Page 33: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (October 1981)
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LOOP Shakedown Smooth,
Handles Seven Large
Tankers Without A Hitch
The first U.S. deepwater oil port appears to be handling
ULCCs and VLCCs without prob- lems.
The Louisiana Offshore Oil
Port (LOOP), located 19 miles into the Gulf of Mexico, has re- ceived seven large bulk carriers up to 417,000 dwt in its first quarter of operation. Officials re- port the facility has been oper- ating without any major hitches.
LOOP is in its "test and check out" phase — it is operating at well below its design capacity of 1.4-million daily barrels of crude.
Officials are checking out all parts of the system, experimenting with different pumps to insure that when the facility is called upon to operate closer to capac- ity, everything will be in work- ing order.
Ashore work is progressing on eight large storage cavities at the
Clovelly Salt Dome some 28 miles inland. Two of the caverns are near completion. LOOP officials expect that by mid to late No- vember they will be ready to store oil.
LOOP will not be capable of operating at capacity until all the caverns are utilized by the end of 1982.
Fluid Film Gel B Exotic Coatings
None to minimum surface preparation
Sandblasting required.
Can be applied to damp surface.
Dry surface required
Needs only one coat Two to three coats required.
No curing time needed 48 hours curing time necessary.
Over 400°F flash point during application 110°F flash point during application
Three-year no-rust guarantee
No other guarantees known
Chart comparison based on in-service ballast tank applications.
This guarantee does not cover applications where our specifications were not followed or to in-service vessels where Fluid Film may have been applied over loose, non-adhering rust/scale. It also does not cover any area where the material was removed.
World Headquarters 234 Lawrence Avenue, South San
Francisco. CA 94080, Tel: (415) 761-3536, Telex: 349-465
Gulf Coast Division 9630 Clarewood Drive, Space C 5
Houston.Texas 77036.Tel: (713) 772-3772 • Mr • Petticrew
East Coast Division Rouse Tower. Suite 4000 6060 Jefferson Avenue, Newport News, Virginia 23605,
Tel: (804) 380-8220
Singapore/Brunei Lindeteves-Jacoberg (Far East) Re.
Ltd , No. 1 Commonwealth Lane, P.O. Box 1058, Singapore, 3, Telex: 21421, Tel: 647191 • Mr. A. J. Cathery
Kota Kinabalu Lindeteves-Jacoberg (Sabah) Sdn
Bhd , 5, Tanjong Lipat Road, PO Box 369, Kota Kinabalu,
Sabah, Malaysia, Telex: 80031, Tel: 55611 & 55612 •
Mr Th Broeksma
Kuala Lumpur Lindeteves-Jacoberg (M) Stn.
Bhd , P.O. Box 369, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Telex: 37579,
Tel: 775511 • Mr J. G. Bouma
Japan Nichimen Company. Ltd., 15, Nakanoshima 2-Chome, Kita-Ku, Osaka 530, Japan, Telex: 63247, Tel (06) 345-2111 • Mr Y. Sawada
United Kingdom Highgate & Job Ltd , 60 Murray Street,
Paisley. Scotland PA3 1QH, Telex: 77189, Tel: 041-889-3207 •
Mr John Hicks
Highgate & Job Ltd., 35 Regent Road, Liverpool, England
L5 9TB, Telex: 629264 • Mr M. C. Cameron
Federal Republic of Germany Alfred Hodt. Postfach 11 15 26, Hopfenmarkt 33, 2000 Hamburg 11, Federal Republic of Germany, Telex: 211088, Tel: (040) 362521 • Mr B. Schultz
Sweden and Finland Henning Stenbeck AB, P.O
Box 23. S 182 51 Djursholm Sweden, Telex: 10270. Tel: (08) 755-2775 • Mr Bengt Bergstrom
Norway and Denmark A/S Bergstrom & Co .
Gravdalsveien 14, Oslo 7. Norway, Telex 11772, Tel: 225872 • Mr. Arild Honne
Rust is the cancer.
Fluid Film is the answer.
EUREKA CHEimiCflLCOmPflnV $3.6-Million Crane
Contract Awarded For
Naval Shipyard
Ederer Incorporated, Seattle,
Wash., has been awarded a $3,- 644,614 fixed price contract for five overhead traveling bridge cranes and two wall cranes at the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard,
Bremerton, Wash., following com- petition in which two bids were received. The Naval Facilities En- gineering Command, Northern
Division, was the contractor.
P.T. Indospec Formally
Recognized As Certification
Agency In Indonesia
P.T. Indospec, in association with the American Bureau of
Shipping (ABS), was formally recognized recently as a certifi- cation agency by the Indonesian
Ministry of Oil and Natural Gas (MIGAS) to insure that offshore installations and equipment com- ply with Indonesian regulations which it administers and en- forces.
ABS provides technical assist- ance to P.T. Indospec in perform- ing certification services. This formal recognition reflects the satisfaction of MIGAS with the training of Indospec personnel, as well as with the technical ca- pabilities of the ABS offshore installation department.
From July 1979 until the offi- cial recognition in July 1981, P.T.
Indospec in association with ABS was extended provisional recogni- tion by MIGAS. With this new status, the certification agency expects an increase in the num- ber of projects. P.T. Indospec and ABS are presently involved in eight offshore construction projects.
Drew Ameroid Offers
Data Sheets On Cooling
Water Treatment System
Drew Ameroid Marine's Maxi- gard® Program, a multifunctional cooling water treatment for me- dium- and high-speed diesel en- gines, is described in a new folder and data sheets available from the Boonton, N.J. company. De- signed specifically for workboats, tugs, fishboats, towboats, crew- boats, and utility vessels, the treatment is designed to prevent corrosion and mineral scale in re- circulating cooling water systems.
Maxigard is a multi-component inhibitor that protects against variable metal corrosion and re- duces corrosion due to cavitation.
It maintains heat transfer effec- tiveness and helps prevent over- heating caused by sludge and mineral scale deposits.
For additional information on
Maxigard and free copies of the data sheets,
Write 37 on Reader Service Card •JSSBSMml
Photo from ABSTECH report shows no rust damage after 9J4 years. When Fluid Film (A) was scraped away from ballast tanks, no oxidation was found on base metal (B).
October 1, 1981 Write 495 on Reader Service Card 41