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The Blanche V is powered by twin Cummins KTA-1150M diesel engines.
Iowa Marine Delivers
M/V Blanche V To Gibbons Marine
Iowa Marine Shipyard of
Keokuk, Iowa, recently delivered the M/V Blanche V to Gibbons
Marine of Beardstown, 111.
The Blanche is an IM-60 class vessel, 60 feet by 24 feet by 8 feet with an operating draft of 6 feet. She is powered by twin
Cummins KTA-1150M diesels developing 940 hp at 1,800 rpm, driving through Twin Disc MG- 518 gears with 6:1 ratio. Power is supplied to the 64-inch by 50- inch Kahlenberg stainless-steel propellers.
Generators are 30-kw Lima-
Mac driven by John Deere 4219 diesels. Iowa Marine president
Tom Edwards says: "One of the things we have always attempted to do is provide equipment that is easily serviceable, and this
John Deere engine is an old line, widely used engine. Parts and service are available in just about every town where there is a John
Deere dealer."
Steering is an Iowa Marine design, mechanical over hydrau- lic, full follow-up with each main engine driving a hydraulic gear pump. There are two steering and four flanking rudders which give the vessel exceptional handling capabilities.
The bilge system is designed to allow any compartment on the vessel to be pumped and also al- lows for discharge overboard, to the slop tank, or to the stern ballast tanks. By utilizing the sea cock, the engine room and the entire exterior of the vessel can be washed down.
The pilothouse is equipped with a Regency MT-5500 all channel
VHF radio, a Raytheon 400 Hail- er-Intercom, two Carlisle Finch incandescent searchlights, full in- strumentation and alarm systems.
Twin Nabrico 20-ton winches are enclosed in the forward deck locker for protection and to pro- vide a large, clean front deck.
She is equipped with a fleet deck for easy access to empty barges.
The vessel is also equipped with a 12-volt automatic Jabsco bilge pump which discharges the stuffing box drains directly over- board, a Humphrey sanitary sys- tem, and a Dayton air compres- sor. The hull is of %-inch plate with %-inch rounded corners and 1 --inch over the stern sections.
Gibbons Marine is owned by
Mr. and Mrs. Don Gibbons of
Beardstown. The Blanche V joins the M V Capt. Elmer in their operations and at present is being operated by Morris Harbor Serv- ice between St. Louis and Lemont on the Illinois River in the tow- ing trade. She delivered nine barges to Grafton on her maiden voyage southbound. The Blanche
V is named for Mrs. Elmer Logs- don, mother of Mrs. Lee Gibbons.
EMD Introduces New
Fuel-Efficient Diesel —Brochure Available
The new Electro-Motive Division 645E7C diesel engine.
Electro-Motive Division of Gen- eral Motors, LaGrange, 111., re- cently introduced a new Series 645 engine. This engine will pro- vide workboat owners a 3 percent reduction in fuel consumption over previous models. The im- provements in this engine model are the latest in a series which has seen a fuel consumption re- duction of more than 6 percent since 1977.
The new "EC" engine series combines innovative design fea- tures that ensure superior field performance, extended operating service, and enable the engine to withstand higher operating pres- sures, with state-of-the-art tur- bocharger technology. "This new model," said T.J.
Lehman, EMD marine sales man- ager, "represents the latest step in our continuing efforts to pro- vide our customers with the most fuel-efficient diesel, while main- taining our historically high lev- els of reliability, interchange- ability, and maintainability. We are very excited about this more fuel-efficient model. Further, we expect even more improvements in fuel efficiency in the future."
The "EC" engine turbocharger incorporates a newly designed impeller, compressor diffuser, and a change in the turbine nozzle.
The resulting increase in com- pressor and turbine efficiency im- proves the overall fuel efficiency of the engine.
Previous key elements of the EMD turbocharger — the strengthened turbine wheel, high capacity planetary gearing, and spring drive gear — have been retained.
The new engine uses a 16:1 compression ratio fire ring piston.
The increase in compression ratio from 14.5:1 produces the same power output with less fuel. The fire ring design further improves fuel efficiency by effectively pro- viding a long power stroke. Also, the unit fuel injector features a large diameter .50-inch plunger and a low sac spray tip, which improve combustion efficiency.
Holding the cylinder and liner in place is an improved bolting
Industries, Inc.
INC expansion pro- gram triples production capacity
Conrad builds fuel, spud, deck, self pro- pelled barges • Accurate • Swift • Streamlined • Cost efficient • In business since 1948
P. O. Box 790 Morgan City, Louisiana 70381 (504) 384-3060
Data: 1580 HP Fire Fighting Data: 102' x 27' x 10' 6 Monitors with stream/fog/foam 250 GRT nozzles output 1800 gal/min at 120 PS1 foamite output 60 gal/min at 120
PSI foam capacity 6000 gal. 4 deck hose connections
Telephone: 506-652-3540
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