd., Wilton, U.K.;
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