Page 25: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (March 1983)
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NASSCO Awarded $41.5-
Million Contract Increase
For SL-7 Conversions
National Steel and Shipbuild- ing Company, San Diego, Calif., has been awarded a $41,556,693 face-value-increase to a previous- ly awarded cost-plus-fixed-fee contract for Government Speci- fied Equipment (GSE) (long lead time material) for conversion of two SL-7 ships to TAKR (fast logistic ship). This includes hatch covers, 35T and 50T cranes, side port hatches, portable ramps and platforms, fuel pumps and mo- tors and fuel strainers, and wa- tertight bulkhead doors. The
Naval Sea Systems Command,
Washington, D.C., is the con- tracting activity (N00024-82-C- 2234).
Castelvecchi Named
Corporate Purchasing
Agent At Ships Supply
Frank Castelvecchi
Frank Castelvecchi has been named corporate purchasing agent for Ships Supply Inc. of
Jacksonville, Fla., by Michael C.
Kenney, president of the com- pany that supplies provisions, deck, and engine equipment to vessels and industrial plants.
Mr. Castelvecchi, who was as- sociated with North Florida Ship- yards as purchasing agent before joining Ships Supply, will recom- mend policy and assist in devel- oping and administering policy on matters concerning corporate purchasing.
The new corporate purchasing agent will have control of an in- ventory numbering thousands of items that include anchors to engine parts to food supplies.
Ships Supply also maintains an office and warehouse in Tampa.
The company serves Charleston,
S.C.; Savannah and Brunswick,
Ga.; and Cape Canaveral, Port
Everglades and Miami, Fla. Other ports include Aruba, San Juan,
Bahamas, and Curacao.
Honeywell Forms New
Undersea Sensor Group
Honeywell Marine Systems Di- vision, of Seattle, Wash., recent- ly created a new group to expand development activities in under- water transducer technology. The
Undersea Sensor Group draws
Write 722 on Reader Service Card • into one business unit the engi- neering, management, and lab- oratory resources necessary to support all of the division's acoustic sensor design and small- quantity manufacturing activi- ties.
By concentrating these capa- bilities under one head, the new organization is designed to more efficiently meet projected future requirements for underwater acoustic equipment.
The new Honeywell group fits within the company's Seattle- based Marine Systems Division (MSD), a leader in naval acoustic equipment and ocean engineer- ing services. Since 1951, MSD has developed and produced a wide spectrum of underwater sensor products for both government and commercial applications in the United States and abroad.
Commercial products generally related to acoustic positioning systems such as beacons, trans- ponders, and the corresponding shipboard equipment also are produced.
Head of the specialized under- sea sensor team is Robert D.
Isaak, most recently product line manager for advanced systems at MSD and former head of the
Sonic Sonar and Countermeas- ures Division of the U.S. Naval
Undersea Center, San Diego,
Save 10% to 30% on fuel costs.
Introducing the Avicon Monitor 205 fuel management system.
What others promise,
Avicon delivers.
The Avicon Monitor 205 computer-based fuel management system has proved it sharply reduces vessel operating costs.
Assures maximum engine performance and minimum fuel consumption. Gives early warning of hull fouling, engine and ell
WATER SPEED (Knots) propeller troubles.
All the data needed for efficient fuel management. At the push of a button.
The Avicon Monitor 205 provides needed data quickly, easily, positively.
Includes vessel speed, RPM, fuel flow, efficiency, fuel used, propeller slip, time and distance. Function input data includes fuel viscosity and density, fuel flow and RPM alarms, time periods for averaging, speed and fuel flow, and pitch of fixed propellers.
Continuous monitoring.
Once the Avicon Monitor 205 has quickly established fuel savings procedures, it helps ships' personnel carry them out. Effectively saves fuel at running speeds, low speeds, and idling.
Makes en route fuel savings decisions routine. Increases crews' knowledge of fuel saving procedures. Provides positive proof of effectiveness. Provides positive
Performance curve chart. motivation for crews to conserve fuel.
Effective, cost-saving fuel management becomes a reality.
The performance chart shown at left plots water speed in knots versus fuel- consumption-per-mile for a typical vessel.
It shows that very low speeds do not necessarily result in better efficiency. Note the speed at which any increase or decrease in power setting produces ever smaller increases in fuel efficiency (points of diminishing return).
Because the Avicon Monitor 205 automatically computes and displays fuel consumption at any water speed, it quickly generates the data needed for your own vessels' performance curves.
Doppler log needs no through- hull fitting.
While any log with a 200 ppm output can be used as a water speed sensor for the Monitor 205, the Avicon
Sonilog™ Doppler Log is recommended. The Sonilog is easily installed inside steel hulls. Unlike other doppler logs, the Sonilog's transducer does not require through-hull installation.
Your R.0.1. is fast, significant.
The Avicon Monitor 205 provides a substantial Return On Investment- quickly pays for itself in months.
Sometimes, only weeks!
Yes, we can prove it! The operator of one vessel had his investment returned it just 3 weeks. He saved $75,000 on fuel during a 17-week voyage. Other ship operators' Returns On investment are equally dramatic. Yours can be, too.
We warranty it.
Superb engineering design, use of the finest system components, rigorous quality control during manufacturing, anc extensive reliability testing at sea allows
Avicon to provide, with confidence, a 2-year warranty against defects in materia and workmanship for the Monitor 205.
Don't let your profits go up in smoke!
Order now.
Every day your vessels are without the Avicon Monitor 205, fuel is wasted, profits are lost-forever! Ask your dealer for complete information. Or contact Avicon direct.
SONILOG" doppler speed log transducers are mounted inside steel hulls. jMJlfWdThe heart m WIVVI1 of your fuel management program.
AVICON CORPORATION 7750 East Redfield Road, Scottsdale,
AZ 85260 U.S.A. (602)998-0991